600 watt LED bedroom grow :) leave feedback . no specific question.


Well-Known Member
Much better.

Plants look very healthy and going really good for week 2. Have you thought about raising the other pots up and getting them all the same level to have a more even canopy and have a better blending of light by having them all at the same height.


Active Member
Great idea is it okay to work when theyre in there dark period w just a little ceiling light on for a half hour? Is that okay to do?


Well-Known Member
Great idea is it okay to work when theyre in there dark period w just a little ceiling light on for a half hour? Is that okay to do?
really want to avoid interupting thie rnight time as much as possible but to answer your question it should be fine.

oh and FYI the pic in my avatar is my current grow @ 2 week flower.....no offense man but my plants look 100x better than yours (not trying to be a dink or pat myself on the back) not sure really what to say? did you defoliate the shit out of them or something? they look rather lanky again im not trying to be a dink just a bit of constructive criticizm...

as far as lighting goes im not sure i would say its the lighting but i am using a 1kw HPS your plants look good as far as health wise goes and the bud formation is rather progressed for only 2nd week of flower but for some reason they didnt fill out like they could have. have you considered LSTing the top of the plant to the rim of the pot in late veg to get them to bush out a bit more and have a more even canopy?

anyways gl with your grow man please dont take my comments the wrong way im not insulting you just being honest and giving you my opinions....


Active Member
If you look closely i trimmed the hell outta two and the rest i left alone. Just experimenting as i am new and i know it doesnt hurt to try diff thongs. Also i topped one lollipopped two and fimmed two :) wish me luck!!!


Well-Known Member
Looks way better now. I might be looking at the wrong ones but the ones that look like you pruned them you missed those small bud sites on the lower half. I would of trimmed those off a week into flowering and kept all the fan leaves regardless of height. Look into main-lining, i think it would work perfect for you with a ufo sitting over each one. What are you UFO's brand? or are they just the ebay type ones?. Down the road if you want to keep using LED's you should look into investing in a really high quality one, You'll have to check other growers feedback on brands becuase the LED market seems to flip flop all the time. But getting anywhere from 3W to 10W Diodes these days with individual selection on what each diode is in spectrum and how many they are and even where they are placed in the arrangement for optimal blending and UV lighting added, would grow some very dank stuff.


I love the idea of LED's plus I love the ambiance that they give off lol.
to much money for me to try but I would love to one day - I just don't know if i trust them just yet.

but again I have not tried them so I can't be the judge of that ;)


Well-Known Member
Yea i left them there just chopped fan leaves mostly
New to this sorry lol :(
Just look at it as now you know what to do. Fan leaves do nothing but good for the plant, the more the better. The idea behind pruning is that the small budsites focus energy from the plant to produce and they end up small, fluffy if your light doesnt penetrate (5w diodes have great penetration), and less ripe as other parts of the plant. So you remove the small "popcorn" as people call it and all that energy gets to the main cola(s). You could still trim yours off if they are only two weeks into flower without too much risk of them having problem if its a somewhat stable strain.

You're in soil right? If so you have drain holes drilled in those pots right? also fill up the pot all the way next time, bigger roots=happier plant.


Well-Known Member
I bought a large 6'x6' sheet of mylar at walmart for a dollar... Look in the camping section under emergency blanket.


Active Member
Awesome thanks reign and shadow stfu nobody even asked you lmao nobody needs your two cents i said im new. Lol thanks for pointing out the obvious