60 Plant Grow Setup


Well-Known Member
he's some pics to hold you over. some are mine but it's the best i can do. i'll call him right now.

this is what a shitload of my drying buds looks like.......

IMG_2880.jpg IMG_2888.jpg IMG_3045.JPG IMG_3416.jpg

trenton is a car salesman. that is what he does. he did not make the money to buy the viper by growing weed. he made the money to grow weed by buying and selling vipers. see the difference? he already had the money from other means. this was just a trial run to see if he could pull it off. he is currently seeking different residency in a permanent house. he did state all this previously. he didn't get rich. i'd say paid for his time and materials. the sour d has some powdery mildew and he may be just a little embarrassed(my words, not his. i could be waaaay off). he worries a lot, which is a good thing. i saw it and it didn't look ruined but i did see a little mildew. why buy a new camera when you already have one? he just can't find it. it must be buried under all his money. :wink:



New Member
oh so u mean that trenton lies for a living in other words. lol im j/k
hell id say he did hella good by any means. most peoples 1st turns out to be a hooker with hiv(a disaster) or shitty bud because of negligence// excessive attention.

i give him props for the grow just for the fact he pulled off such a great ending result and then put the growing game down. i cant even do that myself (as the old lady instructed) and ive never had a room with 60 mature plants in it @ any given moment.


Well-Known Member
i just got off the phone with him. he is hella busy. he only talked for a minute. he is trying to get a lb trimmed up so he can take it to the club.


New Member
i just got off the phone with him. he is hella busy. he only talked for a minute. he is trying to get a lb trimmed up so he can take it to the club.
well what the hell are you ding @ your house when your friend is in such need.
shame on you faded.........tsk tsk
your killing time on riu when a friend so desperately needs help

im just fooling with ya.


Well-Known Member
its to hang rippers from. why do people make such a bid deal over a noose? like its a racial slur or something.......Lots of people of different races were lynched by the way.

wtf what are you talking about? why are you even mentioning the word racial? did i imply anything racial by any extent? i believe not my friend.

ohh btw, my last question was directed towards FDD.

have a nice day kachab.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Do you think we are all F*kin idiots out here fdd? You flat out lie to us and expect us to believe it? I'm sure that this post has changed a lot of peoples' opinion about you now. How many people do you figure were following "Trenton's Gone Hydro Crazy!" grow journal (that you posted in) before you decided to go and delete the entire thread? Guess that's why you thought you could get away with "i never saw a hydro table. must be a different thread." What a F*kin Joke.
Oh, and as far as those clones..... are we supposed to believe that he spent all that money on his cloning setup just to let the clones die off? Yeah right. You should be holding your head down in shame for lieing to all the RIU members

so you all are crying because you can't see pics of drying buds? i thought it was about the grow. i'm still trying to understand what you all are asking for.

the clones he took never rooted. he shut the rooter down after 2 weeks. that was 2 months ago.

the sour diesel was still drying as of last night.

he came by with his dad last night and bought my motorcycle. the weather had been great.

he's a cookie for all those who've helped.......:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
that's for the day they take away my card.

i refuse to trim. i can't even trim my own bud. i hate it. :evil: hurts my eyes, my face and my back.:evil::evil:
ya, i hope they never take your card away. weed is a great pain remedy :D

ya, i get a headache when i trim, and now that you mention it, it bothers my eyes a little too. the smell gets nauseating after a while- or at least the bagseed that i just harvested, stinky funky shit.



New Member
Do you think we are all F*kin idiots out here fdd? You flat out lie to us and expect us to believe it? I'm sure that this post has changed a lot of peoples' opinion about you now. How many people do you figure were following "Trenton's Gone Hydro Crazy!" grow journal (that you posted in) before you decided to go and delete the entire thread? Guess that's why you thought you could get away with "i never saw a hydro table. must be a different thread." What a F*kin Joke.
Oh, and as far as those clones..... are we supposed to believe that he spent all that money on his cloning setup just to let the clones die off? Yeah right. You should be holding your head down in shame for lieing to all the RIU members
or maybe its just that trentons a bit paranoid after having been posting this much info on so much bud and now wants to fall off the face of the earth as far as riu is concerned and fdd is trying to help him?
im staying out of all that because i didnt see any post in the past month or so while i was away but i do see where as things seem fishy and absolutely kosher @ the same time.


Well-Known Member
Do you think we are all F*kin idiots out here fdd? You flat out lie to us and expect us to believe it? I'm sure that this post has changed a lot of peoples' opinion about you now. How many people do you figure were following "Trenton's Gone Hydro Crazy!" grow journal (that you posted in) before you decided to go and delete the entire thread? Guess that's why you thought you could get away with "i never saw a hydro table. must be a different thread." What a F*kin Joke.
Oh, and as far as those clones..... are we supposed to believe that he spent all that money on his cloning setup just to let the clones die off? Yeah right. You should be holding your head down in shame for lieing to all the RIU members



no comment here.........


New Member
wtf what are you talking about? why are you even mentioning the word racial? did i imply anything racial by any extent? i believe not my friend.

ohh btw, my last question was directed towards FDD.

have a nice day kachab.:mrgreen:
i never implied anything to say that you were bringing it to be a racial matter.
i was simply stating that Lots of people take a piece of twisted rope way to far and out. most people see a noose and are all like :o:o:o:o.


Well-Known Member
or maybe its just that trentons a bit paranoid after having been posting this much info on so much bud and now wants to fall off the face of the earth as far as riu is concerned and fdd is trying to help him?

hmmmm... good point

im staying out of all that

ditto, that would be wise

because i didnt see any post in the past month or so while i was away but i do see where as things seem fishy and absolutely kosher @ the same time.


Well-Known Member
i never implied anything to say that you were bringing it to be a racial matter.
i was simply stating that Lots of people take a piece of twisted rope way to far and out. most people see a noose and are all like :o:o:o:o.
naw, i wasnt shocked by any means, just curious.

i was worried about FDD i guess- making sure things are going ok with him and his old lady...... i guess its not really my place, but ive grown to likening the guy.

thats all:peace:


Well-Known Member
Do you think we are all F*kin idiots out here fdd? You flat out lie to us and expect us to believe it? I'm sure that this post has changed a lot of peoples' opinion about you now. How many people do you figure were following "Trenton's Gone Hydro Crazy!" grow journal (that you posted in) before you decided to go and delete the entire thread? Guess that's why you thought you could get away with "i never saw a hydro table. must be a different thread." What a F*kin Joke.
Oh, and as far as those clones..... are we supposed to believe that he spent all that money on his cloning setup just to let the clones die off? Yeah right. You should be holding your head down in shame for lieing to all the RIU members
wow, don't hold back any of those feelings. :-|

the clones died. plain and simple. he ended up buying some from a friend of mine. but like i said THAT WAS A DIFFERENT THREAD!!!!! yes i did delete it. too many people started telling him the DEA was coming and he got pissed/paranoid. what would you do? i lied about nothing. the clones died and the hydro WAS another thread.

you should apologize now. :peace: