500 Watt Blackstar Grow- 5 L.A. Confidential, 1 OG Herojuana (3rd LED Grow)


Well-Known Member
No, that's the same ol' journal.

I'll start the new scrog journal soon. I like the growth structure of your plants, Herojuana included. Everything looks good and healthy. Where you getting your cuts?
Same spot as before, I just got pickier and only picked up healthy clones. West Valley Care Givers in Canoga Park


Well-Known Member
Decided to start flowering tomorrow at 7am. Lights just went out at 2pm, and now I am going to keep the plants in dark period for the next 17 hours. I will be on a 12/12 cycle from 7am till 7pm with a dark period after. The LA Cons are now 23 inches tall! They grew 2 inches last night. The OG Herojuana is now at 17 inches tall. Based on my flowering schedule, things should be done around Nov 5th. (8 week flowering cycle).


Active Member
Nice, I'm glad things are going good for the grow and the plants are looking hella healthy! I'm having a rough time myself, Paralyzer is growing strong now but 2 of my 4 Purple Widow seedlings got wind burned from a fan the fell over. The 2 went from vibrant to crispy in a single night! :( The other 2 I have seem to be doing fine but ....damn if I'm sick of all these weird problems! :P I'm about ready to switch back to hydro for my next grow as It's way more forgiving then soil/organic IMO.


Well-Known Member
Hydro is way more forgiving? Far LESS forgiving man,any mistake can kill your plants in hours... soil plants can go days without water or food...oh well,whatever you think.

Keep up the good work OP!


Well-Known Member
Hydro is way more forgiving? Far LESS forgiving man,any mistake can kill your plants in hours... soil plants can go days without water or food...oh well,whatever you think.

Keep up the good work OP!
Ya i would have to agree with harrekin. If your ppm or ph is off in hydro, your whole crop can die in a couple hours! That is why I
Am growing in soil because of the buffers I have in soil. I can water the plants and head out to Vegas for the weekend and not even
Worry about my plants. Hydro grows the plants faster, but I feel I can grow with peace of mind in soil.


Well-Known Member
Ya i would have to agree with harrekin. If your ppm or ph is off in hydro, your whole crop can die in a couple hours! That is why I
Am growing in soil because of the buffers I have in soil. I can water the plants and head out to Vegas for the weekend and not even
Worry about my plants. Hydro grows the plants faster, but I feel I can grow with peace of mind in soil.
You make an interesting point there actually,do hydro grown plants really finish fast enough to make small scale hydro worth the hassle?

Hydro seems to me to be the way people choose if they can't deal with feeding nutes themselves...


Active Member
Ya i would have to agree with harrekin. If your ppm or ph is off in hydro, your whole crop can die in a couple hours! That is why I
Am growing in soil because of the buffers I have in soil. I can water the plants and head out to Vegas for the weekend and not even
Worry about my plants. Hydro grows the plants faster, but I feel I can grow with peace of mind in soil.
Let me elaborate on that, I mean as longs as you follow the rules of PH, PPM your solid. The first time I ever grew I went hydro and didn't even change out the rez and still had stellar results. I tink my problem with soil is that I used weird off brand soil and out door orangics and in making my own mix something is off, even checking the PH in soil is a best guess at best...even if your checking run off.

Now if I would have had the money I should have bought the trouble free and proven brands like Sunshine #4, FF Ocean Forrest or Pro Mix. So It is my fault....I think? who knows. :P I should do it right next grow and get the proper soil, I know that for sure!


Well-Known Member
Let me throw my two cents in for hydro's corner.

First, let me say that I don't feel hydro is better than soil. Instead, I think both methods have their pluses and minuses, and it really depends on the pace of growing that's right for the individual grower. Sleezy here has really good reasons for growing in soil, so it works well for him. And it is my opinion that bud well grown in soil has a more natural flavor and smell than hydro grown.

With hydro it's true that you're more at the mercy of technology, BUT (and here's the hydro cheerleading part), if maintained poperly, a good hydro system will grow significantly larger, stronger plants in less than half the time. You really see it in veg. Vegetative growth equal to a over a month in soil will take two weeks in my system, and my two week old plant looks hella stronger than the five week old plant in soil. Yield per plant is consequently far greater with hydro as well.

So yes, if you fuck up your numbers in any way, your plants will suffer quickly in hydro, but the other side of that coin is that any remedy will take effect just as fast. And in hydro, if you make a mistake, it shows up right away, allowing the corrective measures take effect almost before your eyes. With soil, everything moves slower, so if you fuck up, you may not even realize it for days and any remedy you apply is equally slow.

I have the automation dialed in to be completely self-regulating, so I can take a weekend trip, too. But most hydro growers don't have all my bells and whistles.


Well-Known Member
So the day has come for me to switch to the 12/12 cycle. Pretty excited about this run, the ladies are looking very healthy and ready to rock! Like I said before I have them on a 7am-7pm schedule utilizing the night for the dark period. Will start feeding my girls full strength Flowering nutes from House and Garden tomorrow, with at a liter and a half. Here are some updated pics the morning of Flower Day 1.



Active Member
Glad o see things are moving along well for you Sleezy.
Back to the soil vs hydro.
I'm glad I switch too hydro from soil, soil was too much work trying to get ph, ppm right, dirty water spills, bugs, having to buy new soil and the problems that come with the spills and bugs. (added humidity and spraying pesticides.)
When I first started hydro I did deep water culture, they were very forgiving. Check your ph every couple of days adjusting it is a snap. I don't beleive you have to have high ppm to get good results. A lot of growers over nute their plants thinking their going to get bigger buds, your plants can only eat so much.
Now I do aero, it may not be as forgiving as water culture or soil but once you have your setup dialed in the simplicity and clenliness can't be beat.


Well-Known Member
Let me throw my two cents in for hydro's corner.

First, let me say that I don't feel hydro is better than soil. Instead, I think both methods have their pluses and minuses, and it really depends on the pace of growing that's right for the individual grower. Sleezy here has really good reasons for growing in soil, so it works well for him. And it is my opinion that bud well grown in soil has a more natural flavor and smell than hydro grown.

With hydro it's true that you're more at the mercy of technology, BUT (and here's the hydro cheerleading part), if maintained poperly, a good hydro system will grow significantly larger, stronger plants in less than half the time. You really see it in veg. Vegetative growth equal to a over a month in soil will take two weeks in my system, and my two week old plant looks hella stronger than the five week old plant in soil. Yield per plant is consequently far greater with hydro as well.

So yes, if you fuck up your numbers in any way, your plants will suffer quickly in hydro, but the other side of that coin is that any remedy will take effect just as fast. And in hydro, if you make a mistake, it shows up right away, allowing the corrective measures take effect almost before your eyes. With soil, everything moves slower, so if you fuck up, you may not even realize it for days and any remedy you apply is equally slow.

I have the automation dialed in to be completely self-regulating, so I can take a weekend trip, too. But most hydro growers don't have all my bells and whistles.
Your way overhyping the advantages of hydro over soil...it averages 10-15% more yield at most from what Iv seen and only grows plants faster in veg...the only way hydroponics makes sense is in a large scale/commercial setting,otherwise it's just hassle. Plus most synthetic nutes are immediately available to the plant in soil...youre thinking of organic ferts.

Blackmesa,checking pH in soil is pointless,it has buffers in it and if you alter the pH going into the soil it will effect your buffers.

Anyways don't wanna hijack with hydro vs soil,Sleezy loving the new pics ;)

EDIT: Actually Sleezy I'd keep the veg nutes going until the stretch is over,otherwise you'll start suffering immediate N deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
Looking good Sir! :) Dont think he has to worry too much about Nitrogen from that last picture the leaves look Daaaark green. IMHO


Well-Known Member
But for the first 2-3 weeks of 12/12 they stretch like crazy and in doing so consume a shitload of N...so its good to keep the veg nutes going until it stops stretching and starts flowering, cos veg nutes have enough PK to sustain them until they actually start flowering "properly".


Well-Known Member
Pretty plants, dude.

I'm gonna start a petition for you install a screen over your plants. A scrog with that weird pink light... now that would be a sight.

Honk if you agree.


Active Member
Honk Honk!!!!!

Sleezzy i coulda sworn you said last grow you would scrog it up next time or maybe i was toasted and remember wrong anyways lookin good bro.....