80% Of US Adults Are Near Poverty, Rely On Welfare, Or Are Unemployed

Why would you EVER think of me as a righty?

What label have you given yourself? Does everyone with that label think exactly like you?

No, you see that's why there's so many political sub genres, it makes political opinions much more interesting. As for what you are, I always thought you were a right winger. And I'm sticking with it.
You know where corporate profits come from? Us. The idea of stripping corporations of their profits and redistributing them to people is ludicrous for exactly that reason: we're the ones who voluntarily handed our money to those corporations in the first place.

Apple took in $156 billion last year and made $41 billion in profit. You know who's to blame for that? How many of you are reading this message on an iPhone, an iPad, or a Macbook literally right this moment? That means you're to blame. Tim Cook's fat pay package? That's your cash. All the huge gains in Apple stock by hedge funds and money managers in the last 10 years? They're pocketing your money. Those hundreds of thousands of Chinese people slaving away in sweatshops all day for very little money? That's your fault! (I'm on a Macbook Pro Retina right now, so mine too.)

Repeat this with every company. AT&T made $7 billion last year because we wanted cell phones, data service, TV, and internet; Starbucks made $1.3 billion last year because we went there to buy coffee; Walmart made $17 billion last year because we shopped there. From here I'll make two simple points:

1) We caused and are causing the combination and centralization of business. People turned their backs on local businesses in favor of lower prices, dependable quality, and universal experience. Talk about what you want and what's ideal all you like, but in reality Americans are voting with their dollars: we built Walmart and destroyed local stores by shopping there. When you chose to go to Best Buy and to pay $100 less for your computer than the locally owned store charged, you sent your money to Best Buy's shareholders instead of leaving it in your community, in order to benefit yourself.

2) We can cause real and immediate change by altering our purchasing decisions. If everyone stops buying Apple products and shopping at Walmart, both companies will totally disappear--they'll have no profits. If you're serious about reducing wealth inequality and sharing what you've got, stop sending your money to the shareholders of huge corporations!
People need to stop working for corporations. The more people that work for them, the bigger they grow.

Self employment is a wonderful thing.
People need to stop working for corporations. The more people that work for them, the bigger they grow.

Self employment is a wonderful thing.

Are you sure that is the problem? I have done both. Not so cut and dried, I'd say. Self insurance.....not so wonderful, right?

I just wonder what you mean. Do you really think everyone can be self-employed? Or do you mean small business, ie, most business?

Page 1
Frequently Asked Questions about Small Business
September 2012
Small businesses comprise what share of
the U.S. economy?
Small businesses make up:
99.7 percent of U.S. employer firms,
64 percent of net new private-sector jobs,

49.2 percent of private-sector employment,

42.9 percent of private-sector payroll,
46 percent of private-sector output,
43 percent of high-tech employment,
98 percent of firms exporting goods, and

33 percent of exporting value.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, SUSB, CPS;
International Trade Administration; Bureau
of Labor Statistics, BED; Advocacy-funded
research, Small Business GDP: Update 2002-

2010, http://www.sba.gov/advocacy/7540/4
i reported your remark for harassment because sunni told us today that we are not allowed to bring the boring old baseless personal vendettas into threads i could talk about how you are a psycho racist asshole but i don't because i am trying to be nice and not mention that you have a homicidal death pact with your wife because you are so pro life but because i am trying to be nice like the mods want us to be i will not point out the contradiction between being pro life and vegan and killing your wife if she does the wrong thing so i will not bring that up but i did report your comment for its personal and baseless rancor i grow a lot of cannabis which my patients enjoy in order to get by it's not glorious but i feel that i am just doing what the market demands because the free market can do no wrong so why is it wrong that i produce what the market wants it's not wrong and i don't do drugs all day i smoke a little cannabis at night but not during the day because then i get all lazy and my chores don't get done and the chickens water is dirty so if i don't get high then the chickens get cleaner water and the duck pool is cleaner and i don't take so lling to run errands or do my chores so in the end i just want to say that you are mean and a liar and i reported your comment because of that.

No, you see that's why there's so many political sub genres, it makes political opinions much more interesting. As for what you are, I always thought you were a right winger. And I'm sticking with it.

All true I suppose. But, the attempt to label them, misses the fun, I think.
the eggspress knows that i am just doing my part to keep RIU a positive place without all the personal vendetta nonsense. he and i will have to do our shit talking somewhere outside of politics now.
that first image green line looks like my investment portfolio. sucks for those of you that never learned to save.
poor people are generally poor because they are lazy not because somebody is getting them down.
my grandfather used to tell my mom poor people are dirty because they are lazy, water is free.
that first image green line looks like my investment portfolio. sucks for those of you that never learned to save.
poor people are generally poor because they are lazy not because somebody is getting them down.
my grandfather used to tell my mom poor people are dirty because they are lazy, water is free.

Blah Blah Blah
the deficit is down and the government is living within its means it's the white people who are being lazy and not getting jobs otherwise they'd have a bigger share of those corporate profits which trickle down if the white americans just pulled themselves up by the bootstraps instead of doing drugs all day and collecting welfare checks.
Listen to Buck. He speaks from experience!
yeah you know how awesome it would be to be able to go to school without stopping for 2 semesters. how awesome it would be to have a job, how amazing it would be to get to have a life that doesn't involve sitting around every day wishing you could afford to leave the house.
It could be worse. You could be sitting around every day wishing you could afford to live in a house.
The working poor / or just the poor, ARE the foot soldiers of drug trade world wide. Why do you think we are all here? It sure as fuck isnt because were so rich we can "buy a pound, break it down and put it in a stogie". If we had money to wipe our asses with, we would never trouble our minds with trying to grow something we could simply buy to enjoy. We're the ones who need the drugs the most anyways, to help us forget that were loosing our houses, our jobs, and there are only a few slices of bread left and $.84 cent's in our bank account. I've known we would all end up in chaos eventually, the day get's closer every time the sun rises. All I can do is learn what i can, try to survive, and learn skills like gardening and growing so i can make food and valuable drugs for me and family when the shit really hits the fan.
the eggspress knows that i am just doing my part to keep RIU a positive place without all the personal vendetta nonsense. he and i will have to do our shit talking somewhere outside of politics now.

Why can't we have a free for all, Vendetta section? They fight they fight. They fight, and fight, and fight.

The Itchy and Scratchy Section for RUI? We just move threads to there.
the deficit is down and the government is living within its means it's the white people who are being lazy and not getting jobs otherwise they'd have a bigger share of those corporate profits which trickle down if the white americans just pulled themselves up by the bootstraps instead of doing drugs all day and collecting welfare checks.

Maybe if gas was not 3.50+ a gallon while Obama does everything in his power to shut down the XL pipeline, Coal fired power plants and everything else that makes energy cheap in America there might be some more jobs and less economic pain... Obamanation...
Maybe if gas was not 3.50+ a gallon while Obama does everything in his power to shut down the XL pipeline, Coal fired power plants and everything else that makes energy cheap in America there might be some more jobs and less economic pain... Obamanation...

my electricity rates just went down.

the XL pipeline will only increase gas prices, dumbdumb.

some people's children.
my electricity rates just went down.

the XL pipeline will only increase gas prices, dumbdumb.

some people's children.

yes, more supply = higher cost... always has worked that way in liberalville....

Everything seems to keep going down for you, you on welfare now??? Section 8 housing? Subsidised utilities? I dont see healthcare, energy and other things going down for the productive people in America, they keep going up. You probably got a free obamaphone too!!!

How can I take you seriously cheesybeard?