60 Plant Grow Setup


Well-Known Member
Its already been said what is going on. Trent got paranoid and irritated by all the talk of being over the Federal 5 year minimum sentence 100 plants limit... there was also too much information that could be used to narrow down his identity in my opinion and put him in trouble. it was a good story, but now its over.


Well-Known Member
it was a good story, but now its over.
i know, take a chill pill joe.

i appreciate all that he did do for us. he didnt have to show any of his grow if he didnt want to. who cares what happened to his clones or his plants. maybe he's trying to keep his ass virgin and stay on the DL.

not trying to be a dink, but lets not get upset over him not continuing to show his bizz.


Well-Known Member
There are 100 clones in his hydro system in the upstairs room (I guess he bought them from fdd's friend). But, he also had 60 clones that he took from this grow to put in his ez cloner and another 20 that were put in rockwool cubes. Here are the pics of his ez cloner. Isn't it supposed to be EZ? Maybe he was using bleach for nutes and thats how he got 100% failure rate on 60 clones in an ez cloner?????
Makes perfect sense.
I'm also pretty sure hes not moving since he prob has at least a one year lease in a house like that. Plus, it would be hard to move 180 plants to another house...oops, I mean 120 plants if the 60 did die.
So, how about some pics? :mrgreen:
Dude wtf is up with you & this stupid shit,what good can possibly come from you doing this,just let it go.

We just went through this Sherlock Holmes shit in another thread,it sucked then & it sucks now,let whoever "trenton" is fade away.


Well-Known Member
IMO everyone that was talking all that FED stuff ruined it for everyone.. Obviously people now what could happen to them if they do grow but they don't need it thrown in there face every 10 post about how long they are going to prison for. No one wants to hear that all the time. Who could really balame trenton. He has a grow long showing eveyone something awsome and people have to ruin it buy saying 'what if?'. What if, a lot of stuff could happen. Diane Riche (or however you spell her name) was busted with 6 plants by the feds. Should we go ruin everyone's grow log on RIU by sketching them out of the concequences of growing. I wish everyone was just cool and we could have enjoyed this thread together in a mature manner.. Who knows or cares what kind of car 'trenton' drives? I enjoyed looking at his plans and I didn't care that he had 60 or if he had 2.. They are awsome plants too see. It was an insperation to me.. People are posting all the info they have 'gathered' on this thread. Man leave the guy alone maybe he wasn't worring about the FEDs but nosy people on here prying into his life.. Man, there was actually people that thought he was in Belair buying a helecoptor.. Who cares.. See what happens when you don't stick to topic. At least this wasn't a chicks growlog with like 100 lonely dudes tring to hit on her..


Too many brownies
Ok so if trenton is so fuckign worried and wotn post up any post harvest pictures of the strains (something I enjoy to look at because im always curoius about adding new genetics to my garden) Why dont you jsut delete this thread as well...its full of a bunch of empty promises that Trent made.

Pictures of the plants, pictures of the viper, pictures of the harvest. If I have to I will go back and find every promise he made and then proceeded to break. Along with you other guys that said you would go to his place and get some pictures for us.

Fuck this thread its garbage. 150+ pages are off topic and theres only a handful photos scattered here and there....

You need to add something to the title so people dont waste their fucking time like I did following this thread for weeks upon weeks only to be let down.

Its not just about SEEING bud Fdd....

Like I said im always looking for new genetics, and yes FDD of course we care about how the plant grows but the final product of the strains we are curious about is what matters most. We dont smoke that nice huge main stem or all those pretty green leaves....unless i decide to grow industrial hemp.

I wouldnt care so much if trent hadnt made those promises and then all you guys making a bunch of excuses for him are ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
its full of a bunch of empty promises that Trent made.

Pictures of the plants, pictures of the viper, pictures of the harvest. If I have to I will go back and find every promise he made and then proceeded to break. Along with you other guys that said you would go to his place and get some pictures for us.
Promises ? this is the internet what do promises have to do with anything :confused:are people not allowed to drop a subject that is getting bad press or giving them a bad vibe.

Shit like whats going on in this thread make m,e wonder why anybody in their right mind would ever start a journal if its going to haunt them.

Remember there are people here facing 15 years & $500,000 fines for their grow if their caught.


Well-Known Member
Remember there are people here facing 15 years & $500,000 fines for their grow if their caught.
Not to diss you but this is what Im talking about. Everyone knows the punishments but we don't need them thrown in our face every 10 posts.. That is why we didn't get pictures. And No he doesn't owe them to you. If he doesn't want to post he doesn't have to and he probably dosen't want to post because of eveyone bringing up prison time left and right..


Well-Known Member
Guys, the only reason why I pointed this stuff out is because we were made to look like fools. I understand that Trenton prob got scared and I would have too. But, don't lie to us. People on this forum are smart and remember the stuff that they read. So, when you contradict what has been written you are playing us for fools.
No, we aren't nosy people on here prying into his life...HE posted it all here for us to read. We didn't pry anything out of him. HE told us about the viper and the whole heli thing was started by the infamous FDD2BLK.


Too many brownies
Guys, the only reason why I pointed this stuff out is because we were made to look like fools. I understand that Trenton prob got scared and I would have too. But, don't lie to us. People on this forum are smart and remember the stuff that they read. So, when you contradict what has been written you are playing us for fools.
No, we aren't nosy people on here prying into his life...HE posted it all here for us to read. We didn't pry anything out of him. HE told us about the viper and the whole heli thing was started by the infamous FDD2BLK.
yup :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
Guys, the only reason why I pointed this stuff out is because we were made to look like fools. I understand that Trenton prob got scared and I would have too. But, don't lie to us. People on this forum are smart and remember the stuff that they read. So, when you contradict what has been written you are playing us for fools.
No, we aren't nosy people on here prying into his life...HE posted it all here for us to read. We didn't pry anything out of him. HE told us about the viper and the whole heli thing was started by the infamous FDD2BLK.
i agree on those 2 points! i mean i understand...dont play us like boo boo the fool...

BUT at the same time....we all should really just forget about it. i mean cmon. why not forget about it?

its like when you have a mistress....and im with my ol lady...if i say dont call bitch, dont call! forget about me, it, the whole scenario ya feel?


Well-Known Member
let's clarify this......

i admitted to deleting the hydro thread and stated why. continue to call me a liar and it just makes you look like an ass.

i showed pics of the ready to harvest crop. what more do you want? he is still drying and trimming so there is yet to be a final weight.

the EZ cloner failed, hence the fact you don't see it posted. my buddy grows mothers. if your were keeping up on the hydro thread, BEFORE I DELETED IT, you would see that trenton was growing purple erkel and NEW YORK city diesel. clones he purchased from my friend. he got 137 total. some went to me and some where beaten up and died.

what exactly is it you people feel you are OWED?

what do you want?

want is the point of the last 5 pages?

i REALLY do not understand what all the fuss is about. if you tell me i will try to help. fuck, i've gone over and taken pics, i've called him, i answered for him, yet you ASSHOLES still attack me. thanks, glad i could help. :mrgreen:

i'm really confused here. :confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
Trenton handle your business..in the business your in the internet forum should not be too high on the list of important things to worry about....HANDLE IT..


Well-Known Member
shit i feel like if they say to forget about it....shit forget about it!!!!!!

lets embrace and hide and harbor our brothers, not exploit them!!!!!

trenton really doesnt owe us shit.

fdd tried to give you all some pics and damn still aint good enough. hell what is? catch22 around this motherfucker. damn if ya do, damned if ya dont. wtf


Well-Known Member
shit i feel like if they say to forget about it....shit forget about it!!!!!!

lets embrace and hide and harbor our brothers, not exploit them!!!!!

trenton really doesnt owe us shit.

fdd tried to give you all some pics and damn still aint good enough. hell what is? catch22 around this motherfucker. damn if ya do, damned if ya dont. wtf
Thats what im talking about right there,whoever this guy is he's lost interest in taking part in the thread,whatever his reasons are they are his own & valid to him,thats all that matters.

Still, FDD comming up with the helicopter was good shit :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thats what im talking about right there,whoever this guy is he's lost interest in taking part in the thread,whatever his reasons are they are his own & valid to him,thats all that matters.

Still, FDD comming up with the helicopter was good shit :mrgreen:

i bought one, :mrgreen:.............https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/58960-i-just-bought-new-helicopter.html

gotta be careful about what you "assume" people. the truth may just be too shocking for you. :mrgreen::peace:

time to smoke some more green crack. i have a run down on a cutting. i talked to a lady that has a mother but it's in recovery right now. spider mites. she said when she gets a good cutting she will hook me up. :blsmoke: