7 foot plant beginning to bud!!!!!!!!!!Pics!>!

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first off hi to every one i found this sight looking into leds,im bringing my plants in to my cella this weekend i hope,this is my first crop and i started them off how i was told years ago top them so u get loads of new tips,but i get carried away and then have to strip shade leaves off i know it shocks them and stunts them but lots of budding tips and stems (and iv started removeing the oil from the shade leves and sooooo nice will load some pic if any one intrested


Well-Known Member
stop removing your leaves damnit!!!!!! :wall::wall::wall:

View attachment 197860 IMG_9004.jpg IMG_9037.jpg IMG_9002.jpg

this is the last time i gonna say it. :evil: why can't people understand? :wall::wall::wall:

any further encouragement of removing fan leaves will be immediate grounds for a "perma-ban". :fire:


Well-Known Member
haha i hope not but i won't take anymore for real:weed: but hey nemo this is a great site to find out anything you need...ask any kind of questions you want man, someone will help you out.........most people on this site are real friendly....so be specific and keep posting bro


Well-Known Member
man this was our first outdoor plant all we did was walk to it every once and a while and water it and the fact that it grew the way it did with spending zero! dollars alone in itself is an accomplishment from me but thats what first grows are for but we are learning alot and have many, many ideas and plans for next season!


Well-Known Member
man this was our first outdoor plant all we did was walk to it every once and a while and water it and the fact that it grew the way it did with spending zero! dollars alone in itself is an accomplishment from me but thats what first grows are for but we are learning alot and have many, many ideas and plans for next season!
a plants a plant. fuckit, it's alive and growing. :weed::-P:clap:


Well-Known Member
for first attempt if looks alright and as long as the climate holds you should get a few ounces from it. Its all a learning experience, I would bet that virtually everyone on this site has at one time or another done something to their plants thinking they were helping only to find out later that it may have actually hurt them.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, thats how it should be looked at...but ive really learned alot from this and all the advice you guys or gals have given me, will definately be used in next seasons grow!


Well-Known Member
I know there's been enough negativity in this thread already but just in case you aren't prepared let me warn you...

I think odds are good just from the way it looks and going off past experience that's quite likely a male plant.

Have you seen evidence otherwise? People are all giving you crap about it being scrawny but it's a fine looking plant for a male.
Maybe it's not, it's not a sure thing but I just get that feeling.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit bro, i'm so envious of your 7 footer. that shit is gonna have just a couple of grams worth of bud on it lol... I gotta know how you got that bitch that big. Keep us posted when you harvest.


Active Member
yeah stick man comes to mind dont trim unless needed alot of trim = lot of stress i found just checking up on mine lite maintanance = goooood plants


Well-Known Member
if ive learned 1 thing over the years, its LEAVE THE LEAVES ! its a weed.. weeds like to be left alone, grown some of my best weed by '' LEAVING IT ALONE ''.


Well-Known Member
no its definately not a male! its already forming buds too...but i had a few thoughts of it being a herm, but i know its not cuz one is it has double pistils in between every knode..also theres no evidence of any kind of pouches or spores or ne thing like that..but i can understand why you thought it could be a male. but the camera i used is extremely shitty so...it doesnt capture enough detail


Well-Known Member
it wasnt very hard to get it 7ft. im in the midwest, so my timing was good, had an amazing environment, surrounded by other plants keeping em warm, its scronny because weve transplanted it three times. so we had two options every time get our plant jacked, or put it through a shit load of stress and move it to keep it safe!! and it was in the ground eery time (being extremely careful to not destroy any roots so thats why it would be so scronny! but really timing, enironment, and water cycles,nutes,ect is how it got so big....


Well-Known Member
Next year I would advise using pots instead of planting it into the ground. Then if you have doubts about it's location like you did this year(moving it 3 times), it is easily moved with no stress of transplanting. Just use a 5 gallon bucket if you want to. If your worried about anyone seeing the bucket from a distance(cause of it's color) bury the bucket into the ground. Then all you have to do is dug up the bucket to move it with no stress on the plant.


Well-Known Member
Next year I would advise using pots instead of planting it into the ground. Then if you have doubts about it's location like you did this year(moving it 3 times), it is easily moved with no stress of transplanting. Just use a 5 gallon bucket if you want to. If your worried about anyone seeing the bucket from a distance(cause of it's color) bury the bucket into the ground. Then all you have to do is dug up the bucket to move it with no stress on the plant.
very good advice , try to find a realy summy part compared to this spot:leaf:


Well-Known Member
ya we will definatly try the 5 gallon into the ground....i never really thought of that....thanks bro that is some good advice......and TGFW21 we do have a really sunny spot thats perfect for the plant so i think we'll be ok but if you look back at the 2nd pics i posted you will definately be able to tell i moved it into a way better spot than the first time so i think i'll be alright there but good lookin out dude

heres my pics>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.rollitup.org/members/smokedr420-albums-smoke-brothers.html
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