5 Weeks Flowering,600W hps/184W Cfl's, Bagseed


Active Member
Yo what up all!

its week 5 Exactly 35 days into flowering today and shes looking amazing!i see some of the pistils are going amber, Trich's looking very nice aswell.
its currently growing under a 600W Xtrasun HPS, & 8x23W cfls for the Lower outside branches. i had them from be4 cause i started as a 100% CFLER and didnt want to waist them!Heres some pics i took today Lemme know what you think of her and how much longer in flowering you think. this is my first grow and it has been pretty good, ive learned alot along the way thats for sure! anyways Gimme input thanks for those who look and comment! PEACEbongsmilie



Active Member
Thanks Bro. currently got 1 other female in flowering of a strain called "hurricane" also got a white widow i just put into flowering about yesterday. hoping for a female cause i found the seed in an Oz i bought! anyways thanks for the comment bro!


Well-Known Member
yo cfl, i'd deff give it another 2 weeks but it depends on what kind of high you want. lookin good bro keep us posted


Active Member
Yea for sure bro imma keep it in for another 2 weeks. let some more of these pistils turn amber and let the nugs continue to swell up. everyday makes a dif on the size of the buds, also i got a question when harvesting does your crop lose both Weight and size or just the weight? any input would be Great Thanks everyone! i'll keep ya posted for sure!PCE


Well-Known Member
dude it needs 4 weeks at least...dont chop to early!!!! just buy one more bag, make it last. you've gone this far, whats a few more weeks???


Active Member
Yea im def waiting ATLEAST another 2 weeks and prob another week after that. like everyone says the nugs fatten up Alot with the last 2 weeks. latly the only growth ive notice is the buds swelling more and more and there looking Great.Thanks for the input, i'll leave it a while longer then i expected, wich allows me to give it another 1-2 Flowering feedings!Thanks for those who looked/Posted!bongsmilie


Active Member

Yo what up!
Yeap its about that time and no im not talking about smoking it time HAHA!
Its 40 days into flowering a shes Looking fantastic. only thing i see is Yellowing Fan leafs i've been trimming off as they get nerotic. other then that im getting Very anxious to cut her down and taste her! she smells like Melons and when you touch her shes got a Very tangie smell! im noticing ALOT of the pistils are going redish/brown and know this is good sign, how much longer you guys think? in 2 days she will be at the 6 week mark, my only concern is the fan leaf's are yellowing Extremly fast and donno if thats gonna effect it in any way?Plz gimme some input on this, this is my first grow ive ive stated be4 so im not really sure about this paticular thing..Any comment or input would be great Thanks



Well-Known Member
shit man nice plant!! did u buy a seed and if so what strain?? or is it a bagseed and if so how good was the weed? lol


Active Member
Very nice! Your buds have should have a lot more swelling to do if your only at day 40, and dont worry about the yellowing- sometimes damn near all the leaves fall off when its all said and done. Remember to just look at the trichs for the best time to harvest.

And I have a stupid question--is that 40 days of flower from the 12/12switch or when your buds began to show?( Just for comparison sake)


Active Member
Thanks for the comment

That's 40 days in 12/12 total, i've heard the last 2 weeks they fatten up nice and ive def seen some nugs getting thicker, after my pistils mostly turn amber i'll start looking at the trich's and determin my harvest time from there!bongsmilie


Active Member
Update! 6 weeks and 1 day into flowering!

Yeap. its 6 weeks 1 day into flowering and shes looking mighty Yummy.
i gave her a feeding of reg water today and that could turn out to be the last watering she see's be4 harvest!! im waiting atleast untill 7 weeks to harvest but gimme some input, also once radio shack is back open from xmas i'll go pick up there mini pocket scope so i can see exactly how the triches are looking (in color).i sampled a 1/2 a gram of my plant and put it into an envelope and put it on top of my 600W hps for about 3 1/2 hours and tryed it out! i was Quite surrprised at the head rushes off each hit i was getting! anyways gimme some input on my plant and how much longer you think i should wait to harvest! Thanks for all who look/Reply and Merry Xmas!:weed:

1st, 2 pics are of the Biggest cola!
3rd pic is of some of the lower nugs on the biggest cola!
and last 2 are of the smallest cola Looking Very good!!



Active Member
Umm on the trich's, im not exactly sure but tomarrow im going to radio shack to get a pocket scope so i can see what they look like alot easyer! i sampled a 1/2 a Gram of my plant today and got fat head ruhed off each hit so thats a good sign! of course it didnt taste proper cause it was a fast dry process and not cured correctly but still got me blazed! Thanks bro!

nitrous oxide

Active Member
i sampled a 1/2 a Gram of my plant today and got fat head ruhed off each hit so thats a good sign! of course it didnt taste proper cause it was a fast dry process and not cured correctly but still got me blazed! Thanks bro!
was that your christmas present for yourself? wish mine was that far along so i could sample it. Also I heard that your first day of flowering doesnt start until your plant shows pistils, are you counting from the time you started 12/12 or the first day it showed sex?