6-Auto Ak47 fems and 3-Auto Pakistan Ryder fems (400watt MH/HPS)


Well-Known Member
Heres a pic of how i run both MH + HPS through my entire grow, its the 1st time I've done this and I'm curious as to the outcome, can't wait to try it on my auto AK47 run:-P


thats sweet man!! Yea I def want to do both next grow if the funds are right.

I know one shouldnt but I snipped a little ak-47 and vaped it.. it was nice.. but still very head high... i want a nice mixture.. im thinking about letting them go 10 weeks. We will see though on if they fluff up a little.

Does anyone know how much the buds thicken in the last 2/3 weeks? Because some of my buds are very thin... dont know what else I can do.


Well sorry to hear that there thin, mine have because so thick there falling into the dirt... camera still sucks but the centre bud is six inches and almost 3 inches thick...i cant believe how big they grew in 8 weeks....even the side buds are 2 inches thick and a inch thick.....other smaller plants are ak-47 and ak-48 only 2 and half weeks from seed...this is all all grow from now on , even oder 10 more.....:joint:



Well-Known Member
UPDATE 8 1/2 weeks. 60 days...

They seem to be budding nicely, dont think they all will be done in 10 weeks but def the pakistan ryder. Thats the largest single one that spreads across the wall there. enjoy!!

How much longer do you think?


Well-Known Member
UPDATE 8 1/2 weeks. 60 days...

They seem to be budding nicely, dont think they all will be done in 10 weeks but def the pakistan ryder. Thats the largest single one that spreads across the wall there. enjoy!!

How much longer do you think?
First of all, I love the leaf-to-bud ratio :clap:. There isn't much manicuring you're going to have to do. Great net yield coming your way.

Have you looked at the trichome colors under glass? Honestly, I think you are really really close..... :leaf:


Active Member
UPDATE 8 1/2 weeks. 60 days...

They seem to be budding nicely, dont think they all will be done in 10 weeks but def the pakistan ryder. Thats the largest single one that spreads across the wall there. enjoy!!


[U][B]How much longer do you think?[/B][/U][/QUOTE]

no expert here, but i'd say no longer than 10 days.

thanks for sharing this grow. I love it. Been here since early march and have been watching this thread very closely. One of my biggest inspirations to go auto.......

cannot wait to see your yield... I'm thinking 7-8 ozs dry from the pictures.

much love +rep



Well-Known Member
Well everytime I cut some off there are lots of clear and cloudy tricombs.. i really want to wait till they are mosty dark and cloudy... I tried to take a pic of what my microscope saw but it didnt work out to well..lol


Active Member
yeah... You're definitely on the home stretch at this point from the looks of it. Just wait till the trichs are where you want them and chop those bitches.

my .02¢


Well-Known Member
Yea we will see by this Saturday on where they are at. If I'm satisfied they come down if not I am waiting till week 10. I'm already preparing my three AK-47 autos and 2 Limited Edition Pyramid seeds (non auto). I will be starting them as soon as this grow finishes. (I will start germinating them this week.)


Well-Known Member
Ok, seriously, I had no idea that paki's ryders get this damm BIG! r u kidding me!?? those pics look like they have already been trimmed!!! def. a strain I must get one day! great grow bro! couple of quick questions...{some prob. been answerd, but dnt know what pg.} when did you first give nutes? what size pots?< did u start small then transplant? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Ok, seriously, I had no idea that paki's ryders get this damm BIG! r u kidding me!?? those pics look like they have already been trimmed!!! def. a strain I must get one day! great grow bro! couple of quick questions...{some prob. been answerd, but dnt know what pg.} when did you first give nutes? what size pots?< did u start small then transplant? Thanks!
Well I used Fox Farms Oceans forest organic soil and it has enough feed in it for about 3 weeks. So I started on the Iguana juice bloom about 3 1/2 weeks. I just used small dosages reaching max two tablespoons of iguana juice per gallon by the 5th week and just recently stopped feeding this week for the final two.

I have them in 1.5 gallon bags and I started them in it (no transplant). I would advise 2 gallon or 3 gallon bags in the future.


Active Member
it's amazing to think that those COULD have produced more buds, if they were provided with more rootspace...

I thought these things were supposed to be small.lol.


Active Member
I think they are 1.5gal... Not .5gal(1/2gal)... I don't think I've seen that size either though. I'm interested in hearing the dimensions as well.


Well-Known Member
They are about 6 to 7 inches tall (the bags) and about 6 inches in diameter (the bags). They were originally 2 gallon bags but the bag of soil wouldnt fill them all up so I went 1.5 gallons full and cut the top. Next time Im going with 2 gallon buckets (not bags).