6-Auto Ak47 fems and 3-Auto Pakistan Ryder fems (400watt MH/HPS)


Well-Known Member
Well nice pics , here is my pics , mine are 24 days old. Just starting to bud , yours are changing faster. I just started the other day giving it fertilizer, that may speed them up.. pics make plants look yellow need new camera i guess.

nice man they are looking good. What kind of light are you using?

Yea the pictures will come out yellow unless you change the white balance on the camera to the one that if for florescent lighting..it then makes it whiter. cool trick i just learned if you see from the beginning of my grow some were yellow..lol


I'm using 400 HPS , the bulb is a year old so i dont think its as bright.. but when in room you need sunglass...the leaves are a dark green, All try that with the camera.. I'm new to autos , Ive been growing WW for years wanted to something different in my clone room..before i need it for outdoor crop....


Well-Known Member
I was gone for most the weekend and it was nice to come home to a very bushy set of ladies. The sizes range from 5-9 inches and I would say a few inches change since Friday.

I fed them a total of a gallon of water mixed with 3 teaspoons of Iguana Juice on Thursday so im sure they enjoyed that.

I was thinking about watering them today but figured Id wait another day since I can still feel a cool moistness when I do a finger test. Then I plan to wait another two days then give another feeding of the same as before. If by the end of the week and into the next I find them needing more I will adjust accordingly.

So far everything is looking nice, hopefully it stays that way. I hope all who love pictures enjoy.. I would have gotten more close ups on other plants but I didn't want to remove them from the light so I chose just one. Enjoy! and comments please!!

Thank you all for subscribing I hope to see you guys around the whole time!!
looking at those pics, you could have a Nitrogen or Magnesium deficiency, the slight yellowing around the edge of the leaves and the yellow patches are a give-away. I'd check it out before it gets worse.


Well-Known Member
looking at those pics, you could have a Nitrogen or Magnesium deficiency, the slight yellowing around the edge of the leaves and the yellow patches are a give-away. I'd check it out before it gets worse.

Hey thank you for the tip.. I have some Botanicare's "Cal-Mag" laying around from my previous grow.. that should do it! TY!!


Active Member
lookin good lookin good

i got some auto ak's i havent messed with yet

i reccomend the full line of fox farm nutes.. liquids and solids, to go with that awesome soil your using.. although its not totally organic (nutes) its GREAT stuff


Well-Known Member
Hello all just wanted to give a nice picture update on my ladies. Not much (besides size) has changed much since my last update. I also placed them on a wooden table to elevate them so I can work on them easier (better on my back)

From my last pictures I was informed I may have a nitrogen or magnesium deficiency so I used some cal-mag the other day during a watering. I used about 2 tsp per gallon and used about 2 gallons.

The largest one at the moment is the Pakistan Ryder. I'm not to sure if I want to move the largest one directly under the middle of the light or if that would require the light to be raised higher and thus giving less light to the smaller ones.. I have added even more supplementary lighting via CFL's, I really hope that they are getting all the spots the HPS cannot get to.

:bigjoint:Enjoy :weed:



Well-Known Member
I'm in :) Ordered AK-47 Lowrider x2 today.

This is the part I hate.....the waiting....the paranoia. :(


Well-Known Member
Hello all just wanted to give a nice picture update on my ladies. Not much (besides size) has changed much since my last update. I also placed them on a wooden table to elevate them so I can work on them easier (better on my back)

From my last pictures I was informed I may have a nitrogen or magnesium deficiency so I used some cal-mag the other day during a watering. I used about 2 tsp per gallon and used about 2 gallons.

The largest one at the moment is the Pakistan Ryder. I'm not to sure if I want to move the largest one directly under the middle of the light or if that would require the light to be raised higher and thus giving less light to the smaller ones.. I have added even more supplementary lighting via CFL's, I really hope that they are getting all the spots the HPS cannot get to.

:bigjoint:Enjoy :weed:

Fucking awsome dude :clap:. Man, what's the odor level like? I grew 3 Short Riders in a big home and every square inch of it reeked of reefer. So much so that my wife had a nervous breakdown. No more indoor growing for me. :(


Well-Known Member
You can def smell it when you walk into the room esp if the door was shut but other than that I don't see it as being a problem as of yet.....when you rub the leaves you can get a nice smell, and if you smell the bud areas you can get a strong whiff of a danky smell but very immature.. not quite where it can be..


Well-Known Member
You can def smell it when you walk into the room esp if the door was shut but other than that I don't see it as being a problem as of yet.....when you rub the leaves you can get a nice smell, and if you smell the bud areas you can get a strong whiff of a danky smell but very immature.. not quite where it can be..
Yeah bro no doubt, my Nirvana SR's smelled like pine + skunk, with a hint of fruit.

'Anxious to see when you yank and how much you yield! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Well for the best estimate on when I harvest would prolly be mid April.. but if these ladies need more time ill be the first to give it to them!


Well-Known Member
Well for the best estimate on when I harvest would prolly be mid April.. but if these ladies need more time ill be the first to give it to them!
Very cool :cool:

Don't be surprised though if your girls mature quicker. If they are anything like my SR's were, they seemed to finish super fast.

Before I knew it, they were turning purplish on the calyxes and leaves. And my timing was good; I am stoned off my ass right now :eyesmoke:. My avatar pic is an SR.

Autos rock!! 'Don't know why some people diss them. Perhaps they have no commercial potential, but for fast turnaround and low visibility from neighbors and rippers, you can't beat them. Another benefit; less growing time = less chance of getting busted.

Besides, I'm an impatient motherfucker :lol: I don't want to wait until October to smoke quality bud :|.

Only shwagg should be illegal. :leaf:


Very cool :cool:

Don't be surprised though if your girls mature quicker. If they are anything like my SR's were, they seemed to finish super fast.

Before I knew it, they were turning purplish on the calyxes and leaves. And my timing was good; I am stoned off my ass right now :eyesmoke:. My avatar pic is an SR.

Autos rock!! 'Don't know why some people diss them. Perhaps they have no commercial potential, but for fast turnaround and low visibility from neighbors and rippers, you can't beat them. Another benefit; less growing time = less chance of getting busted.

Besides, I'm an impatient motherfucker :lol: I don't want to wait until October to smoke quality bud :|.

Only shwagg should be illegal. :leaf:
Thats a sweet Snow Ryder.....i love the smoke of the SR it reminds me of the buzz i get from WW Bud. Amazing stone. I would love to try growing sum of that maybe in the next month.

Topo you are so right about the timing of the Auto-Flowering Strains,mine usually finish in 70days or less. People that diss Auto's know nothing about breeding and stabilization because Auto's have come along way since the olden days, now there are over 100 strains and some of which are better than any "regular" weed i smoked. I would consider myself somewhat of an auto-flowering enthusiast, i just love them.

My all time favorite is the Lowlife AK47 the first version because i just love some of the phenotypes that come out of this strain, i have had sum that come out really fruity and sum with a spicy taste, but overall just a great plant with amazing vigor and astonishing potency if you have the right conditions and nutrients. Not to mention i have gotten average yields of 80g and over per plant i am pretty happy. Another all time favorite which i have to mention is JD's Diesel Ryder, wow what an amazing plant with such an exotic taste that lingers well after the exhale, plus i get a really good celebral buzz which came in handy at alot of parties. I have got average yields of 60g from this auto and i hope to tweak it up to at least 80g.

I became a believer last year when i had a blue mystic which yielded 6 ounces from using AN Nutes, that bud is holding me till now! The only thing you said wrong is that Auto's don't have commercial potential because i myself have seen many fellow growers getting pounds and pounds of it, it all comes down to the right conditions, nutrients and lighting. Check out this pic of a commercial grow of Lowryder girls in a perpetual harvest.
