Yeah, I don't really blame Attitude for getting them ganked, more our f'd up laws. Its bullshit that tax dollars pay for that green tape. But didn't a law just pass that disallows the feds from spending money enforcing fed drug laws on people who comply with their state's med laws? Maybe that's why they use the Dept of Ag's issue with it being in "violation of the quarantine regulation" for "plant or animal material"?
Anyway I've been well-treated by Attitude in the past and I bet they'll honor their promise and resend my order. Still I want to order from PeakSeedsBC soon, and I've got other seeds I was going to sprout for the contest. But being as Dept of Homeland Security clearly has me on a list, well shit I really don't feel like growing right now! Rather lay low. Any of you guys who've dealt with green tape had any follow-up issues? Any reason for me to be sketched?
At least I've enough medicine to last me. a while.

But I will miss growing
Best of luck with the comp everyone

I'll be watching!