80% Of US Adults Are Near Poverty, Rely On Welfare, Or Are Unemployed

Reagan cut taxes and grew the economy.

he also gave amnesty to millions, raised the debt ceiling a dozen times, and grew the size of government.

a republican hero. so dreamy!

And why do you keep talking about Bush?

why do you want me to forget history?*

those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

Why do you think he is such a great president that you need to post graphs about him?

why didn't george w bush campaign with romney? do you think we will see him stump for christie, or any GOP nominee ever?

The amnesty bill had the border security components quickly taken out after Reagan signed it. You forget he was working with a Democrat majority congress. Why do you think we still have the same problem today? Only the amnesty part was ever enforced. I don't want to repeat Bush's history. And I havn't forgotten. Obama won't let me.
The amnesty bill ... Reagan signed it.

he sure did!

and the dozen or so bills to raise the debt ceiling? reagan signed those too!

he also grew the size of government to get out of recession.

and he was also all for an assault weapons ban!

just a regular old GOP hero!
Reagan raised taxes 11 times.
He also cut taxes
Both actions shifted the tax burden from the rich onto the middle class and poor.

When you heard about Ryan and Romney wanting to get rid of the tax loopholes and make taxes simpler. They never told you what loopholes. But the word is the big one was the mortgage interest deduction. Again that would cut taxes for the rich but beat the shit out of the middle class.

I dont understand why people support the republicans for their fiscal policys when every Republican president has exploded the deficit, and decreased the livelihood of the middle class and poor
he sure did!

and the dozen or so bills to raise the debt ceiling? reagan signed those too!

he also grew the size of government to get out of recession.

and he was also all for an assault weapons ban!

just a regular old GOP hero!

Don't forget his bitch wife Nancy and the "just say no" prohibition bullshit. Also Reagan expanded forced government education/indoctrination.

He did SAY one good thing though, something about when government expands liberty diminishes. I think the fucker was lying about not dying his hair too.
Unemployment data appear to reflect big advances for women. The jobless rate in August for females 20 years and older was 6.3 percent, the lowest since December 2008, compared with 7.1 percent for men. As recently as January, the rate was 7.3 percent for both genders, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The downside is that the gains have been largely in lower-paying industries such as waitresses, in-home health care, food preparation and housekeeping. About 60 percent of the increase in employment for women from 2009 to 2012 was in jobs that pay less than $10.10 an hour, compared with 20 percent for men, according to a study by the National Women’s Law Center using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

And the dems call this a recovery
The numbers expose a soft spot in an economic recovery that has reduced the overall unemployment rate to 7.3 percent from 10 percent in October 2009. Quality of jobs is an increasing concern for U.S. policy makers and economists since it affects the level of incomes and wage disparities.

Of the 125,000 jobs women gained last month, 54,000 were in retail, leisure and hospitality, and just 24,000 in professional and business services. Many of those are part-time, 34 hours or less a week.

Food services and drinking places have added 354,000 jobs this year alone. “The place jobs have grown the most has been in these parts of the economy that women have traditionally filled more easily,” said Diane Swonk, who studies labor trends as chief economist for Mesirow Financial Inc. in Chicago.

Women have taken restaurant and retail jobs instead of teaching and other public-sector career positions that have disappeared, said Joan Entmacher, vice president for family economic security at the Washington-based law center. Females lost 444,000 public-sector jobs in the four years starting in June 2009, when the recession ended, compared with 290,000 for men.