9 plants 9 hermies,advice needed


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure there all hermies but still im just checking...so yeah few days ago i spotted a few oval shaped balls on 1 of my plants,i opened a thread and then checkedmy other plants and seen they all i had these i got told they all wont be hermies not a chance,but like i say im sure they are now ive uploaded pics of these things i have been picking off my plants(theres more then this) just a sample,even my female clones have these,wich where 100% female from a friend,i have 4 clones and 5 plants wich i grew from bag seed,all my plants showed female parts within 2 days,it was only about 3 days ago i noticed these abut 12 days into flower,im now on my 16th day of flower,also my set of 6 plants months before these grown from seeds wich where purchased on ebay(stupid i know but i was broke)turned out to be hermies so 15 plants 15 hermies this is not a coincidence im doing something wrong wich needs to be fixed here's how it went,the seeds from my weed deals sprouted and where potted in cutting soil on 1st march,i placed them under a low w cfl for 2 weeks,then i put them under a 200wcfl upto the 15th apr then i put them into my 1.2x1.2x2m tent under a 600w hps,my temps are running abit hot 30c,i gave them the first first feed of canna terra flores on the first day of flower (only half the reccomended dose) i didnt wanna burn them,if these are hermies,wich they prob are,wat should i do?,im pretty sure they have not pollinated at any time i was always looking for balls,like i said it was only about 12 days into flower they showed these,am i just unlucky?DSC02355.jpgDSC02354.jpgDSC02353.jpgDSC02363.jpgDSC02364.jpgDSC02365.jpgDSC02366.jpg

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
you're stressing them out one way or another. maybe a light leak. those are high temps but not crazy high especially if you are introducing co2


why a low watt cfl ? I have about 4k lumens per sq ft when I start mine . then once they are a foot they go under the big guns . what is your ph ? out of 14 seeds I have had three males . I had a couple hermie on me when the plants got stressed due to being without light for 3 days .


Well-Known Member
ok those look like balls so that would be male not hermie.. show the plant and where there at on the plant.. if your just turning into bud and you see those BALLS then its a male not a female hermie.. usually a hermie will show during heavy bud cycle and close to the end.. shoot a pic of the plant and go from there not just peices of the male counter parts


Well-Known Member
why a low watt cfl ? I have about 4k lumens per sq ft when I start mine . then once they are a foot they go under the big guns . what is your ph ? out of 14 seeds I have had three males . I had a couple hermie on me when the plants got stressed due to being without light for 3 days .
i heard to much light at the begining will kill them,these plants have not had any stress with light,the light cycle has been fine,with ph i have had a few issues,im only using the liquid idicator and find it hard getting correct colour however,i bought a cheap ph pen yesterday (£10) i dont know how to collaberate it tbh...but i tried it without calibration and my feed showed 5.8 and water showed 6.2 :/


Well-Known Member
ok those look like balls so that would be male not hermie.. show the plant and where there at on the plant.. if your just turning into bud and you see those BALLS then its a male not a female hermie.. usually a hermie will show during heavy bud cycle and close to the end.. shoot a pic of the plant and go from there not just peices of the male counter parts
DSC02294.jpgDSC02289.jpgi have picked most of them now,i will get a picture of the plants now so you cansee general characteristics,


Well-Known Member
Were many of the male parts clustered together? Were there actual female flowers or pre-flowers on all of them, or some with just male flowers? Bag seed is not the best source because the buds could have come from a hermied plant that passed on its hermie genes.

Besides the clones, ebay seeds, and bag seeds, where did your other seeds come from? We need a better break down of what you have, you talk about several clones, some from a friend, some you seem to have taken. So tell us where each of your nine plants came from.


Well-Known Member
they cant just be males,they all sprouted pistols before these balls,all have small dense buds,with no balls growing in them..:S,yes im a noob but i know these plants arnt just "male" i dont know if smell has anything to do with it but i just had these out 2 mins to take picture my whole house stinks now every room..and i have female cuttings from a friend i seen his finished product,i smoked it,not 1 seed..not the best pics my focus is fuckedDSC02377.jpgDSC02376.jpgDSC02367.jpgDSC02368.jpgDSC02374.jpg


Well-Known Member
Were many of the male parts clustered together? Were there actual female flowers or pre-flowers on all of them, or some with just male flowers? Bag seed is not the best source because the buds could have come from a hermied plant that passed on its hermie genes.

Besides the clones, ebay seeds, and bag seeds, where did your other seeds come from? We need a better break down of what you have, you talk about several clones, some from a friend, some you seem to have taken. So tell us where each of your nine plants came from.
the male parts arnt clustered together no there mote scattered 1 or 2 at the end of each branch is mainy how there going,i dont know what you mean about pre flowers,but i put them on 12/12 and after 2 days they all had the little white hairs shooting out from the prant,break down on the plants,i had 6 seeds wich i have kept from my weed deals(all been bomb weed)none of it has been snicklefrits i garantee that,i had to kill 1 few days before i stuck them in flower as it had had dried curled brittle leaves for around 3 weeks the damage wouldnt reverse,i also have 5 cuttings of killa kush (bubba kushxkilla queen) motarebel genetics,1 is still in veg growing for cutting i also have a cutting of every 1 of the bagseed plants so i can monitor wich is the best and keep for a mother


Well-Known Member
oh and the ebay seeds,where from my grow before,i got 10 seeds of ebay named "hemp fishing seeds x10 (f) shiva" i know it was risky but £3... i went for it 6 germinated and i had like 2 hermies 4 males wich i killed,3 weeks later i started with the bagseed,2 weeks after the bagseed i got given the killa kush clones


Well-Known Member
What do you use for timing the 12/12 cycle? If a timer, what make/model? On the light leaks, how did you check?
i went threw quite a few segment timers at the start all stopped working after 3 days(this was in veg) no damage was really done cause i alwayschecked if the timer worked,as i do now every night i close my tent air vents and make sure the lights gone off,heres the timer i have been using the past month wich im having no problems withhttp://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PLUG-AND-GROW-HEAVY-DUTY-TIMER-SWITCH-600W-GROW-LIGHT-/270732866707?pt=UK_HomeGarden_Garden_PlantsSeedsBulbs_JN&hash=item3f08efb493,andwith light leaks i just peeped threw the tents intake whole wich is backed against a wall no light gets in from it...


Well-Known Member
i think i have took every 1 of every plant now,these things in the pic are deffinatly male parts then?and could ph do this? if they dont come back am i safe?


Well-Known Member
Any source of lighting in your tent? Small led bulb on a device, etc? "Peeping through the intake" may not be sufficient, you might have to take all of your plants out, get into your tent and close it up, wait a few minutes to let your eyes acclimate, and check for light leaks that way.

On another note, you have only one intake and it is back against a wall?


Well-Known Member
Oh, and make sure your timer does not have any of the pins depressed during the dark cycle, if a depressed pin means power is on. I know yours has a cover, but I accidentally depressed some pins on my timer in the dark cycle, lights were coming on for two hours in the middle for a few nights until I realized it. Nothing seemed to happen, but my plants seem to have stable genetics.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and make sure your timer does not have any of the pins depressed during the dark cycle, if a depressed pin means power is on. I know yours has a cover, but I accidentally depressed some pins on my timer in the dark cycle, lights were coming on for two hours in the middle for a few nights until I realized it. Nothing seemed to happen, but my plants seem to have stable genetics.
i thought we was gonna nail it with the timer but nope its fine,also yeah i cant afford intake fan atm its not fully against the wall has a fist size gap down the side i always leave my bedroom windows open and from the inside of the tent can feel the fresh air pushing into the tent so circulation shouldnt be a problem