8'x20' want max yield 2,800 to spend first time grow

stink fingers

Active Member
I have about 2 weeks left! i didnt buy anything yet. except my seeds they should be comming soon. i was looking at those LED lights lastnite thanks for the link JBROWNGREEN! i am worried about my electric bill LED might be the way to go but i like the 2,000 dollar ones 2 of them would be perfect. im just not sure what to do! THANKS GUYS FOR HELPING ME OUT! i just dont want to screw my first grow up . got to go to work now so i can make more money for my room!


Well-Known Member
Dude I'm telling you, LEDs are way over-priced and you will not even get close to the results you will get from HPS. I don't know why that guy wants you to waste all your money, but almost no one uses LED's and its for good reason. HPS is cheaper and more effective, bottom line. You will need an inline fan and carbon filter whether you buy hps or LEDs, its not just for heat but odor control as well. Just search through some of the grow journals, HPS will have the best results every time. Straight up, if you buy that expensive ass LED set up, you will regret it later I guaran-fucking-tee it.


Well-Known Member
the reason people don't go for them is they are expensive up front, it is worth it, and it leave way less of a footprint, look into it dude, read up on the procyons, and light wavelengths. i wouldnt do the 2000 one but 3 procyons for 600 each is still killer and will produce just as much bud as 2 600's.

reflector a 150
reflector b 150
Ballaste A 200
Ballast b 200
light rail 200
8" can fan 170
oscilating 16" fan 30
y branch for ducting 30
$1020 up front and tons of ducting in your room and all that nice fan noise

now for yor power costs:
roughly 1375watts per hour
at 12 hours a day for 70 days
$175 just for flowering

now add 2 months of veg at 18 hours a day for 2 months adds another 200 dollars in power cost

at 12 cents a killawatt hour= 59.30 for power a month

buy the led's you will save money, maybe lose 1/2 eigth dry from each plant yeild wise, but potency bushyness and resin production will be amazing, and the leaves develop a very astetically pleasing dark green hue. its really nice.

i still say 3 procyons are your best bet. and if you are worried about needing more spectrum(which you dont need to)
you can throw in a few t5 strips or cfl's but im telling you with the procyon its unneccisary. universities use leds, nasa uses leds, and many greenhouses are making the switch too., if you have the money to buy a nice led light it is worth it, they are only expensive because they are made out of the same silicon as computer chips and solar panels, but its worth the investment.


Well-Known Member
and remember.
DONT BUY 12" x 12" led panels, they are shitty, if you go led go procyon or better.

the panels and the screw in bulbs use the wrong leds, but the procyons and the larger 300 & 600 watt panels are amazing, even the ufo performs ok, but for the price you are better off going procyon.


Well-Known Member
i run a grow in my apartment and i have great success with 600 watt hps over 4x4 trays i run 3 of em with 95k lumen output enhanced blue spectrum, my friend runs led's but isnt very happy with them so my vote goes to the hps


Well-Known Member
next year i will be running a growroom with 1 400 watt hps, 2 procyons, and uvb cfls in the corners to increase resin production. its going to be nice to retire all my extra fans and cut my electricity.

stink fingers

Active Member
I think i will go with the two 600 hps on light movers with this first grow and experience with leds my next grow. what would be a good distance for one 600 hps to go up the rail of a light mover before it turned around and came back?


Well-Known Member
if you try to avoid all the fan/duct work, you will never get rif of the smell that the girl produce during flower. People kill three birds with one stone when using inline fans.

1. able to use awesome HPS lights
2. able to cool them
3. able to exhaust the smelly air into a carbonfilter

and BTW, a Y branch is NOT $30...

also, you can buy 2 air-cooled 600w setups with fan/filter for about $700 from HTGsupply.

edit: digital ballast, bulbs, hoods, fan, filter, hangers, timer, etc...they have packages.

stink fingers

Active Member
Almost done with my list. going to htg supply. theres one abuot 30 min. away. Im thinking sea of green that might be the way to go for me . my space is only 6' H but theres plenty of floor space. lol yea the 2 air cooled light systems ,light movers, carbon filter,not sure about the co2 yet what should i get ?


Well-Known Member
co2 is tricky but you won't really need to worry about it untill the flowering stage as long as you have good air circulation.

i'd go with a generator as opposed to a bucket, you need a lot of yeast buckets for a 8x20 setup

and its hard to get tanks without welding equipment

and for an 8x20 setup co2 will be important those plants will eat it up

and 6' will be perfect for sea of green you will probably always have at least a foot and a half above your light which will be good because it will give a place for all that extra warmth to diffuse, and you will still have enough room to flower your mothers as long as you train them to stay under 4' with hemp twine or by topping it before flower

stink fingers

Active Member
I havent got into the co2 part what kind of generator? i do have a natural gas line runs right threw the room. well i have time to think on that. i,m going to use soil but how i'm i going to water all of the them i saw a tubbing method but i,m not sure how it works.need to do more research got any ideas or links on this kind of stuff? and thanks for checking in on me i going to need alot of help! i'v been living, eating, sleeping, and daydreaming,about this grow room i think i,m going cazy lol


Well-Known Member
Mate, I think you are rushing into this! There is a lot to learn before you will put out a high quality crop, a lot. Take your time, learn to keep a plant alive and what it needs to be happy. Don't invest into anything that is still largely considered experimental i.e. LED's (sorry Jbrowngreen)
600hps's are the most efficient, especially with digi ballasts. Light movers seem great, but you will not be getting the same yield as if you used adequate lighting, think about it!
Co2 is great if you design your space from the beginning to accommodate it, i.e. the room HAS to be sealed and with that comes AC, De-humidifier (I would consider those regardless)
Co2 will not be a factor unless all other factors are optimized!

The larger point here is not to be naive about the type of crop you will put out in the first year. Sure it will be ok, but nowhere near potential and that's when you should start to talk about co2.

My advice, learn to control your environment, learn how the plant responds to nutrients and other environmental stresses etc.... bla bla bla :)

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
co2 is tricky but you won't really need to worry about it untill the flowering stage as long as you have good air circulation.

i'd go with a generator as opposed to a bucket, you need a lot of yeast buckets for a 8x20 setup

and its hard to get tanks without welding equipment

and for an 8x20 setup co2 will be important those plants will eat it up

and 6' will be perfect for sea of green you will probably always have at least a foot and a half above your light which will be good because it will give a place for all that extra warmth to diffuse, and you will still have enough room to flower your mothers as long as you train them to stay under 4' with hemp twine or by topping it before flower
I'm sorry mate, but you are giving some crazy ass advice to a newb here, this brother needs to learn how to walk before he runs.
Why don't you tell him about the AC or de-humidifier that he will need along with that co2? Or the sealed room that he needs? Why is it hard to get tanks anyway? And do you think he is still within $ 2000 getting all this shit?! We haven't even talked about ventilation yet....


Well-Known Member
true i get carried away somtimes.
i agree its good to start small.

i heard a lot of places keep close tabs of who they give tanks too, but it could have been a rumor. i just try to remember when i hear things like that.

i hear the quantum 600 watt ballasts are really good and can be dimmed down to accomodate 300-450-or600 watts, 110v and 220v switchable, and metal hilide and hps compatible.

if you are going to fill that room though, like i said you will need very good air circulation

and as i spaced out on before(it was pretty late) you will need temp and humidity control built into that circulation system. and with a co2 generator you should have a chem/electrical fire extinguisher and a carbon monoxide detector.

but as long as you have good air circulation you can get good bud without co2, the co2 just gives a nice boost but a generator will run you at least 2000.

somone mentioned venting a water heater into the growroom you can look into that but get somone who knows what they are doing to do it who you can trust, or don't even think about it.

i wish i still had enough room for a setup that big, maybe one day when i stop moving from apartment to apartment.

it is best to start small though, so you can learn what you yourself are looking for, experament

i've seen great bud grown under a 400 watt hps


Well-Known Member
Yo, put the J down for a second and think about the ideas you are spreading around: "...someone mentioned venting a water heater into the grow room you can look into that...". Look into how long it takes to create a sauna in your grow room while you are at it, that exhaust is hot mate along many other deadly things.
Smaller closets/rooms tank/regulator, larger ops generator ;) all other means are not controllable.

stink fingers

Active Member
yea i know i have to do alot more research! my first strain im getting from bc depot called GOD if anyone worked with this strain please give me details. ill need all the help i can get . and any ideas on what kind of soil is good for begginers.