80;s tunes that bring you back!


Well-Known Member
Music is very associative to me... I can recall the exact moment I heard this song back in 1980.. walking home from 6th grade school with the Original Sony Knock off walk man my folks got at the Navy exchange.
early morning... and yup the DJ's had their game faces on. it was raining that day.. . (shout out to Q105 fm) 30 years later.. I still remember your call letters.

I dont remember anything else he sang



Well-Known Member
Since it's Superbowl Sunday I thought I'd throw in this 1980 Superbowl commercial. There's a song in it.:-P



Well-Known Member
I dont remember anything else he sang
He was pretty popular in the '70s with songs like the theme to 'Every Which Way but Loose'. This one is from '81.



Well-Known Member
Been in my head all day.......don't ask...........


Well-Known Member

it just makes me happy.. dunno why

love Chevy!!


Well-Known Member
who could it be............... believe or not I'm walkling on air.......I never thougth I could feel soooo freeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I so wanted to be this guy...


we may have had bad graphics back in the 80's but we had the A-Team!!


Well-Known Member
the theme....alone makes me wanna build stuff



Well-Known Member
Just heard Stevie Nicks on a SuperBowl commercial. So I gotta throw a vote in for Fleetwood Mac, landslide