5 White widow girlies

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
I'll try to get some peeps from my journal to check this out. They've taken interest in the Monkey Juice and might know more about the importance of the two Parts.
Cheers man. would really appreciate that. Hydrostore doesnt stock the other monkey juices which is poxy. I asked the lad that works there and he recommended these. Went on his advice. The plants seem to be doing fine on only one of each grow and bloom,. Only been giving a very light feeding program. Think i will up it to a more intensive feeding schedule. Ah well this is my first proper grow so obviously some stuff is not going to be perfect. Will know better for next time


Well-Known Member
root for 2 weeks (seeds/clones), veg for 2 weeks, flower for 8

Total time = 12 weeks

NOT veg for 8

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
So I got a couple replies already about your nutes. Here's was bkstylz said,
"He should actually be okay with that....The Grow A is heavy in Nitrogen and the Bloom B is heavy in phosphates (good for buds)."
He's using Monkey Juice too so I guess you'll be fine with those.

Someone else said that Plagron has 3-4 weeks worth of nutes in it so that supply has now run out. Maybe upping the dose a little on what you put in would be good.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Upped the dosage of my big bud. Have decided to move to a medium level of feeding. Was previously using the recipe for light feeding programme so i feel they should be able to withstand the extra nutes without a problem. Gave the first dose of extra strenght nutes just before lights out this morning and they seem to have taken well to them. No droop or anything when the lights came on this evening. is there a best time to water and feed plants? Beore lights out or before lights on.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
As usual, plant looks great. Some real buds to look at from now on. Exciting, huh? Since you're not using the Part A, my dosages may not be relevant, but when I went to 10 mL/gallon (~2.6 mL/L) each of Part A and Part B my plants started to burn. The Part A is almost pure nitrogen so you might be able to go past 10 mL/gallon but just know that you're going into uncharted territory (at least by me) with that dose. And I water any old time but have heard just before lights on is best.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
This was also posted in my journal but these are the elemental percentages off the bottles you're missing. Perhaps you could find other nutes with these same ingredients. First is Grow B, second is Bloom A.


Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Loving taking pictures of my babies at the moment. Will post some later on tonight. Somethiing happened with my time yesterday and the lights stayed on for an extra 8 or so hours. I just fixed the timer and put them back on the original schedule. Will the extra time with lights cause any problems?

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
hey guys well birt of panic today. I upped the nute recently and everythin seemed ok. Then when i checked them yesterday i noticed that 2 of them started to droop. I didnt notice any spots of nute burn. The two that have drooped are in 2 smaller pots than the rest of them. Is this because they have become root bound and need larger pots? Im in the third week of flowering so would it still be okay to transplant them to larger pots?


Well-Known Member
are you sure you are giving them enough water? They will want more and more now that you are flowering. pics to

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Heres the pictures of our problems. Do these pictureslook like they are suffering from stress. We took the plants out of the tent and oved them around. They probable could have been handles better. We also upped the nutes a little but there doesnt seem to be any nute burn on the leaves. Most of the drooping is in the lower half of the plants. It started on the smallest but has spread to the rest. They were watered with 6 ml of monkey juice bloom in 2 litres of fresh ph corrected water. we also added 5 ml of sweet leaf too. Heres the pictures


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yeah man, definitely not a nute problem. No signs of burn and nute deficient leaves only droop when they've turned almost completely yellow. Heat stress would be affecting the tops of your plants more than the bottom so I have to agree with HHM. Most likely not enough water.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
See, see this confuses me. Overwatering and underwatering look so alike. Usually when im feeding them i make up my nutes in a 2 litre bottle and then try feed them equally so they get about 400ml of water each. They have been getting this about 3 times a week. Would this be moreso overwatering than under. Myself and my grow partner think that it is overwatering so we are drying out the soil beofre we ive them so more. Cheers

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
My plants are pretty big but I still do the "lift the pot" test. The actual plant doesn't weigh that much so if they are thirsty it feels like you're picking up an empty pot. If you are using the same watering schedule you were from veg then it's underwatering for sure. Plants get way more thirsty as flower progresses. Also, it doesn't matter if you give the plants 4L each watering as long as there's holes in the pot for the excess water to runoff. The idea is to fully saturate every bit of the soil. Just make sure it dries out using the lift test before you soak them again. I flood my pots every time I water with even more runoff than is necessary. My logic is that this is a mini flush every time I water, pushing out all the old nutes and stale water to replace it with fresh stuff. It's worked to perfection so far with my girls. I'm sure that HHM and mr. west will agree with me that 400 mL is not enough for these plants. 400 milliliter = 0.105 668 820 94 gallon [US, liquid]. I put 3/4 gallon through each of my 2 gallon pots every time I water. Please give all your plants a heavy watering as soon as you can.
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