A Bit Late, But Finally Made It To The Battle. A Rookies Journal, Comment Please!


Nugetss, thanks a lot man. As for the height, right now I think they'll be around 5-6 feet tall. Since my light is not air-cooled, and lacks a cool tube, it gets pretty hot around it, so I decided that the girls should have at least an 18 inch buffer, and yes, they will be huge.

Puff, I've been using nutes the whole time. I over did it a bit and burned one of my plants, so I haven't gave them anything but Cal Mag for a while. I have two types of Age Old Organics, the Bloom, which is in the picture, is for flowering only, hence the name. The other I have is for the vegetative phase, and it is called grow. I can't praise them more for the micronutes they contain, and 100% organic. If you want a good guide to nute deficiencies, pests, diseases, stresses, and anything that can fuck your plants up, pick up The Marijuana Garden Saver. I just found out you can get it at Borders, or Barnes and Noble. I'm an avid reader and never would've guessed they carried these books.


Active Member
ah, sorry man. I'm subd to so many threads it's hard to keep track of whos doing what. I have told myself that I'm going to do some research on nutrients and plant chemistry so I won't be clueless when I'm looking at my plant.


So, it's official, out of the 7 seeds I planted, all 7 have turned out to be female. I must say I'm excited, but also a tad disappointed that I didn't get a male, for breeding purposes, but probably a good things because I would've fucked it up and pollinated every nug on the plant.

Now I have 7 females. I've begun my flowering nutes (Happy Frog Fruit and Flower and Age Old Organics Bloom, for those just tuning in), but I've also decided to add a new blend to the mix. This blend is simple, and will take the place of one Cal-Mag feeding per month. After noticing the symptoms of a sulfur deficiency, I've decided to add Epsom Salt to the regime. My Epsom blend is this: 2 teaspoons Epsom Salt, mixed per gallon of Distilled water. I'll use one part Epsom solution, two parts distilled water and one part tap water. My local tap has heavy traces of chlorine and calcium, both are needed according to my sources.

This is day four of flowering and I can say that I've noticed the change in the girls. The Wonder Woman, of whom I have three, are supposed to grow high, according the Nirvana's website. They are already 3-4 inches taller than the New York Power Diesel, who showed sex earlier. The NYPD are really filling out their side and under growth. I can't wait to measure them Thurdsay, I bet the results will be shocking. Here are some recent pics, enjoy:


I'm still having trouble with the watering frequency. I let them dry out too much. I wait too long and let the large fan leaves droop. However, from what I've read this is better than not letting the roots dry, so we'll see. Another watering issue I've been having is that I always slightly over water. I see an initial droop about an hour after watering, but by the end of the day they've perked back up, so I guess it really isn't an issue.

Puff, get some books, it's easy, organized and you can have it all in front of you, whenever you need it. This is coming from a guy who could barely keep his above water in any science class, let alone chemistry.


Active Member
haha nice. I think those things are going to be monsterous.. They are so bushy. Yeah, I need like gardening for dummies or something haha


It's been a quiet few days. Pistils are everywhere, and the ladies have really hit a growth spurt. The Wonder Women seem to grow by the hour, and the NYPD continue to fill in as far as side and under growth are concerned. The NYPD's are growing upward, but at a much slower rate. I received the Timemist dispenser the other, but won't install it until it is truly necessary.

Now, for some pics.

These are the tallest of each strain, the Wonder Woman is obviously on the right, and NYPD, the left.


I must praise nature for this work of art. It baffles me as to why we must grow this plant in closets, stealth cabs, partitioned rooms and hidden plots in the country side.

I'll be back soon with more updates.


Today, day 38 of the cycle and day 7 of flowering has been a stressful day. As the ladies mature, I'm starting to worry about space. Multiple solutions have crossed my mind today. I thought about taking two of them outside, but that is not easy considering my locale. Planting them outdoors, within reachable distance to my house would essentially be me saying goodbye. I'm in too deep to do that now. I took measurements today, like every Thursday and was impressed to see the readings. Since I've been flowering, the Wonder Women have grown almost ten inches, and the NYPD have each grown 5-6. I've been weighing my options all day, and each time I believe I settled on a solution involving the great outdoors, I realized I couldn't just toss the plants away.

After much deliberation, a few bowls, and a PB and J, this is what I decided:


I know I'm a little late, but from SCROG methodology I read it said to train the branches until the 2-3 weeks of flowering, so, I'm still in luck. This wasn't a simple solution to arrive at. The Wonder Women will be a bit taller than the NYPD. I decided to remedy this problem, I must build a table or stand, using phone books, and a piece of plywood (pics tomorrow). If I can elevate the NYPD's, to where they are close in height to the Wonder Women, then I should be able to form a nice, thick canopy across the screen, in the following weeks.

The second problem with this is the oscillating fan. Tomorrow, I'm going to and remove the stand so it will oscillate, but not take up valuable floor space. I will have pics of all this tomorrow, so stay tuned.

I'm out. Sour Diesel awaits me.


Active Member
I think I need to use your PB&J method to solve some of the problems in my life.. sounds like it really works. This is just a guess.. but it looks you're gonna get 1.5 oz from each of those plants.. if not more. They're looking awesome. I'm envious of your Diesel.


Puff, an 1.5 oz and a half would be nice, but of course I'd like to get 3-5 off each, but that may be dream world type shit.

So, I did it. I elevated the NYPD about 5 inches, so they're close to the size of the Wonder Women. I also installed a screen, and pulled as many bud sights as possible through the screen. Since the weather has been mild lately, it hasn't been getting as hot in the box, so I lowered my light too, hoping those baby buds eat that shit up. I'll have picks soon, too lazy to do it right now.


Active Member
Puff, an 1.5 oz and a half would be nice, but of course I'd like to get 3-5 off each, but that may be dream world type shit.
Oh, for sure. I just wasn't sure what your expectations were for this grow so I didn't want to get you excited and say 3 haha. You can do it though, I have faith in you.


Active Member
whats good dubwooze.
i came across one of ur comments and noticed ur journal.im real interested in it since im about to start a cabinet similar to urs.

i noticed how u have the fan in the wall for intake...DOES it work well?better u thnk for intake or exhaust...

im goin to b using a 400w switchable.i got 2 plants that r goin to start flowering once i figure out my problems.

im concerned with heat...i have normal fans,not real exspensive good ones.i have the same idea in mind about the wallfan. i wanted to do it for exhaust,mayb in the roof of the cabinet...IM A NOOb so all advice is heard by me and is acted upon.THANX and keep in touch,NICE journal


Rusko, what's happening, thanks for stopping by. The intake fan works very well, for the intake. My guess, it would be insufficient as an exhaust, if you put a carbon filter, plus ducting on it. If you're using a 400w, which will get hot, but not hot like my 1000, it could be sufficient, if it isn't pulling air through a filter, or a few yards of ducting. Does your light have a cooling mechanism?

Puff, I saw some autoflowers in action this week. I must say, they are weird little plants, but I was told he got about 2-2.75 oz's of each one, but he seems like an exaggerator.


Active Member
yea man no problem.So ive been lookin up shit and i talked to my brother and yea ur right,exhaust wouldnt b good for my setup.

so your using a 1000w in that box? do u have a good exhaust fan?
I do not have a good exhaust fan myself or a cooling mechanism.Im researching and talking trying to find creative ways. I have a cabinet i wanted to flower in and put the 400w in ther but im worried about burning my garage down.

ha yea my plants are weird right now also. il put up pics in a sec


Active Member
damn,i jst dont have $ at the moment.lol otherwize np with gettin a fan. thankx again


Yo Yo, my faithful subscribers, sorry for the delay between posts. This man has been busy. To begin matters, I will start with some sad news: I had to move one of my plants outdoors. This is a problem, because I live in an urban area, I'm afraid she'll disappear one day. She has been outside over a week, and I've visited her once, and she was OK. Hopefully she'll be alright in the long run. I moved her because her growth had been slowed as opposed to the others of her strain, and she was starting to become "smothered" by the others.

In housekeeping news, I've changed my carbon filter (no pic). It is still DIY, but seems to be working much better than before. Also, the Timemist spray dispenser is awesome. A spray every 30 minutes, and boom, no stench!

That is all I have to add. The plants are growing quickly and the pistils are really starting to form. I'm 20 days into flowering and can't wait! Here are some new pics, hope you enjoy!



I'm a little bummed, two of them have a nitrogen deficiency. I just caught it today. Hopefully I'll have it reversed in a few days. I think it happened when I nuked one of the others. After the nuke, they didn't get NPK, only Cal-Mag for two weeks. I think the two plants effected were carrying a lower surplus than the other. Ah, stoned rant.