Well-Known Member
please explain more about the pics (?)Pictures in row makes it very uncomortable to read.
My advice - put them in colums.
Yeah, and have You ever vaporized fly agaric (Amanita muscaria)? I have smoked them - makes a bit go everything weird.
When I was on lsd, took a walk in the forest an gathered so many Amanitas, that I still have them. It was in october.
And it sounds like vaporizer is really great thing to buy. As I understand, You are experimenting all the time with all kind of herbs.
hey dsn, did you boil yer male in milk?
well, I don't really experiment with all types of herbs...but I mostly, only have leaf and crap to smoke(vaporize). it only tastes like sugar, there is no weed taste...or smell. it's boring. I love to cook, so I was thinking, if some of those 'flavors', from food, could be added to my vaporizer, then the weed would be 'exciting'...or less boring, at least. so, I just thought about what makes food, cooked food, taste so good. herbs/spices, so, I thought...what the hell...let's try it...LOL

hey superman. I got mine at, Cat where did you get your vaporizer?...i was looking online but there are so many out there..what is a good brand that is reasonable on the thing I hate about just plain smoking is how your lungs feel awful after inhaling all that smoke..does a vaporizer leave any feeling like that...or is a lot safer way to consume the MJ..i tried baking some this year and got an ok high..but afterwards i liked the fact that it wasn't killing my have been wanting to get a vape for a long is it worth it? and does it bring out the flavour more? thanks!

I like it cuz it's quaint. and very plain looking, could be anything...
this one is not forced air. now, I think I many have preferred a forced air unit. like this one...same cost, $150 US.

mine is housed in ceramic. helps to maintain the heat, but don't touch it, ssszzzzzizzzle, ouch! the vapir is plastic, it's tough plastic, but...well ya know...don't drop it! (of course, dropping any vaporizer will probably break it, with the possible exception of the Silver Surfer vaporizer, which is housed in cast aluminum)
- you don't inhale hydrocarbons into your lungs, no carbon monoxide, tars, or other crap.
- a pure cerebral high, depending on how much you vape a measured amount of bud. vape it longer, you'll start getting the cbn/cbd. THC is vaporized first.
- you can vape the same material more than once, getting 'high' again and again...I usually quit after two or three...I prefer the 'up high'.
- you can make honey oil from the already vaped buds, even if you vape until the cbn/cbd are reached, there'll just be less 'oil' left.
- you don't need any other 'devices' or 'supplies'. no more need of a pipe and a bong and buying papers all the time.
- odorless-yer bud still smells, fresh, but vaping causes no odor, and actually reduces the odor of the bud as you vape it...vape it until the bud no longer smells.
- while vaporizing is, reportedly, harmless, if you're a 'smoker', bud or tobacco or whatever, vaporizing is gonna loosen all the 'phlem' and tars and whatever other crap in your'l like inhaling steam. will not feel bad to your lungs. will increase lung capacity. if you're a non-smoker, it will feel real good, just like a steam bath, but no bath, lol.
- hard to explain, doesn't 'bring out the flavor' of's different, different than combusting it. when you smoke, you really smell the 'burned' bud when you inhale or 'hit' a joint, bong, whatever. as there's no 'smell' when vaping, only flavor and aroma, it's...unique. you'll taste; sugar, 'flowers', and strain dependant, other flavors associated with that strain.
- you can vape; bud, leaf, ground stem, 'kief'(on a layer of, something, I use crushed leaf), and there are no unpleasant tastes, odors or after effects, like headache or 'hang over' from smoking leaf. you can literally utilize every part of your the time your're done, vaping, re-vaping, grinding, re-vaping, grinding, making honey oil...there will be nothing left...except for some 'slag' after making oil. just toss it into a flower bed or back into your garden. material can be fresh, dried, cured...whatever. it's all the same to the vaporizer. the 'fresh' gets quick dried before its 'vaporized'. cured is probably the best.
- for non-forced air units, there is a rather long learning curve, for most ppl. you could get the hang of it right away, doubtful, but most ppl take several attempts before getting 'hits'. by attempts, I mean sessions...days, weeks.
- since vaping is done differently, you may, I did, experience some muscle pain in the rear area of your rib cage. smoking is usually done by expanding your ribs to inflate your lungs. vapers should primarily use the diaphram. drawing it, your diaphram, downward, all the way, then expanding your ribs. this will greatly increase your lung capacity, and it should be a 'pro', except for the initial will go away when you're used to vaping. (this may not apply to; active sportsmen of any, vigorous, type, not, say, a fly fisherman...that ain't a 'sport'!! divers, swimmers, young(er) ppl, etc.)(also, may not apply to forced air vaporizers, it blows the hit into your just gently draw it in)
- generally non-portable, but not without exception. vaporizers that utilize the vaporbags are more versatile. while the unit may not be exactly portable, the vaporbags are. with a car lighter adapter, you could use any vaporizer in the car(I am not going to warn you of the dangers of toking while driving, we all shouldn't, but do, except me, I don't drive anymore...I recommend gettin high from your 'base', wherever, whatever, that may be). of course, you can tote any vaporizer anywhere, just stuff it into a bag, box, or whatever, when its cool.
- for me, this is a Pro, but some ppl are in a hurry. vaping could take longer to 'get high' than smoking, depending on the material. vaping leaf, stem, or low grade material will take longer to get the same effects, but you will get the same effects...unlike smoking, where you just get a headache! face it, top quality bud is gonna rock your world no matter how you use it. you could get totally stoned from one hit with a vaporizer, just like smoking a joint of 'one hitter quitter' weed or it could take a few draws, depends on your draw, the temperature of the vaporizer(if it's adjustable, mine ain't), and how high you're trying to get. it usually takes me 30min or more to get high...but I ain't got no bud. bud would be much faster. just the other day, I got hold of 2g of some OK so high, in 5 min, I almost puked, fell onto the sofa...and passed out! I only vaped about a quarter gram, blended with some tobacco and lemon grass