i have to agree with him partially... it is only half useless. it is just too much all at one, ya they can handle it, but they dont like to. what is your ppms when all that is mixed together and then brewed??? i bet alot higher than what its saposed to be. im no critic, but may i give some advise? first of all, hot tea is worse than no tea. i break my watering down into 3 sections every week, my pots dry out every other day, making this ideal. first nutes, then non-chlorinated water, and then finally micro's, and enzymes. plants are kinda like people, do you like to go to a nice restaurant and them serve you all your food in a big jumbled up pile on your plate? no, you like it nice and separate, and that way you can benefit from its different flavors. this is what plants like to do. i have also noticed that plants like fresh, clean water from time to time. by dividing up you supplements to the plant it is less stressfull, and it gives the micros time to build in the soil, and attach to the roots and other material in the soil, thus supplying the plant with more food and better uptake than by crammin it all together and shoving it up its stem! im telling you, but dont take it from me, try it out, and see what you get, and please tell me im dien to hear. also yucca extract, soy extract, wheat, all those make the soil come alive and more fertile, they give the micros a place to live AND EAT!