I feel like an RIU event of life time is developing here.... The Superchakatron3000 can be the center piece of the event! We can all set up booths and bring our gear, maybe get one of the glass blowers involved and have him make a special piece for it

. ChakaCon 2014 here we come!
Dab city was EPIC whodat, no doubt about it. My wife wants me to work on improving my extraction tech, and make enough to enter in the 710 cup. There is a bunch of sweet stuff you get for entering along with VIP tickets/ actual judging passes. I've also considered getting real judges passes for the Cup next year. Turns out they were like $7-800 but that included all kinda of other things like transportation back and forth from the event all week long for the real judging. It was an additional 4-5 days where you actually got to try the buds, and check out the products away from the crowds from what I understand. I think that could be sweet, it would be a whole vacation at that point I think. Anyway were I was going with that is, I'll make some concentrates, and set up a mini-Dab city at Chakacon. I'll have to buy a bunch of eerrll rigs in the next year my wife is gonna kill me
