6under6 GDP


Well-Known Member
Hey 4tatude! Very Irie grow! I was wondering where u decided to trim on ur girls? The lower portion or did u cut large fan leaves? I'm thinking of a trim also but not sure how much to cut without reducing yield. Props bro very nice progress.
hay G37
i had to do a ruthless trim as i was worried about the health of the girls. the plants had so much folage throughout the air could not get through. actually found a couple leaves kinda stuck together and got worried about pm. it proly will hurt final but the health was more important to finish out grow with no problems. i cut fan leaves and anything short of bud to open up some air throughout the scrog. i didnt bother with halving leafs i just took em off. proly too much at one time but felt i had no choice. they have responded well and i can tell circulation and light penetration is much much better so it may weigh out.
i will know better than to let it get this far next time :)

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
hay G37
i had to do a ruthless trim as i was worried about the health of the girls. the plants had so much folage throughout the air could not get through. actually found a couple leaves kinda stuck together and got worried about pm. it proly will hurt final but the health was more important to finish out grow with no problems. i cut fan leaves and anything short of bud to open up some air throughout the scrog. i didnt bother with halving leafs i just took em off. proly too much at one time but felt i had no choice. they have responded well and i can tell circulation and light penetration is much much better so it may weigh out.
i will know better than to let it get this far next time :)
are u sure this is your first time growing?


Well-Known Member
lol i swear to god mongo lmao
beginers luck, gifted whatever you want to call it im not complaining.
btw i wanted to thank you for the womderful compliment you gave a while back THANKS BRO!!


Well-Known Member
Damn bro, sorry I havent been sub'd earlier, but I am here now....I got a lot of catching up to do.




Well-Known Member
BKB welcome bro
nice to have you along for the ride, like your journal mine is kinda ever evolving. mostly because i try to learn what im doing by doing it, hands on if you will.
thanks for the advice given and feel free to critique if you see or think something re whats happening.
in it for the love of it!!!
and having fun!!!!


Well-Known Member
Lights on 40-50%
lights off climbs to 70ish
6in fan running 24/7

how do i solve this problem???


Well-Known Member
Lights on 40-50%
lights off climbs to 70ish
6in fan running 24/7

how do i solve this problem???
Having the fan running at night can possibly cause the humidity to rise. Try one night turning the fan off when lights go off and see how the RH is.


Well-Known Member
fuck me!!! turned the fans off @ 8am done some running around and checked about 11am and RH was like 59, only up a couple. got back @ 6:30 pm and the whole house reeks and the RH was over 90%
blasted off the fan and the RH after 1/2 hour has dropped to 73
24 hr RH low of 51, high of 91
right now im not a happy camper!
i can not turn off fan because of smell.
exchanging that much air, it can not be dehumidified fast enough to matter.
if i sealed the tent and during lights off hooked the fan exaust back into the tent with a dehumidifer running, it should dry out the air and controll smell right?
thats my next move...
ill keep updates
if anyone has a better thought please post...


Well-Known Member
fuck me!!! turned the fans off @ 8am done some running around and checked about 11am and RH was like 59, only up a couple. got back @ 6:30 pm and the whole house reeks and the RH was over 90%
blasted off the fan and the RH after 1/2 hour has dropped to 73
24 hr RH low of 51, high of 91
right now im not a happy camper!
i can not turn off fan because of smell.
exchanging that much air, it can not be dehumidified fast enough to matter.
if i sealed the tent and during lights off hooked the fan exaust back into the tent with a dehumidifer running, it should dry out the air and controll smell right?
thats my next move...
ill keep updates
if anyone has a better thought please post...
Sorry bro, I thought you had lights off at night. I should have said something when I realized you said that your lights went off at 8 AM. That setup with the dehumidifier sounds like it might work.


Well-Known Member
the rh..... im just gona run some air...
6in 24/7 and a box fan pointing up.
ive had both in place for the last month just not on full power... that just changed
reasoning... this shit grows all over the world, humid and dry reagons, its just a weed lol i quote...

so posative energy!!!!!

i just busted off a bowl and think ill do this later lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah mate thats the sprit :) so long as its not stupid humid for flowering then u'll be ok :) ur de-humid will keep it ok for flowering bro :)

great stuff mate, just relax and the rest comes easy ;)


Well-Known Member
trying something new. notice the plant on left?
monday night during res changei was using a shop vac to remove liquid and inadvertantly sucked this plant into the hose lmao.
it shouldnt be funny but it was...
i had been kickin around the idea of reversing one of the dirty girls back to aero.
see the one that got sucked up was a different phino than the other 5. i did however have some 2 weeks in soil.
i soaked the soil away from the roots and cleaned as well as possable without damaging the roots and stuck it in the unit.
if it makes it, it will even out the canopy later on.
ill report later on the one sucked up lol


good progress on the new aero babies


Well-Known Member
ok so yesterday i took a dirty girl and washed her up all nice and clean. cramed her in the aero unit not knowing what to expect.
i monitored her the first 6 hrs or so, the first hour and a half she had a very slite wilt to her. not a droop just enough to know she was under stress. after that she pirked up and now 24 hrs later its like shes at home and leaves at attention like she might miss something.
point im getting at is these are some verey resiliant plants that can handle great changes and still be healthy.
i had never done this but as i grow more secure in my gardening skills im not afraid to try new things. i learn by doing and by reading what others have done.
today was a good day as i learned something very usefull, not just another fact lol


Well-Known Member
Your doing some great things bro, those plants are healthy and frosty as fuck! Great work bro!!!! I am the same way about trying new things, some are good and some are bad but the learning behind it is priceless!!




Well-Known Member
Your doing some great things bro, those plants are healthy and frosty as fuck! Great work bro!!!! I am the same way about trying new things, some are good and some are bad but the learning behind it is priceless!!


bkb i agree, if we dont try it out we will never know it its feasable or not.
im doing one of your coffee can tricks on the one sucked into the vaccume cleaner lol
my theory is for every one that doesnt work youve saved yourself ten times the problems. its not fun trying to solve a problem when your experience is so limited.(speaking of mine) as i work through the fog of growing and experience difficult situations it makes me a better gardener, and also able to help those with the same or like problem.
im in this for the love and fun of growing and if i fail this time or the next its just a learning experience ill be able to apply down the road.
i know i dont post too much on your journal but i keep close tabs on what your doing, fun stuff and great experience.
hay thanks for the kind words bro!!!