600 hps 42 days flower... what do you think


Well-Known Member
600 HPS 12/12
8" exhaust fan
6" intake duct (no fan)
88 days from seed
flairform bloom nutes

Any thoughts welcome, plant appears to be dying from bottom up, fan leaves start spotty and die, yellow to death in a few days, one by one



Well-Known Member
thanks toker, quick reply man. My first grow, I had 2 others that turned hermie, opened up sacs everywhere... didn't pollinate her luckily. I gotta cut her down in 2 weeks before I go away, I hope she matures before then... I dunno though


Well-Known Member
Yellowing like that is normal during flower. It looks good, and also looks like 2 weeks will give it just about enough time to be descent.


Well-Known Member
I know about the buds pulling stored nutes from leaves when flushing, though a lot of leaves are dying now, not just yellowing and dying but spotting and browning from leaf veins and dying quickly from first signs, say 2-3 days from first spots...? thanks shamegame :)


Active Member
you are lacking nitrogen,thats why the yellowing.shamegame is right it is normal though,those guys take alot of nutrients to produce.more nitrogen never hurts.
i would say trim the lower 2 or 3 limbs down to the trunk/stalk,they wont produce much anyway,thats why there dying the tops are taking from them,thats what you need to concentrate on(getting the tops what they need)
try to ph your water,oh ya side/bottom lights do wonders(couple t5s strips red)
but very nice job indeed
write me if any other Qs
I will Always Smoke Chronic Till the Day That I Die.
always keep them going


Well-Known Member
I got 10 23 watt cfls on rigid wire to position anywhere though i haven't used them in flower, I tend to have temp probs with them, my room is in a roof right up to the tiles at times it can get to 45 degrees with fans flat out (120 farenheit) hahaha yeah fucken hot, they don't get unhappy though, I can barely touch the walls when its like that, at one stage I was having 90% humaidity difference in 24 hours and 80 degrees farenheit difference, keep on growing though... no wonder 2 turned hermie :)
I check and adjust my ph daily if required
Thanks steve


Active Member
ya then def try to stabilize the climate,and always try to keep them breathing fresh air,ecspecially if temps get that high.
very nice work,keep on growin,all its doing is saving you money,and keeping them god damn drug dealers from driving escalades.lol
a drunk driver gets into a wreck,all i ever do is miss my exit.lol


Active Member
there needs to be more smokers and less strung out ass whino's
Have a good one,Hoochie

p.s. try using R.O. (reverse osmosis) water,i heard nothing but good about it,thats my next investment(pretty cheap actually,on ebay)


Well-Known Member
The temp & rh pretty stable most of the time, cos I got the room in roof when it gets to 35 outside it cooks in the roof, I pull my air from my sub floor which is pretty cold, generally o.k range though aussie climate can fluctuate like all fuck.
Nice comment on the drunk vs stoned drivers lol, at least you just miss your exit, I forget why I'm driving in the first place...

Reverse osmosis.... buying water with 0 nutes yeah? how much $, so for a cycle I would need say 600 litres...


Well-Known Member
why would you want to pull the leafs, theyll fall off when ready the fan leafs. if there in the way?. trim them, dont pull em, thats how the plant expels the crap, if you know what i mean.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Steve if they were in veg that would be a guess about the nitrogen but in flower you cut the nitrogen off to enduece flowering so you dont wanna be giving a flowering plant nitrogen just increased phosphorous as thats whats needed.Keep the ph at around 5.8 and air moving .
Firstimegwr... Keep on reading and learning as your statement is the exact opposite of being correct. You dont wanna remove fan leaves unless they are 100 perecnt dead as the fan leaves control photosynthesis by intaking the lights lumnes and ultraviolet rays to produce chlorophyl which is the plants food and they also help regulate the plants temps and gases by releasing and contracting cells so by removing them you weaken the plant and take its food source away and slow growth..Becareful offering very basic incorrect information as it misleads growers trying to learn the correct way to grow.


Well-Known Member
She has been flowering for 44 days, seeds were from a mate, who's mate got them from a mate...

thanks anyway firstimegrwr, though as fletch suggested they are quite important in the production of chlorophyl ect. I have done quite a lot of reading/researching and believe them to be quite important, as I understand it would harshly decrease bud production if I were to prematurely snip em, everything that grows has a purpose if it didn't it wouldn't grow, thanks for your input though :)

Crazy-mental I pot pics coming out my arse, I have many pics per day since day 1, to see growth patterns and changes... well probably cos its a novelty being my first grow.

I just cut off 2 little branches that were underneath to smoke, every top you see is all branches, i trained the shit of them... I had 6... then 3, then hermies, i will post the latest pic I have when all three were alive, if only they survived I would have bud everywhere...

