5 Weeks and Counting


Well-Known Member
Thanks man I'm hoping to get a few more pictures soon, if my camera starts working again. Stupid thing craps out when you want it the most...


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update.
The lady is looking good. Hairs have started to develop on the tops and a few of the nodes underneath the main canopy. I'm really excited about that. Thats at 16 days into 12/12.
Some of my fan leaves have started to turn brown and dry up at the tips. I'm not quite sure what is causing this but I figured that I would feed it just water and see what happens. I'll know more around 5pm RIU time.

Other than that I'm trying to track down another digital camera to take some pictures with. Until then...


Well-Known Member
HAHA!!! Heres an Update a few months late.... The Plant never made it all the way through bud...The reason being that the cool little planter that I used, for a bonsai, just wasn't big enough.

I apologize to those of you that where following this but I have been dealing with a fair amount of s#*t over the last couple of months. Long story short. It died....However, I did gain a wealth of knowledge from this experiment and I intend to try again in the future. With a MK2 version of the same thing. When I do I will be sure to include all of you.....