60 Plant Grow Setup


Well-Known Member
those sound like microbs from the fox farm God i hope they are not afids. tell me if they have horns coming out the but 2 little horns


Well-Known Member
The little microscopic nus are all black and Im not sure if they have horns I will check in a bit. The insect that I cought with wings. There are many of them. Some are really small and hard to see. im trying to figure out if it is a fungas gnat or thripe. I think it is a thripe... :cry:


Well-Known Member
at least you learning, every time you have a prob.
on youer next big grow, you wont have 1/2 the probs.
nice plants, sorry about the probs.


Well-Known Member
Ok everyone. I am still researching on the bugs with wings but I think they are thripes. The little black bug all over without wings I believe are aphids. As you all know my floor is white so I am thinking that they are dirt specs then I look close and they are little blackish bugs crawling everywhere. They seem to be all over the floor and around the clear dishes the plants sit on. I found this pic off of yahoo and this is exactly what they look like (aphids)


Well-Known Member
whats up t.........i been fuckin moving all my shit into this new grow room....im tiiiiiiired..time for a bowl of hash..im bout to post new pics on my journal in like 10 minutes...


Well-Known Member
after you use the cide on them i dont think you will have any more problems with bugs...and that shit is organic so it's almost impossible to spray too much on them..but it smells like FISH doesn't it......:spew:

alright man im off to bed...im going to water the ladies, smoke a bowl of hash, and fall in to my DMT trip....:blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
I dunno if this would be a good idea in the middle of a grow, but if all your plants are off of the floor it might be a good idea to get some bleach and dilute it with water and pour it over every square inch of your grow room, because you would use all your orangicide if you sprayed everything in your grow area, also good to get the walls too, you can put bleach and water in a spray bottle and spray the walls or maybe even scrub them... Again i dont know if this is a good idea to do in the middle of a grow, so we will see what everyone else has to say about the idea, im just tryin to help ya out


Well-Known Member
on my grow floor, i put that bug killer powder down, but raise my pots.
i use reg bug spray and dilute it with a little water, for bugs, it works.
but with all your plants, wouldnt a sulper burner help?.


Well-Known Member
I have been using a sulphur burner to control powdery mildew so I do know for a fact that a sulfur burner does not kill aphids...


Well-Known Member
I am not positive if I have thripes or fungas gnats yet but I am positive that I have Aphids.

Capture some LadyBugs:-)



Well-Known Member
Hey FDD sorry I havnt gotten back to you. Ive been so busy. I do have aphids for sure. I cleaned the entire grow area and sprayed it with organicide and also sprayed the plats top to bottom. I cleaned all of the dishes as well. There were hundreds of them. It took about 7 hours. I worked all the way till the lights went off 5 minutes ago. It looks like im off to bed. Tomorrow I will tap on the soil and see if nats fly out. It all started when I saw many areas of pre-flower that had appeared to be damaged...(Im assuming this is the aphids taking over). I believe I am starting to get on top of the powdery mildew problem using the sulfer burner.. I cant believe I have this many problems. I can see where the flowering is happening and I really hate to spray down the plants at this point in the game (organic or not). I need to get these problems taken car of ASAP... There are many cracks in the garage that in my opinion should be sealed as well....


good luck man let us know how this problem works out, your a crazy man, in a good way, monster grow you got. -very good luck to you. -


Well-Known Member
hey also, aphids can be controlled by lady bugs. in fact, aphids are a lady bugs favorite food. they also liven up the atmosphere with their pretty colors and flying around. sorry im a bit of a nature hippy...


Well-Known Member
hey also, aphids can be controlled by lady bugs. in fact, aphids are a lady bugs favorite food. they also liven up the atmosphere with their pretty colors and flying around. sorry im a bit of a nature hippy...
those are afids, root afids ARE different.