A Cannabinerd's Journey


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah it is man, I swear the green helps me with so many things. I've cut the use of my pain meds in 1/2 or more and stopped others all together :) I'd be lost without it that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
Yea and there is not a pill anywhere that can nock out a migraine for my wife, but exstreama is a instant fix! Shit is crazy but it is.


Well-Known Member
fuck ya man! jealous of your new space AP! The misses and I are trying to find a new place, although with school getting crazier and crazier, might have to wait till spring term is over.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah doc, I can't wait to flower out the extrema, should be ready for flower by the end of the month, i really liked the smoke and it helped me get to sleep pretty damn good

Thanks payne :) I hear ya about the busy schedule, going to school does make things pretty hectic, you'll find something when the time is right though, you're killing it where your at now anyway 8-)


Well-Known Member
Almost at 2 weeks flower (13 days) and it looks like the stretch is slowing down quite a bit. No way they will be 5 or 6' after the stretch is over. Flowered at 15", they are just shy of 31" which is perfect. I suspect another 2 or 3" more and then it should be over. They were growing 1-2" a day since day 1 flower but today they have only grown a 1/2" and the flower sets have begun :)

Clones are looking good, even the ones that are in cups of water. Found some old root plugs in the shed so decided to use them on another set of clones. The rooted cuts in the croutons are doing great, the croutons I finally decided to use for the 2nd light that will be installed. The purple og 18 already is out of the plug, damn thing is on steroids or something, 15 hours to germ, 12 hrs to come out of the plug! Hope she's decent.
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Well-Known Member
Hell yea I have looked at that the purple og. I almost picked it up when I got the og kush , and purple wreck but figured I could just breed the ones I got. Now we have my swamp wrecked ;)


Well-Known Member
Right on bro, I can't wait to try the swamp wreck. What interested me in the purple og 18 was the short flower time and the very low stretch, og potency without a lanky og sstructure and supposed to be all purple. I haven't really had a short og before so we'll see 8-)


Well-Known Member
Right on bro, glad they made it in one piece :)

I have a feeling it's going to be one hell of a run. My buddy thinks the move won't stress em at all as long as I cut the scrog net instead of trying to remove the net. I have 2 nets for back up after the move so I think that's what I'll do. Had the guy that gave me the cuts check out what I have going now and he thinks it's an easy 1.5lb but maybe 2 (from what he can tell from the canopy and comparing to his plants) so I'd be hella pleased with that. Also tested my light footprint with a lumen meter and the lightsnot running at 100%.its a nnew bulb but he said the capacitors need to be replaced in the ballast once a year or the light intensity dimishes quickly and it's not visibleby the eeye. So I got a new cap coming for it just in time for the budding stage. Really good to know this as I've never changed the caps on my ballasts.

Anyway, back to the glue. She finishes her stretch so fast and transition to flower is in the blink of an eye! So far it's only doubled in size, so I'm gonna say 2.5x stretch which isn't as bad as some say. 8-) that's all the tips I have for now



Well-Known Member
Got a new cap in the ballast and I must say, they will be on my replacement list from now on. It's a night and day difference with lighting 8-) was probably running 750w of light last run smh. Got me really pumped for this run now running on all cylinders :D

Only problem now is I'm having trouble with the Rockwool croutons, so it's crunch time to figure out how to dial them I'm because there isn't much time before I have to out another set into flower :/

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Well-Known Member
A few days shy of 21 days on the glues. Already trichs galore. Got some new clones transplanted and the cloner needs to be transplanted tomorrow.

Still having trouble with the RW cubes, trying a different way to prepare them for the next transplants. The roots look great but definitely having pH issues causing deficiency (as seen in the veg plants pic)

The glue is already frosting up big time though, so all isn't bad.

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Well-Known Member
For sure man! I can't believe it has so many trichs this early, usually my plants start getting them at day like 21-28, Tuesday is the start of week 4 and day 22.

I gotta move them this weekend though so that is still worrying me, just hoping they take it well and keep on trucking. They really do look big in person but they aren't that big I guess, including the pots they are 4' tall but since they are lollipopped and trimmed up pretty good, I think it'll be much easier to manage, but they are intimidating