60 Plant Grow Setup


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Yeah just bribe his ass with an oz of some fruit, also i was wondering how close your 4 1000watt lights are to your plants? :joint::peace::peace::peace:


shawarma king
Maybe he was just covering his ass. If he knows something isn't right about the wiring in the house he would get nervous after you moved in.

Or maybe he is just nosy, and you just made him even more nosy with your strange ass behavior.

Either way I don't think it looks good. And I bet FDD is just fucking around about bribing the electrician. Who knows, maybe the electrician is a relative. :)


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Maybe he was just covering his ass. If he knows something isn't right about the wiring in the house he would get nervous after you moved in.

Or maybe he is just nosy, and you just made him even more nosy with your strange ass behavior.

Either way I don't think it looks good. And I bet FDD is just fucking around about bribing the electrician. Who knows, maybe the electrician is a relative. :)
maybe he's just suspicious about the huge increase on the electric bill.


Well-Known Member
Yeah just bribe his ass with an oz of some fruit, also i was wondering how close your 4 1000watt lights are to your plants? :joint::peace::peace::peace:
4 lightss / 60 plants= 15 plants per light :roll::mrgreen::blsmoke::joint::peace::peace:

and as for the electric bil, there really should be no wory... he could have a fish tank using 1000W a space heater using 2000W and a huge wolfer for a nice speaker system at damn near 2000 W could have a second refrigerator at about 500W or he could have 4 1000W HPS bulbs for a magnificent orchid garden :D ;)
I gave the guy who instaled my cable for the internet some weed... never met him befor, but he had to go in my grow area, and he was like woa! thats awsome, so I let him slide :P


Well-Known Member
I would tell him you have an electrician coming to fix something else and you will have him take a look...i dunno


Well-Known Member
Maybe he was just covering his ass. If he knows something isn't right about the wiring in the house he would get nervous after you moved in.

Or maybe he is just nosy, and you just made him even more nosy with your strange ass behavior.

Either way I don't think it looks good. And I bet FDD is just fucking around about bribing the electrician. Who knows, maybe the electrician is a relative. :)

it sounds like the electrician is friends with the landlord. they usually are. i think if one finds out the other will know. i can't picture the landlord letting it slide. like you said it is his house and liability. if it were to burn down due to faulty wiring the tenant could turn around and.......

i'm sorry to say but i don't think it looks good. the best i can suggest it to make sure you have your paperwork in order and on hand. make sure you have scripts to cover your plant count. try to be polite and understanding. then cross your fingers and hope the landlord is cool. i wish you the best. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Can you move everything out of your wash room? Clean it all up and lock the garage? I don't know man, you are going to have use some jedi tricks to get out of this one...You sound sharp, you will figure something out...you will..don't waist your time worrying, put your energy towards a plan...you got it man..Stay cool..


Well-Known Member
it sounds like the electrician is friends with the landlord. they usually are. i think if one finds out the other will know. i can't picture the landlord letting it slide. like you said it is his house and liability. if it were to burn down due to faulty wiring the tenant could turn around and.......

i'm sorry to say but i don't think it looks good. the best i can suggest it to make sure you have your paperwork in order and on hand. make sure you have scripts to cover your plant count. try to be polite and understanding. then cross your fingers and hope the landlord is cool. i wish you the best. :peace:
if he has the paperwork and everything saying that its legit, the landlord is not alowed by law to tell him he cant grow... the law is thaat you have the rght to grow without your landloads consent. :twisted:
so just have you license and whatnot and you should be fine


Well-Known Member
if he has the paperwork and everything saying that its legit, the landlord is not alowed by law to tell him he cant grow... the law is thaat you have the rght to grow without your landloads consent. :twisted:
so just have you license and whatnot and you should be fine
good luck with that one. :blsmoke:

ASA : California Legal Tip of the Month

October 2007:
Medical Marijuana and Landlord/Tenant Law

Medical marijuana patients' rights under landlord/tenant law remain unresolved. While a qualified patient is entitled to possess at least 8 oz. of medical marijuana AND 6 mature OR 12 immature plants, California law does not specify where cultivation is appropriate. Unfortunately, some landlords, upon learning of a tenant's patient status, possession, or cultivation may even threaten eviction.
After a negative interaction with a landlord regarding medical marijuana, try to negotiate and use the letter found on our website. If your landlord has asked you to remove your plants, explore cultivating in an alternate location. Explain that you are a medical marijuana patient, and that you are legally allowed to possess/cultivate/medicate in California. You may want to inform your landlord of your condition, and how marijuana specifically helps you. Note that some landlords must rent to patients for California's medical marijuana laws to have any meaning. If cultivating, assuage any fears your landlord might have about possible damage to the apartment. As a last resort, inform the landlord that you intend to file a complaint with the DFEH if evicted. While you may ultimately leave, use the negotiations to win helpful concessions from the landlord, such as a 6-month extension of the lease and/or moving expenses.


yea man i would just tell them that you have a licensed electricion coming over to look at it and have one of your friends come in with some wiring tools and play it off for an hour. id try to have him see the guy come in your house and leave with a clipboard or something


Well-Known Member
I think I would just make the appt with him.....give yourself a day to move all of your stuff...the plants should be fine for a half a day without the ventilation. I know it is a lot of work...but might save your grow. Lock the garage. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
I am working on solutions now. Also, someone asked, the lights are approx. 2.5 feet above the plants.


Active Member
Wow, bro...looks like a stressful situation.. My first post on the thread, grow operation looks tight! Definitely start figuring out where to move those plants. Don't let them in unless you absolutely have to, and try to let only the electrician in, that way you can bribe him. Good luck, i'm prayin to the ganja gods you'll be ok....


Well-Known Member
good luck with that one. :blsmoke:

ASA*:*California Legal Tip of the Month

October 2007:
Medical Marijuana and Landlord/Tenant Law

Medical marijuana patients' rights under landlord/tenant law remain unresolved. While a qualified patient is entitled to possess at least 8 oz. of medical marijuana AND 6 mature OR 12 immature plants, California law does not specify where cultivation is appropriate. Unfortunately, some landlords, upon learning of a tenant's patient status, possession, or cultivation may even threaten eviction.
After a negative interaction with a landlord regarding medical marijuana, try to negotiate and use the letter found on our website. If your landlord has asked you to remove your plants, explore cultivating in an alternate location. Explain that you are a medical marijuana patient, and that you are legally allowed to possess/cultivate/medicate in California. You may want to inform your landlord of your condition, and how marijuana specifically helps you. Note that some landlords must rent to patients for California's medical marijuana laws to have any meaning. If cultivating, assuage any fears your landlord might have about possible damage to the apartment. As a last resort, inform the landlord that you intend to file a complaint with the DFEH if evicted. While you may ultimately leave, use the negotiations to win helpful concessions from the landlord, such as a 6-month extension of the lease and/or moving expenses.

shit man... I just read that like a week ago. I thought it was about cali... but maybe I didnt even read it at all... and I just imagined the whole thing... I think I do that ocasionaly... but I'm not sure :/


Well-Known Member
There's got to be a way to move all the plants out and cover the important shit up for a few hours...gosh, what if the electrician just flipped out and called the cops? DEA? I don't know


Well-Known Member
I am aloud to grow medically but it said specifically in the rental agreement no drugs of any kind on the premises (I think it also might of said something about cultivation. I have somewhat of a plan. I am going tomorrow to buy a washer and dryer and I am going to leave it in the room. If he wants to set an appointment within an hour i should be able to put the charcoal filter along with the ducting going throught the wall as well as the intake ducting going throught the wall as well as the the 4 light cables going throught the wall into the garage. I will have to turn all ventilation as well as the lights for a few hours and the plants will be ok of course. I will put one of those door posters of the hot girls to the right of the washer. that should cover all the holes. I think im ok to have a half naked girl pic next to the washer but it will still look a bit suspicious being that the washer and dryer are tucked away.
Attached is a pic of the room next to the garage to give you an idea of the situation.. You can totally see where the washer and dryer are suppose to be.



Well-Known Member
wow pretty crazy shit your on the right track stay positive man .. remember theirs more than one why to skin a cat...