6under6 GDP


Well-Known Member
well here it is in opperation.


these were cut on feb 3rd. i just gave them their 1st bit of nutes.
aqua shield
great white
and my veg mix to 400 ppm
ph is 5.7

here is the rest of the clones in their new homes. i think 3 of these were cut on the 3rd also, the rest were cut 2nd week of flower. they are now 3 weeks from cutting.

and here they are nestled in the box


Well-Known Member
proof is in the pic lol


with all the effort i put into the filter and all i couldnt figure out why my garage was smelling so dank. it wasnt bfore but the ladies in the tent are doing well in flower and i thought it was leaking through the tent walls or something.

as i stated before i havent done shit with the plants in the cloner but look in on them.
tonight i decided to be productive and pot up the loose clones in soil
the clones i cut 2nd week of flower are still flowering and have frosted up. they are smelling sweet lol no wonder my phat filter was not covering the smell.
ive figured out how to vent through tent, therefore scrubbing the smell. ill post that info with pics on a later date

arent they cool looking??
this is so much fun!!!!!
im learning tons
karma to all who have helped me to this point. you know who you are, THANKS!!!


Well-Known Member

found this cool chart showing at what ph nutes are best used, i kinda looked over but havent taken the time to really read it. Thought it might come in usefull so i hijacked and posted here, where i can fn find it again. Whats protocoll for borrowing from others :).?
wanted to bump this for reference re soil ph


Well-Known Member
looking good man i saw those totes at lowes but wasnt sure thought they may leak water around the lid but looks good would send you a +rep but says i gotta spread the love so but looking good man.


Well-Known Member
proof is in the pic lol

View attachment 1540976

with all the effort i put into the filter and all i couldnt figure out why my garage was smelling so dank. it wasnt bfore but the ladies in the tent are doing well in flower and i thought it was leaking through the tent walls or something.

as i stated before i havent done shit with the plants in the cloner but look in on them.
tonight i decided to be productive and pot up the loose clones in soil
the clones i cut 2nd week of flower are still flowering and have frosted up. they are smelling sweet lol no wonder my phat filter was not covering the smell.
ive figured out how to vent through tent, therefore scrubbing the smell. ill post that info with pics on a later date
View attachment 1540974View attachment 1540972View attachment 1540977

arent they cool looking??
this is so much fun!!!!!
im learning tons
karma to all who have helped me to this point. you know who you are, THANKS!!!
Lookin good man, those cuttings you took in flower are gonna have to reveg and spit out some funky looking growth, once they get past that stage, they should do fine :)


Well-Known Member
Lookin good man, those cuttings you took in flower are gonna have to reveg and spit out some funky looking growth, once they get past that stage, they should do fine :)
No doubt! They put out some funky, twisted, circled leaves while they get back to veg state. I just topped a batch of flowered clones that were planted to Solo cups 20 days ago. I am just now starting to see faint signs of normal new growth! I don't recommend working with flowered cuts if you have the choice, but I have had success up to about 2 weeks into flower. I should note, I have had failures taking cuts from flowered material too. There are many variables affecting the success rate of such cuts - but time is the main thing you sacrifice.


Well-Known Member
proof is in the pic lol

View attachment 1540976

with all the effort i put into the filter and all i couldnt figure out why my garage was smelling so dank. it wasnt bfore but the ladies in the tent are doing well in flower and i thought it was leaking through the tent walls or something.

as i stated before i havent done shit with the plants in the cloner but look in on them.
tonight i decided to be productive and pot up the loose clones in soil
the clones i cut 2nd week of flower are still flowering and have frosted up. they are smelling sweet lol no wonder my phat filter was not covering the smell.
ive figured out how to vent through tent, therefore scrubbing the smell. ill post that info with pics on a later date
View attachment 1540974View attachment 1540972View attachment 1540977

arent they cool looking??
this is so much fun!!!!!
im learning tons
karma to all who have helped me to this point. you know who you are, THANKS!!!
Nice - that firs pic looks choice of that flowered, rooted, cut! They are funny, huh? How cool would it be to do a really dense SOG using flowered cuts you turn as soon as they are rooted. I am not sure if this will cause the plants to continue growing normally, or if you will still have that 'flower to veg' type of abnormal growth? I have been wanting to try this for years... anybody have sucess (or failure) with a mini flowered SOG?


Well-Known Member
Problem with cloning in flower is that when they reveg they grow way branchier and bushier then the mom. Not good for a SOG in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
makes since since your trying to replicate mother nature.
my only concern would be posseble loose buds, like outdoor grown. jmo but i think the high lumes in final hardens up the buds. i have no proof or have i seen it refered to but its a thought that fluttered through my head when i read this.
My only concern when dimming your ballasts is that you seriously diminish the useable light spectrum... lamps are intended to burn at a certain temperature; the light emitted from your arc tube has been tuned to provide the best spectrum of light at its normal operating temperature. Having said that, there are advantages to dimming the lights at the end... but I think the temperature drops from the lower wattage are actually more responsible for finishing buds rather than the lower, less PAR rated light. Some of the new ballasts that actually run different wattage bulbs could be one solution. I know a guy with a luxe room that has complete T5 lighting as well. He uses the T5 lights for veg, post foliar work and to finish up the last week or so. He uses a mix of bulbs to finish up with less watts, but with the complete spectrum of light (2700, 4500 and 6000K bulbs). He gets great results, but I am not sure his T5 light setup is entirely responsible?


Well-Known Member
Problem with cloning in flower is that when they reveg they grow way branchier and bushier then the mom. Not good for a SOG in my opinion.
Good point, but I'm talking about turning em immediately before they have time to branch much... would flowering such cuts give you any headway on finishing times? I mean: If you take cuts at 2 weeks into flower, root em and immediately flower them... with the existing hormones and flower maturity, will they resume at the 2 week mark, or will they still go into weird growth mode and need a full 8 weeks as if they were a cut from veg?


Well-Known Member
Good point, but I'm talking about turning em immediately before they have time to branch much... would flowering such cuts give you any headway on finishing times? I mean: If you take cuts at 2 weeks into flower, root em and immediately flower them... with the existing hormones and flower maturity, will they resume at the 2 week mark, or will they still go into weird growth mode and need a full 8 weeks as if they were a cut from veg?
Depends on how you root them, if you root them on a 12/12 cycle with out changing it, then they should continue flowering normally, albeit at a slower pace.

If you cut in flower, then root in non "12/12" then stick them back in 12/12 you are going to have a very confused plant with a much higher chance of hermie, in addition it will still have the funky growth because of the time it spent not on 12/12.


Well-Known Member
looking good man i saw those totes at lowes but wasnt sure thought they may leak water around the lid but looks good would send you a +rep but says i gotta spread the love so but looking good man.
mrmaddu look on page 3 of my journal and see the components, there is some weatherstripping i used to seal tote. ive not lost 1 drtop of water!!! i do need to paint the lid as light will go through the yellow top. its not really transparent but... better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
Growing with coco is not the same as soil, it is considered a soil-less medium and reacts very similarly to hydro.
billcollector99 thanks for dropping in i appreciate your guidence. the mediom is not totally coco just a part of the mix. all the components are in the post re 707 mix. has like 30% soil and the rest is made up of the other components listed. my question was doesnt coco kinda make things outa balance in the uptake of n due to interfering with the magnesium retention? i probably didnt get that right but i think you get my drift. ive looked but cant find thread i read to add calmag to high coco, at the time it made sence but i have no real knolidge. thanks


Well-Known Member
Lookin good man, those cuttings you took in flower are gonna have to reveg and spit out some funky looking growth, once they get past that stage, they should do fine :)
there already doing some strange shit with the leaves lol
las fingers sent me a pic the other day of one cut in flower that was a couple mo old that had some realy funkey shit going on, gues its like addolescence with hormones going crazy but 10x worse.
i will post later as they grow outa it so all can see.


Well-Known Member
No doubt! They put out some funky, twisted, circled leaves while they get back to veg state. I just topped a batch of flowered clones that were planted to Solo cups 20 days ago. I am just now starting to see faint signs of normal new growth! I don't recommend working with flowered cuts if you have the choice, but I have had success up to about 2 weeks into flower. I should note, I have had failures taking cuts from flowered material too. There are many variables affecting the success rate of such cuts - but time is the main thing you sacrifice.
i was looking at those the other day in your space youve carved outlol, they are looking healthy tho a bit strange i must say. they look just like mine, how far into flower did u cut? mine were end of week 2.


Well-Known Member
this 707 mix has mostly soil, perlite, and compost "which i consider soil" with addatives of coco, bat guano etc. i will treat it just like soil and perlite tho with the coco it may have a higher water retention, ill just have to keep a close eye on it and make sure i dont over water. do you check moisture content with a meter or feel the weight?
ive grown peppers and tomatoes for yrs without a meter, dont see where this is any difference. paying attention to the plants is imo the most important thing, reading i guess you would say.
any concerns with coco in a mix i should be aware of?


Well-Known Member
With coco, it actually dries out faster, with a combo of coco and smartpots, you can water every day pretty much, not sure about the plastic pots though.


Well-Known Member
i was looking at those the other day in your space youve carved outlol, they are looking healthy tho a bit strange i must say. they look just like mine, how far into flower did u cut? mine were end of week 2.
Me too - end of week 2.... after 3 weeks in Solo cups, several plants are starting normal veg growth. All plants have strange, curly, leaves... like you said, the hormones are all messed up. As you know from my journal, this is just a fun little experiment for me, and not a recommended method of cropping! (that's my disclaimer) I was not sure these cuts would even root! Note: I have taken flowered cuts all the way through this transition and through to flower with fine results. But as BillCollector pointed out, plants reverted to veg from flower have a greater chance of going hermie, and are more susceptible to pests and disease. This particular version of Skywalker OG is even more suspect as I already culled a male from the clones I got! haha

Here are a couple pics at 20 days of my flowered cuts showing the first signs of normal veg growth. They got topped 4 days prior to these photos.


