
Well-Known Member
To be fair i am pretty impressed with how these have grown. I picked DINAFEM due to the amount of coverage they get in SOFT SECRETS newspaper. THe Stretch on this strain was a little hard to deal with, There is one plant that unfortunately is not easy to get a pic of that has stayed quite compact and stocky with good ROCK HARD dense cola's, Luckily my Mother grower has a clone of this plant to keep it around. So in retrospect out of 4 beans that i popped there was a definate mother contender out of those 4 which is a pretty good percentage. 2 clear distinct phenotypes in these 4 beans, the tall, and the Compact. During Veg they all could have been clones of the other!

They are about to enter into WEEK7 of 12/12 on Monday, the POWER KUSH is supposed to be an 8weeks strain but i always plan for 10 weeks on 8 or 9 week strains and if they happen to take longer then they take longer. Im a personal grower so the time frame is less important to me and the final quality is EVERYTHING.

Next i plan on Growing some 2xCRITICAL+ and SWEET DEEP GRAPEFRUIT by DINAFEM along with the MOBY DICK from Greenhouse Seeds. The only problem i do foresee with this is that its 3 different strains in the same HYDRO system so i can only run as high as my weakest strain.

multi straining on one res is not a good idea man, i know you know what you are doing but the amount of forseeable problems you could have running 3 strains on one feed is endless. have you ever multistrained in the hydro setup you have now?, i have problems multi straining doing a hand feed, especially if i haven't grown the strain before, i wish you luck though man, i suppose four plants is manageble for you.

now running two different seeds of the critical is a good idea, i have grown 4 and they were all quite different, if you get a purple one you are on to a winner.

by the way this is an epic grow for personal stash, lovely buds man, so please don't think i'm hating just trying to give you some advice based on what i have seen in dwc set ups


Well-Known Member
multi straining on one res is not a good idea man, i know you know what you are doing but the amount of forseeable problems you could have running 3 strains on one feed is endless. have you ever multistrained in the hydro setup you have now?, i have problems multi straining doing a hand feed, especially if i haven't grown the strain before, i wish you luck though man, i suppose four plants is manageble for you.

now running two different seeds of the critical is a good idea, i have grown 4 and they were all quite different, if you get a purple one you are on to a winner.

by the way this is an epic grow for personal stash, lovely buds man, so please don't think i'm hating just trying to give you some advice based on what i have seen in dwc set ups

Dont worry bro i know you aint hating, i understand the pitfalls involved in multistraining, this grow is my first run in the hydro, i have multi strained before when i was handwatering, but this multi is born out of necessity as my clones arent ready early enough from my mother grower. Free seeds from attitude = jondamon experimenting lol.

A little about whats going on, RES EC1.0 down from 1.2, pH has a healthy drift from 5.7-6.1. Loads of white pistils still no sign of slowing down lol.

AND TALK ABOUT STINKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its a good job i over spec'd my filter as this strain reaks!!!



Well-Known Member
Sorry I'am late :) but in time for Harvest :) everything looks great man.. can I ask what size is your Res ?? only I am using CANNAs Hydro Vega/Florez etc.. which is very similar to the CANNAs Aqua nuits.. and I only have a 10L Res and am adding way more nuits...as surgested on CANNA's web-site... are you under cutting on your nuits ?? Either way your doing great and the buds look lush !!! :) +REP! for nice work - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Sorry I'am late :) but in time for Harvest :) everything looks great man.. can I ask what size is your Res ?? only I am using CANNAs Hydro Vega/Florez etc.. which is very similar to the CANNAs Aqua nuits.. and I only have a 10L Res and am adding way more nuits...as surgested on CANNA's web-site... are you under cutting on your nuits ?? Either way your doing great and the buds look lush !!! :) +REP! for nice work - STELTHY :leaf:
i have 30litre res, I am monitoring EC of the RES to try and hover around the "SWEET SPOT" so that EC's remain within 0.2EC of what the res was filled at. This way the plants are generally happy and im only adding what they need rather than kicking them up the ass with what they cant uptake .



Well-Known Member
aaah don't talk to me about clones, i'm missing out big time because i never keep mothers that i want to grow.

your girls still have a way to go looking at the pistils, gonna be interesting to see how these buds end up if they keep growing at this rate.


Well-Known Member
aaah don't talk to me about clones, i'm missing out big time because i never keep mothers that i want to grow.

your girls still have a way to go looking at the pistils, gonna be interesting to see how these buds end up if they keep growing at this rate.
tell me about it!!!!! I have GHE RIPEN npk 0,6,5 which is a forcing solution to help speed things up if i need to lol.

If you get the 2 pics of my big cola and left forearm from wk6(day 36) and wk 7(day 42) side by side the differences in size in 1 week is ASTONISHING .



Well-Known Member
a lot of talking to your self actually. Whatta drama. ahahaha so funny.

I created this journal for a record of my first try at hydro, regardless of whether anyone else posted or not, its just more fun when people comment or ask questions.

I can see you're a really helpfull user here on RIU with your 47th post in 2 years.

if you dont like my journal then dont bother posting



Well-Known Member
Hey folks

Just taken some snaps of the girls.

3 of the ladies are still growing loads of white pistils and no sign of slowing down.

BUT my little stocky one at the back right is looking like it is nearly ready.

Check pic2 of the colas the pistils are starting to die back. THis one could very well be ready to chop at the end of week 8. Which starts on Monday.

Current REs details. pH drift from 5.7-6.1, Current EC 1.2 Canna Aqua Flores, Zym, Rhizo, Boost.

Res is gettting changed today with an EC1.2 of GHE RIPEN, I will now run this for 10Days as stated on the bottle!! NPK 0-6-5. As i have mentioned the RIPEN is a forcing solution that is used to harmonise the end of life cycle of the flowering plant. For those of you that believe in flushing the plant this product states there is no need to flush your plant after using RIPEN.





Well-Known Member
Hey Folks

Some new lights on pictures for you.

I have done a very similar thing with my biggest cola and second biggest cola that i done on the last few updates with my arm in the picture to.





Well-Known Member
nice journal m8 just read from start to finish, will keep an eye for finished weight, and updates, plus rep


Well-Known Member
So anyone interested in taking a yield guesstimation???

Originally after laying down some serious money for a small percy grow, my other half asked me what weight i would be happy with harvesting, i said to her that i was hoping to average 2ounces per plant until i felt comfortable with hydro, i do have 1 runt that may only give me 1-2ounces max, but i have 2x3ft's front 2 and a STOCKY nearly ready 2ft girl.

What say you?



Well-Known Member
ALSO forgot to say i have a prize for the winner, that i WILL send to whoever gets the closest answer regardless of where you live!!!!!!!!
