5 o'clock's winter garden

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I have read alot about Haze lately and want to try it on my next grow. I will be looking for a different strain every year from now on. Everything I have grown so far has been bag seed but it has given me something to pratice with before I invest in some real beans. I will be looking for 4 great indinca's after that. I also found a seed sight that has a bunch of pure landrace strains including Columbian Gold.

Eventually I will pick 4-5 that I really like and start cross breeding to make some strains of my own...

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I need to find the right strains to breed so I will be growing seeds that I can buy first then select what I think is the best from what i grow and start breeding them.

First i gotta narrow down the Haze strains.. Anybody else?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your going to have fun. Be careful when your breeding, it may take a while to establish a stable phenotype.

To produce seeds you can either collect the pollen and rub it on the mother plant with a q tip or what I do is clone the mother plant, throw it into 12/12 to flower around the same time as the male and pollinate just that clone, you should have more than enough seeds if it is in the same area as your male genetic donor.

What properties are you trying to produce through your breeding?

Different stone?
Different appearance?
Different smell? Ect?

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I'm looking for that Haze high they all talk about. Warm clear head and gets you up and moving, that lets you think without pounding your heart out of your chest...

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
13 days into flower and they are making a ton of buds all over....

The clones have started to root. I added some root stimulator to the water on this res change. I hope it keeps them from getting to nute deprived.

The males are podded to the max. It wont be long before they break open and let their pollen loose...

I tried some genfranco super cropping on some of the plants.I had heard that if you pinch the stem and cause a buldge it will cause the buds that are fed from that stem to be larger than normal due to the increased nute uptake. We'll see.

I also bought some flo's to put under the plants shining up to get light to the lower buds. I will put them together and put up some pic's tomorrow...


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I was a little late checking in on the plants last night and it's a good thing I did. I found that when i was rotating them I must have bumped the timer because the green trip lever that turns the lights on had been knocked out of place and the lights hadn't come on. I reset it an hour and a half late but bumped the timer up so they would get 11.5 hours of light last night and go back on their regular schedule today. Sure glad I checked on them.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
yourll be reet 5 but u was lucky lol:joint:
Lucky indeed. I added some more lights at the bottem of the plant's for the bottem buds. I will add one more and have one every other row with 6 rows total. So a recap brings us to 2 400w HPS and 4 40w flos for a total of just under a 1000 w total in a 4x4 area. I'd say I'm pretty well covered. Looking for a good crop at harvest. Gotta watch the trics on this grow as all of these are bag seed with no way of knowing flowering period.

I'm narrowing down my choices for the Haze grow. I'm thinking G13, SSH, Nevilles, and Arjun. I may add a 5th, Amnesia.....

The boys are dropping pollen.... I will gather some tomorrow.....


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Ok here is the first attempt at gathering pollen. The tallest plant was dusting everything as I pulled it out of the box. I put a white poster board down in the shower stall so I could wash away any pollen that may escape the paper. I carefully shook the branches and scraped up the pollen. i bent the stem when I put it back supercrop style as it was touching the top of the box and dropping pollen as it scraped along the top as I pulled it out.

The second plant wasn't quite as far along and produced about a 1/4 as much pollen. Both samples went into seperate jars. I will keep this up a few times a week til i feel i have enough for breeding.

After gathering up the pollen I washed the shower down and will change clothes before I go in to check the ladies tonight.....



Well-Known Member
Ok here is the first attempt at gathering pollen. The tallest plant was dusting everything as I pulled it out of the box. I put a white poster board down in the shower stall so I could wash away any pollen that may escape the paper. I carefully shook the branches and scraped up the pollen. i bent the stem when I put it back supercrop style as it was touching the top of the box and dropping pollen as it scraped along the top as I pulled it out.

The second plant wasn't quite as far along and produced about a 1/4 as much pollen. Both samples went into seperate jars. I will keep this up a few times a week til i feel i have enough for breeding.

After gathering up the pollen I washed the shower down and will change clothes before I go in to check the ladies tonight.....
Smart man!

About your flouros under the plants, I was under the impression that the main bit of photosynthesis took place on to of the leaf, keep me updated to let me know if the leaves start to grow upside down. I have ran them vertical around plants before but had not tried underneath.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
The main purpose of them is to help get light to the bottem buds as they are getting taller and the HPS have to keep getting raised. This takes away from their strength and usable light to the bottem buds and the more it grows the less light penetrates to the bottem of the plant.....

I'll let you know if the leaves turn upside down or not lol.....