576 watt lg-led solutions panel grow


Well-Known Member
Here's the 2 girls in the new veg room, they really seem to be liking to T5 already. I'll have to wait another hour before the other girls wake up but I'll snap pics as soon as they do

The 2 Flo's


Well-Known Member
well I'm 99% certain I have thrips in my soil. Happen to move the soil around a bit and noticed something very tiny and white move back down into the soil so I got a pinch and dropped in onto a piece of paper. After spotting one, cornering it with my pocket microscope, and then looking it up that's my conclusion. Looks like my day off tomorrow will be filled with searching for neem oil to rid the ladies of those dirty little bastards. The only thing that sucks is the walmart we have is a tiny one, the acehardware here kinda sucks, and the 1 hydroponics store is closed on the weekends so I'm gonna have to cross my fingers that someone has something in stock


Well-Known Member
Damn, thanks Slipon. I searched everywhere last night and never ran upon this info, definitely makes sense after the read. Best part about it is you can find hydrogen peroxide at damn near any store, I'll mix some up and update with the results. The peroxide I've already got is only 3% so I can use that for foliage spray but I'll have to hunt down some 35% for watering with


Well-Known Member
Top dress with compost (no manure) and worm castings. That will get rid of any soil dwellers. Worm castings have chitin too. A bacteria inhibitor for pests. H202 will kill of any microbes.

lavender soap or peppermint soap will deter and kill pests around foliage. Ladybugs work great too.


Well-Known Member
Top dress with compost (no manure) and worm castings. That will get rid of any soil dwellers. Worm castings have chitin too. A bacteria inhibitor for pests. H202 will kill of any microbes.

lavender soap or peppermint soap will deter and kill pests around foliage. Ladybugs work great too.
Botanical teas gosh darn it!!!! Stinging nettle kills bad bugs!
Ding.......Ding...........Ding^^^^^^................. also EWC/neem meal top dress has been very effective on fungus gnats for me..........if your running organics I would NOT use h2o2 either!.....if your using salt-based synthetics in your regiment, then go ahead and use the peroxide soil drench

good luck


Well-Known Member
Did the peroxide drench before I came back on here and saw the other 3 comments. The only issue with the other suggestions is all those products aren't readily available to me, the hydroponics store opens when I have to be at work, closes 2 hours before I get off, and is closed on the weekend on my Day's off lol. Everything that Walmart and ace has in stock is harmful if absorbed thru the skin which I don't like the idea of. The peroxide seems to be fucking with Thrips already and under my pocket microscope it's already killing em so I have hope. I'm using miracle gro right now cause that's all that was available to me and I didn't want to pay more for shipping than what the soil cost.

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Snapped some pics of the girls today before they went to bed, everything seems to be going good.

The Amherst Sour Diesel

Bubba Kush

Bubba Kush

Started doing some more LSTing on the vegging girls, trying to get 'em to bush out as much as possible and get more nodes into the canopy

The older Flo

The young Flo


Well-Known Member
Not yet, but it's only been 4 Day's since I flipped em to 12/12. The anticipation is killing me though, I keep looking every few hours thinking it's gonna be instant lol. Just need to chill out and let nature take it's course

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Well-Known Member
Not yet, but it's only been 4 Day's since I flipped em to 12/12. The anticipation is killing me though, I keep looking every few hours thinking it's gonna be instant lol. Just need to chill out and let nature take it's course

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Haha I would be too, I'm always looking at my plant too,asking myself has it gotten any bigger yet haha. I'll be following ur grow and excited to see how it does, do you have both the blue and red LEDs on for flowering or just the red?


Well-Known Member
Haha I would be too, I'm always looking at my plant too,asking myself has it gotten any bigger yet haha. I'll be following ur grow and excited to see how it does, do you have both the blue and red LEDs on for flowering or just the red?
I've got the full spectrum going, try to squeeze out every last watt from it that I can

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Well-Known Member
Been looking into induction lighting to use in the new flower room I plan on building but stumbled upon plasma lights. Has anyone tried this type of light or heard anything on them? They sound pretty badass from what I've read and run about the same price as an induction light so I figured it'd be worth at least looking into


Well-Known Member
Same price ? last time I looked, a plasma light cost the same as a F-16

And as fare as my research go, the plasma light would do best in Veg, IMO no need to use hugh amounts of money on a Veg light, or sum thing to support your LEDs

The induction light on the other hand is also sum thing I have looked in to, and I want one :D but hard to find in EU and prices is also a bit spicy, but would work great along side a LED panel Im sure, as the LEDs are pretty much one directed the induction light will spread its light out and cover the edges better and support the LEDs beautiful

been looking in to T5VHO as well for side/extra light, but even the VHO (I do have the HO type for Veg) don't have the same penetration as the induction/LEDs