6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

was that wooden bowl from the stem ? nice reap bro . I'm trying to gather mine the same way . I keep putting off buying jars untill I have 'em hanging .
great work
I'd spray some neem oil, soap/water, or any homemade gardening insect deterrent on them (there's a lot of recipes out there). Otherwise, I'm jealous of your grow location. Wish I could find something besides swampland and isolated palm hammocks around here. :cuss:

Oh and to answer your question about pruning - my advice is that unless you have a need to control their height, I wouldn't prune or top them. It's a debatable subject though.

sorry not debatable - if you top you get several donkey dicks ive done it...
exactly its not only a great height helper but the big reasons is yield with small amounts of traing you can basically double the fun haha
let the games begin, one of 4 is hanging right now and I just took about 1/3 of the big one today. also Im leaving the branches that are mostly made up of popcorn on the plants as I go through here. then will pick all the little stuff up at the end. maybe by the time I get all the big stuff done and come back around again there will be some to be gained on those branches...we shall see. anyway this stuff is pretty heavy stuff It seems to be much more dense than the white widow...a lot of the branches have reached the point where they cant hold them selfs up anymore. good thing I tied strings around them all otherwise I guarentee there would have been many broken limbs.


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well I hate to show you this because I have a feeling the next picture you see of this stuff it will all be dead due to winter like weather headed my way for next week. I cant cover these either because of my location and the size of these plants any kind of cover would blow my cover and its just not worth the risk for me in this case. I got some good bud this season and there is no sense in pushing my luck...all I can do here is just watch and pray.:cry: an easy 2 lbs or more...if I was just a little south.


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they look great volcom, i hope you get somethin off those power skunks before the frost gets ya.... if anything HASH!! you'll have a good harvest.
hell time for some camo net and plastic wrap haha i kid thatll get ya noticed man i hope ya get em done before the season shit lol hell i threw a lil play toy out bout a month ago lol jus to kill time before movin indoors again lol
yea we just got hit with good frost last night and I still got 3 Armageddons out there! Its suppose to be down to 25 tonight and it was snowing this morning a little bit...I think its game over for the skunks but hopefully the Armageddons will be fine? Frost doesnt affect potency that I know of but none the less I'm doing all I can to get em in and done. Have been trimmin with all my spare time and just cant keep up. Hopefully I'll knock a good amount out Im gonna start in a little bit here and probably trim all night long or at least until I cant keep my eyes open anymore...
yup you sure can but like i said itll help get ya caught if the land aint yours bro no need to risk freedom over some ladies human or plant haha what works nice for it is the really clear painters tarps like only a few bucks and a few sticks of 1x2 build a box out of the wood and wrap it tight with the plastic itll save em from the frost oh and maybe some towles or something around the stem and on the ground will help warm the plant but its really a lost cause if ya got more than 2 weeks left

but hey you mite get to see some purp action with the cold weather comin in lower night temps is what gives em color like that
well I finally got one done and off the strings and in the jars and damn it feels good!! It was an average sized plant compared the rest but pretty small compared to the one big one, which is about 3 times the size of the next size down. It weighed in at 6.2 oz! What you see hanging in the pic is all from one plant(big one) I'm gonna guess its gonna yield around 18 oz. oh the ones in the bottom right on the lower strings is from a diff plant that I just brought in to trim up today. I still have one more down there that is maybe slightly smaller than the rest probably a 4-5 ouncer. The two big bud shots are from the one that I brought in today which are not as big as some of the ones I got off my big momma so that gives you a little idea. I will be sampling the done stuff (one day cure) while I'm trimming later and will be sure to give you a full report.:blsmoke:


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check out this super silver haze plant. its about 12' tall here, its 16' tall now and about 2 weeks from harvest.
ok so heres the deal two of my plants got slammed pretty hard with frost for the past 2-3 days. I just havn't had the time to get them all in cuz that big momma set me back big time! And my girlfriend hasnt been helping me as much as I thought she'd be able to because of her work schedule right now. anyway when I went to go chop one of the two left today ALL the large fan leaves are dead and already crinkly dry on the tips as I was chopping them up I noticed quite a few of the smaller to medium sized bud areas on the underside of the bud it seems to have a bit of a brown look to it but mostly on the stem area. some buds are almost like wobbley on the branch because of it...is this the start of mold? and if I put them in my dry room will it stop it from getting any worse. the damn frost caught me way off guard this year...fucking second week of october and hitting mid 20's is not an every year deal here so! its not surprising be any means but still it sucks lol. here is pics of what it looks like and this is the worst looking of it all. this is scary for me as its gonna hit 30 tonight again and I still have one more out there.:confused:


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wow very nice plant there man, I smoked some silver haze a friend of mine had from cali and it was very good. very powerful and clean high.
I cant tell in the picture, but my most dense girl got hit by bud rot hard. I threw out any affected areas. And hung it up to dry but it still spread.

If i've learned anythig from this debacle is get to it early. Throw out any areas with brown especially brown stems. Don't let it near your dry room. That shit spreads.

I just hope more of it dosnt spread in my mason jars. Blerg.
well I dont put mold in my jars and once there dry mold isn't gonna grow so I'm not worried about it spreading i got good spacing in my dry room and shit drys hella fast in there I'm just wondering if this hint of brown around the stems and in worst cases a little on the under side of the bud is going to be something to be worried about. just hypathetically we'll say it was the start of mold, if i trimmed up and hung them to dry right now ,would it even have time to spread before it would be too dry to even turn to mold.???????man Im high as hell right now and this sounds understanding to me but maybe you have no idea what I'm trying to ask.:eyesmoke:
the stem does have a bit of a "im dead" sickly look to it and i think if i would have left the plant go another day or so it WOULD be mold but being how i chopped it now and it is well on its way to drying i dont think it will amount to anything...I hope i'm right.
i just wanted to ask if it was indeed a sign of mold and if it was already too late?