You guys kill me. Of course I disabled the garage. Not only did I unplug the electric opener but I also put a lock on it so it cant be opened. I will take pics in a minute. I wnt out and just sprayed all the cracks around the garage as well as sprayed the floor dished and plant buckets. I still see those $%$%^% aphids in the dishes. Some alive some dead. I sweart they are coming out the bottom of the buckets. I have been using organicide. I really want to lightly water the soil with the organicide and water but I am scared. Plase give me some reassurance that it wont hurt the plants. Overall the plants look good and are staring to bud.. When I throughally sprayed all the plants the other day they seemed to take it ok althought all the leaves have a funny oilly shine to them from the organicide. Is this ok.
not to be a ass trenton i have replied directly to your problem a few times.
you can have them tell you good job all day if you dont get them killed very soon your in deep trouble. Reguardless enjoy.....
FYI fungus gnats do not have the cornies off the ass that is aphids.
google the stuff.
Kill them this week or the yellowing will stagger you.
that feeding you just gave, to those roots, are you curling yet????
deep deep do do trenton..... another week those clusters of families will have all new families