Both mine still have time on their side, at least another month. Finally cut down and dried my previous cup grow (two pages back) and it did quite well, a little more than two oz.
Yeah that was a big little plant! Good job!
Yeah that was a big little plant! Good job!
Thanks, I would have been thrilled with one oz, I had no idea how much I had going it was my first cup I took to flower. I was going against wisdom on how big to let it go before flip, was worried about the roots but managed with frequent watering.

For kicks I did two in slightly bigger containers and their only interest is in producing buds. Now if I only had the full size plant think the same way.

Ok so I am going to be rebooting the solo cup challenge previously started on another thread but changing a couple things around to keep it more fun.

Again this is just for fun and the only real prize is bragging rights and maybe something you can put in your signature so everyone knows how cool you are.

I would like lay some ground rules out first:

1. It needs to be in a solo cup or a 16-18 oz equivalent
2. There will be 2 important dates. The day you need to submit your info by and the date you need submit your final entry photos by. (to be determined what the dates are)
3. The only info we will need from each entry is substrate, seed, and breeder. It is up to you how hard or easy you make it on yourself.
4. I am not going to require weekly updates but it would the whole thing more engaging and fun if you did. The people voting on the final my also take into account how difficult your grow was when they vote.
5. You can enter as many plants as you like
6. You do not HAVE to decorate your cup that's just for us creative weirdos and whoever else would like to join us in doing so
7. Friendly banter is totally fine but don't be dick

Remember guys this is just for fun and learning don't take this so seriously you lose friends over it we all are winners in the end because we get to enjoy our plants!

Something I want to add on is different categories of winners: Best decorated cup, Most wet yield out of a solo cup (this one would make us all feel better with updates of your grow for obvious reasons), and Best overall plant.. We will post a poll after the end date of final submissions and let the people decide who wins the two subjective categories.

These rules are not set in stone. I am open to suggestions and would like to take the next week to talk this over with you guys.
Halman9000 is proud of my sketch ...

Bottom feed mound at top.jpg