So I'll go ahead and vote now. I'll start off saying damn near what everyone else has said,
This has been a pretty tough competition, and many beautiful plants were grown. My votes are not meant to offend, only my humble opinion!
I came into this talking a bunch of shit, half-way expecting to be completely blown out of the water by the last cups runner ups. I set my goal at producing some killer bud, and at least what
@tkowitha123 came up with (slightly more than 1/2 oz) as well. I soon realized that I wasn't not the only one trying to set a new precedence...
There's a few points that no one has really touched on that I feel deserve some form of recognition, and I feel that my votes should reflect that and count towards making this a tighter race between the other competitors.
I don't want to sound like I know that I have this in the bag, but it is seeming like that's how it'll work out.
@captainmorgan doesn't want to host this next one (neither do I but someone has too!) and (no offense intended)
@mc130p has only 50% of the points Cap does.... Long story short, not trying to jump the gun but I already have a few sponsors ready to go for the next one! So, hopefully I (or who ever is hosting) can make this a very quick transition into #6!

One of only 2 other hydroponic entries and one of the few entrants that I was worried about from the start. Not only that, but you also ran a home cross that came out quite sexy

! I would be honored to even get a single toke! You came up with an ingenious idea that I almost mooched

, thankfully though, I just couldn't get it to work quite right and quickly scrapped F/D for MDWC! Thanks for the inspiration.
@Bad Karma
One of the only other homebrew crosses, which also turned out
VERY nice!

BK was the only contestant to admittedly encounter what could be a game ender and stroll right through it like a regular feeding! Looking at his sexy girly, no one would ever know that there was any kind of problems... And to have such a solid name TIMEWRECK x CEREBUS... Just the name alone sounds killer! I'll say as well that if I was to sit at a table and pass some of these around it would really be an honor!
I wanted to just leave my 3rd place vote blank, in place of voting for you

. I know that your "empty" 3rd place vote was for me

.... You just didn't want your LED brothers (and sisters) to think that you're applauding an HPS grower.... That's alright though, I know I have a special place in your heart, you don't have to tell anyone.... On a real note; You grew a GORGEOUS plant and sacrificed a win for an awesome mother! Good luck on the re-veg, and in the next competition!
So just like everyone else I have some honorable mentions
First and foremost
@epicfail if my vote could have helped you place among the prize winners that's where it would be. C'mon, a random seed rolling around in a junk drawer?! And you got that Majestic Purple Beauty?! DAMN

.... If everyone had a 3.5g sack out on a table for sale for the same price, I'm pretty sure you'd have my money!
@DrewPac_22 for just starting out, you did just fine! As luck would have it though everyone else with a bit more experience did just a bit better! Take it as experience and come into the next one swinging faster and harder!
@Metasynth brotha You got the Charlie Brown prize! Word of advice, find a new spot for your entry next round, or find a new spot for your fan! As cool as she looks with a wicked pimp lean, IMO you could have done WAY better if you hadn't beat her down everyday with the fan....
@mc130p You proved to everyone what I have believed for years, that nutrients don't really matter.... $0.13 of Miracle grow goes a long way!
No one even mentioned
@natro.hydro who had quite a gorgeous lady, and also
@lmoore2680 who had a top shelf bitch as well!
Thanks for a great competition,

I look forward to being involved in the next one, as a competitor or host you better believe that I'm going to kick it up a notch!
Step it up for the next one guys,
@tkowitha123 is going to be there!
Current standings (unless there are any uncounted votes
@Metasynth @captainmorgan .....)
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