60 Plant Grow Setup


Well-Known Member
Fdd will you teach me how to grow:-) And is there a new law passed in Cali im not aware of? Medical wise...........



Well-Known Member
I'm going to keep going with this operation. It is my right and my land lord doesnt need to know shit about my business. I went and bought a washer and dryer today. Now I need a big door poster to cover up the holes if he is goint to have an electrician come in. I will keep you guys posted and more pics are sure to come tomorrow. Also, no one gets my PG&E bill but me. I have the only key to my mailbox and the PG&E bill is in my name. I havn't got a bill yet but I will let you all know what it is when I get it. I live in a 4 bedroom house by myself. I dont use a fridge, stove, dryer, or washer. I dont even have to use the central heated because the exhaust air from the lights vent throught the charcoal filter and into the house and it keep the house at a perfect temp. Talk about saving energy. I couldn't have done that part any better. I do live in this house and am here constantly. The house is fully furnished with all new beautifull furniture. I think it's a great front. Though I do wonder if the land lord ever gets curious about why my garage is never open and why I always park my cars in the driveway. Really, its non of his business...


Well-Known Member
How are you bringing all this stuff in without the landlord noticing. You already told him you had a washer/dryer and now your bringing one in.


Well-Known Member
How are you bringing all this stuff in without the landlord noticing. You already told him you had a washer/dryer and now your bringing one in.
I wuld imagine the landloard dosnt live in the same house.
I have a two car garage, and never used it. lived here for a long time, landlord never asked why we dont use the garage for cars... I just keep al my old shit in their :P
Landlord lives across the street... he should have a back yard I guess?
I don't know how cali homes are set up. Everyone on my block can get to their backyard from an alleyway.

He has a good front and cali seems forgiving about this sized grow


Well-Known Member
Just a quick post to subscribe to this thread. Awesome grow. Fingers crossed for you re: landlord issue. :)


Well-Known Member
I wuld imagine the landloard dosnt live in the same house.
I have a two car garage, and never used it. lived here for a long time, landlord never asked why we dont use the garage for cars... I just keep al my old shit in their :P
I know the landlord doesnt live with him:twisted:

But he does live across the street. I wanted to know if he had a driveway that went to the back of the house or something.


Well-Known Member
Land lord does live across the street from me. No one came over today about the electrical situation again. I did get a washer and dryer today and was able to get it in the room. I know the land lord was home but he wasnt outside and I dont think he was watching. So anyways, i have the washer and dryer in the room with the charcoal filter, electrical stuff and all the ducting is. All I have to do know is get a big door poster of a hot chick or something. It will be beside the washer and will cover all the holes. Landlord or electrician might think its a little funny that the only picture in the house is in the washer area, so I will by a couple more and place elsewhere at the same time. I think within 10 minutes I should be able to put all the shit in the garage and slide the washer and dryer into place (hooked up of course) and put the poster over the holes.. Im assuming if they dont stop by tomorrow it probably wont be untill next week. I dont think they would bother me on the weekend. Either way if they have to do this they better do it fast while im still in veg Because once im in flower. If i have to unhook exhaust/intake, and charcoal filter I'm sure it will smell. Even with the 5000cbf Uvonair ozone extractor in the room. PS: More pics tomorrow for sure...


Well-Known Member
I am aloud to grow medically but it said specifically in the rental agreement no drugs of any kind on the premises (I think it also might of said something about cultivation. I have somewhat of a plan. I am going tomorrow to buy a washer and dryer and I am going to leave it in the room. If he wants to set an appointment within an hour i should be able to put the charcoal filter along with the ducting going throught the wall as well as the intake ducting going throught the wall as well as the the 4 light cables going throught the wall into the garage. I will have to turn all ventilation as well as the lights for a few hours and the plants will be ok of course. I will put one of those door posters of the hot girls to the right of the washer. that should cover all the holes. I think im ok to have a half naked girl pic next to the washer but it will still look a bit suspicious being that the washer and dryer are tucked away.
Attached is a pic of the room next to the garage to give you an idea of the situation.. You can totally see where the washer and dryer are suppose to be.

wait a minute. isn't the filter supposed to be in the room? are you blowing out thru the filter? the filter should be in the room and you should be sucking thru it then expelling the air into your attic. you need to flip that inline fan.


Well-Known Member
I am blowing the air out through the filter but really what is the difference. The filter should work both ways right. Also I dont have an attic. My bedroom is above th garage. It seems much easier my way than trying to mount a 125LB charcoal filter to the ceiling since the exhaust is suppose to be high.


Well-Known Member
wait a minute. isn't the filter supposed to be in the room? are you blowing out thru the filter? the filter should be in the room and you should be sucking thru it then expelling the air into your attic. you need to flip that inline fan.
It doesn't matter. I have seen someone argue that it is actually more efficient to push air out, rather than pull air through a filter. Or, you can do both and have a filter at either end. Double filtration!! :) This is what I do with much smaller filters and only when my plants are STINKING! Rest of the time, I only use one filter.


Well-Known Member
FDD there would be no hiding of the charcoal filter if it were to be in the room with the plants which is good but It will take me no less than two minutes to disconnect the duck, open up the door going into the garage and set it in.