5 White widow girlies


Well-Known Member
I had that light green new growth on my widows, put some epsom salts in your water it will help. 1 Tablespoon per gallon, could be sulfur deficiency.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
oh damn, quick response there. I'd thought I would add some pics to back up my opinion.
Nice one for the quick replys. Im not sure if its cause of the light in your photos bt i cant seem the see the same yellowing mine have but ill take your word for it. Where can i buy epsom salts? Just in the local chemist?

But all in all i shouldnt be too worried about the new bright green growth

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I would go ahead and add the epsom salts. It can't hurt. A lot of pro growers do it. This is the thing with using coco nutes in soil, you might not get the normal problems other people get. Sulfur deficiency is pretty unusual but it could be happening. I haven't needed the salts but I have been supplementing with Cal-mag which has a lot of minerals and such that the Monkey Juice might lack. I have seen epsom salts at the hydro store but I'm sure you could get them at any nursery/gardening shop, maybe even the grocery store.

And yes, the super yellow light in my pics makes it hard to see the yellow on the plant. I have another plant just starting to flower, I can get some better pics in three hours when the lights come back on. It looks almost exactly like yours.
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mr west

Well-Known Member
i just used some epsome salts in one of my girls for the first time today. My one looks much worse than urs dude.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Had a look today and they don't seem to be as luminous green as yesterday. they seem to have gotten darker. not gonna rush in giving them epsom salts just yet. think i will leave it for a couple of days. Wanna be patientand not make any mistakes but think ill just get some epsom salts just in case. Cant hurt to have it

mr west

Well-Known Member
good call che paddy im sure itll be ok, i left mine go for weeks till it was really bad but urs dont sound bad at all.


Well-Known Member
Been following your thread on the Widow....both you guys are the fucking BOMB! Che Paddy & Mared Juwan, you guys are too cool. Love the thread because WW is my next grow. Watching & reading from you two have really helped me for my next grow. It will only be my second. I have a Sativa that came from bagseed that is almost kicking my ass! Don't know quite what it is, but I know where it's going!! Will drop just one pic to show you if you don't mind, but I'm following this thread til I see some buds! THANKS GUYS!


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
okay, considerably later than advertised, but here's those pics. This was the exact same yellowing that occurred with the plant in post #41. I held some CFL light over it so you get a better idea of the color.

Edit: this plant is day 6 of flower



Well-Known Member

are you talking about the yellowing in the new leaves. if so that is totally normal...they are infant leaves and their chlorophyll is not as advanced as mature leaves. you can look at any plant usually the baby leaves are lighter than the mature leaves, young leaflets this color are healthy and will produce big mature fan leaves..........nothing to worry about.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member

are you talking about the yellowing in the new leaves. if so that is totally normal...they are infant leaves and their chlorophyll is not as advanced as mature leaves. you can look at any plant usually the baby leaves are lighter than the mature leaves, young leaflets this color are healthy and will produce big mature fan leaves..........nothing to worry about.
Couldn't agree more. Che stated that he was worried about it so I'm trying to demonstrate it is completely normal.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Thanks lads for the interest in the grow. Not stressed now about the yellowing. After a few ppls opinions my worries are gone. Think i have the nute burn under control as i can't see any burn marks on the new growth. Topped the plants again before they were switched to 12/12 so hopefully it will be more successful than our last effort. May even start thinking about their second dose of bloom nutes soon. The question is aimed at Mared Juwan as u have the same nutes but anyone is free to comment.
Firstly should my babies be gettin a small amount of grow for the first two weeks of 12/12 with the bloom or should it be just bloom. I gave them a small amount of bloom in the last week of veg with the grow nutes. Also what sort of amounts are you putting in?
I know I have the coco coir nutes even though im using soil so i think i may use my nutes at 3/4 strenght of what ppl are using for coco coir

mr west

Well-Known Member
the first two weeks of 12/12 the plants streach like hell then it calms down and the concentrate on buddin

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
The question is aimed at Mared Juwan as u have the same nutes but anyone is free to comment.
Firstly should my babies be gettin a small amount of grow for the first two weeks of 12/12 with the bloom or should it be just bloom. I gave them a small amount of bloom in the last week of veg with the grow nutes. Also what sort of amounts are you putting in?
I know I have the coco coir nutes even though im using soil so i think i may use my nutes at 3/4 strenght of what ppl are using for coco coir
I've seen people recommend all sorts of ways to switch over to flower nutes. Some say to keep giving grow nutes for two weeks or you will get nitrogen deficiency. This had me worried but a trusted adviser in my journal told me to switch straight from 100% Grow nutes to 100% Bloom nutes as soon as I went to 12/12. I did and everything went perfectly. This sudden drop in nitrogen is actually supposed to help trigger the flowering process. I suggest you just switch completely over to the Bloom formula now. I really try to study my plants and base my dosage on what I see. Dry, yellowish leaves = feed with more nutes. Shiny, dark green leaves with bright yellow tips = feed with less nutes. I don't know what method you're using to measure your nutes but I would say that during flower so far I have ranged from ~600ppm(7mL/gallon) to ~850 ppm(10mL/gallon). I put the "~" symbol because these numbers are affected by my tap water ppm of 120. Hope that helps.
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Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Well today i took some of the larger fan leaves from the bottom to give a lollipop effect. i only took the leaves that were been shaded and hopefully this will focus more energy towards the surface. The soil was quite dry today so i game them a a small amount of fresh water and 2ml/2litres of bloom nutes. To be honest I havent much of a head for science so watching for deficiency of nitrogen and pk and ppm is all hard for me to get my head around. I figure 2ml per 2litre of fresh water isnt too much of a feed. Dont want another dose of nute burn

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Well today i took some of the larger fan leaves from the bottom to give a lollipop effect. i only took the leaves that were been shaded and hopefully this will focus more energy towards the surface. The soil was quite dry today so i game them a a small amount of fresh water and 2ml/2litres of bloom nutes. To be honest I havent much of a head for science so watching for deficiency of nitrogen and pk and ppm is all hard for me to get my head around. I figure 2ml per 2litre of fresh water isnt too much of a feed. Dont want another dose of nute burn
If you want to stay on the cautious side, which is what I would recommend, 2mL/L is the highest you want to go for sure. I have really big (6 ft tall) plants that can withstand higher doses. The recommended label strength for that Monkey Juice Bloom formula is 1.75 mL/L. It is even stronger than the Grow formula. I would just stick to that. There's not much of a science to it. Keep your eyes on the leaf tips. If they go bright yellow or white hot you have overdone it. Look at my pic below, not the bud but the tips of the leaves. See how they're bright yellow? I need to back my dosage down. Easy.