90's Tunes Reminisce Thread.


Well-Known Member
Before the century changed, many of us still had no internet...and those that did mainly utilized Internet Explorer. Cell phones were still the size of a notebook. VH1 and MTV still owned the early 90's, then things changed as technology played an increased role in society. Generation X became Y, probably to become generation X at some point again in the future. And we are still left with the best music barring the 70's IMHO:


Editing this, screwed-up here...came out in 86'.
Hmm. For me, the nineties were all over the place, and less about music compared to the eighties - at least in the early nineties. And again - I speak mostly of what I listened to and discovered, and not just what came out that decade.

I posted a bunch of Kate Bush recently, so you get one here too! Just one, though - The Red Shoes was her only album in the nineties.

The 90's was the revision of the 70's,

The 90's was the revision of the 70's,

(Man on the Moon)

Laurie Anderson - Ugly One With the Jewels - The Rotowhirl

If you liked Andy, that is a must listen. If you like Laurie, that is a must listen. It is worth 99 cents or whatever. (I love the whole album: The Ugly One with the Jewels.) But it is not on YouTube. And it is a nineties release.
Rockin' on in to the nineties.....

On a roll now...lol:

It's raining like a dog where I'm at. It has been all day, so I think it's time to take out some Garbage.:smile:

......in the time of chimpanzees there was a monkey.

The 90's where exceptionally great for hip-hop.