6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..


Active Member
Im using the soil god provided. Its much easier plus I can get away with it around here because where I am at has some of the best fertile soil In the state. Yea Im very pleased with my spot:mrgreen: thank you
well ur very luccy. i live in fl. the soil here is like sand. so i jus use blacc cow manure


Active Member
:shock:BREAKING NEWS!!!!:shock: I have identified my pest. It is called the "Stalk Borer" and let this be a message to all outdoor growers, apparently they come from tall grass. I have tall Bromegrass surrounding my patches and they are known to be found in bromegrass. I wont go into all the details about them as you can search it yourself but they start in the grass and work their way to other larger plants later in life, and they only move at night. I have a list of insecticides that destroy these things but none of which I would use on my plants so I'll get one and spray all the grass in my surrounding areas. Here are the pics that led to my discovery...my camera sucks and cant see things close up but I guess it gives you a rough idea of what I'm dealing with here.
As you can see the first pic the the hollowed out stem. the 2nd pic you can see the difference in the stem good part (left side) and bad part (hollowed out) and in the 3rd pic there is the stalk borer, I killed it accidentally when I sliced the stem down the center but its there. If you look up the stalk borer you will see better pics of what it really looks like.
those bastards


Active Member
This is also my first tie down. If standing straight up (90* angle) pull it down to a 45 first and then after a week pull it down more yet...little by little you can get that sucker all the way down to the ground, then all your branches will go up right....lotsa colas! There is a number of ways to do it I'm sure but thats kinda what I'm doing.
i usually start tiein down early in the season so it produces lotsa colas from the get go and have plenty of time 2 grow massive


Active Member
Just out of curiosity tho, say I got a few seeds from say my Armageddons and I planted them would they be 50% Armageddon, 50% wild? Also over the next generations...you would keep pollinating that strain with itself?....to perfect and get a solid consistent strain?
a cross breed takes more than one season


Active Member
some people say a plant will double in size over the flowering stage, would plants that are giants already be the exception to this? or dose anyone really think plants like this could grow to be 12 feet tall

volcom, im really impressed by your giants, they look top of the line. i couldnt bother reading evry page, did you ever find out what pest was drilling through the stem? sounds odd to me
although it is possible that plants can double in size during flowering it is unlikly


Active Member
Plants can grow to be 12 ft tall yes, the wild weed around here last year grew in excess of 8ft tall. If grown in the right conditions my power skunks would easily top that, but lets face it, plants that tall would just be a hassle to manage. You cant even get close to reaching the colas let alone be able to tell if its harvest time lol. Which is why I decided to tie mine down:mrgreen: here is a picture providing proof that certain strains (sativas mostly) get very tall.
Oh and that pest was called a "stalk borer" there is a pic of one on page 4 I think it is. I've found two of them and got rid of both of them and so far havent had any more problems.
but that doesnt mean it doubled once it hit flowering. they have a max height of 25ft. but that dont mean theyll reach that in 1 season


Active Member
thier lookin great man cant wait to see em get weighted down with buds lol

and i could be wrong buton the W.W. that sounds like its jus showing its indica side (gettin bushy) but yeah it could be bred for indoor gardens but hell mother nature knows best
sativas can be bushy 2 if u control its height


Active Member
I have a question... I've seen a lot of indoor setups where they make a grid basically so you can separate the tops so they all get better lighting...I was considering doing something like that for my outdoor plants, because they are getting pretty thick...any thoughts?
yes do it. ive done it a few times. ull love the outcome


Active Member
so your saying I should keep pruning to a minimum.....maybe just a few large fan leaves here and there to let more light to lower budsites once they start flowering good....I have not trimmed much at all as of now, just a few lower branches on my power skunks.
only trim leaves that r yellowing. they succ up energy and do not produce photosynthesis. if u want light 2 get 2 inner budsights tie down branches that r in the way.


Active Member
dude i trim alot of my fan leaves when it starts to flower so all the buds grow and the colas get fat.i hear alot of people say dont trim them but i always have cut my leaves cause it makes em more stealth and it makes the plant able to fully grow.trim that shit
if u trim the leaves growin out of the buds a week or 2 b4 harvest it will increase resin count. other than that and trimmin of yellows dont do it.