A Complete Pictorial & Editorial Shroom Grow!


Well-Known Member
to your question yes we can work something out. My pm box is full so I have to wait until my wife comes home so she can empty it because she thinks I talk to girls on riu via pm even though I don't. I would be happy to help you though.


Well-Known Member
to your question yes we can work something out. My pm box is full so I have to wait until my wife comes home so she can empty it because she thinks I talk to girls on riu via pm even though I don't. I would be happy to help you though.
LMFAO... my gal does too! I'm like a majority of peeps on here are male... but she is one hardheaded son of a gun :lol:

Thanks for the assistance ;)


Active Member
A little over 2 weeks now, and going damn slow. Unless PE is supposed to be this slow, I think I may have used too much water. Constant 86F temps are not speeding things up any for this strain either, may as well have went with room temp the entire time.

GL to you during fruiting btw. Hopefully it will be a bountiful harvest for you!
read these links and posts by RogerRabbit it will help you out alot.

I'm refering to RogerRabbits posts in these threads, He is THE GUY to ask about shrooms on that site and he makes the " Lets grow mushroom" vids

http://www.shroomery.org/forums/show...534764#6534764 This one sums it up

Supporting links
etc... just search shrromery and RR's posts

Plus...an incubator at 86 degrees is allready too hot, not to mention cakes produce an additional 3-4 degrees making it around 90..that promotes slower growth than cold temps. Just use room temp.


Well-Known Member
read these links and posts by RogerRabbit it will help you out alot.

I'm refering to RogerRabbits posts in these threads, He is THE GUY to ask about shrooms on that site and he makes the " Lets grow mushroom" vids

http://www.shroomery.org/forums/show...534764#6534764 This one sums it up

Supporting links
etc... just search shrromery and RR's posts

Plus...an incubator at 86 degrees is allready too hot, not to mention cakes produce an additional 3-4 degrees making it around 90..that promotes slower growth than cold temps. Just use room temp.
My next batch will be grown at room temp's

Let's see the difference!


Well-Known Member
The next batch i'll be utilizing the mycelium water technique... how they explained it in the shroomery forum... it sounds quite complicated... how you explained it seemed so much easier.

How much of a success rate is there using this technique?


Active Member
read these links and posts by RogerRabbit it will help you out alot.

I'm refering to RogerRabbits posts in these threads, He is THE GUY to ask about shrooms on that site and he makes the " Lets grow mushroom" vids

http://www.shroomery.org/forums/show...534764#6534764 This one sums it up

Supporting links
etc... just search shrromery and RR's posts

Plus...an incubator at 86 degrees is allready too hot, not to mention cakes produce an additional 3-4 degrees making it around 90..that promotes slower growth than cold temps. Just use room temp.

Thanks for the links. Definitely makes sense. I think I would be better off to just go with normal Room Temps from now on. I'm moving the PE from their heat mats now, as well as my army of Creeper & Z jars.


Active Member
I had 100% success with my attempts...I knocked up about 20 jars from just one doner jar doing it my way. I seldom follow teks to the T. I just learn and understand the principles behind something before making an attempt, That way I'm not just a button pushing monkey, I can react accordingly if something goes array.


Well-Known Member
I had 100% success with my attempts...I knocked up about 20 jars from just one doner jar doing it my way. I seldom follow teks to the T. I just learn and understand the principles behind something before making an attempt, That way I'm not just a button pushing monkey, I can react accordingly if something goes array.
I see the sense in that!


Well-Known Member
Happy to report.... that three heads are popping from the cake and one nice mushroom is enveloping...

Although I expect two cakes to have possible mold... its a light greenish grey... but no worries I have them isolated in there own little fruiting chamber. Twice a day I spray the area with antibacterials.... and douse the counters with alcohol! Could misting the cake with water lead to mold... thats one of my big concerns?

I heard you can add a 1:10 ratio of Hydroxide peroxide to the water... to take care of that problem? What's your standpoint on that? As directed, I'm keeping the humidity levels above the 90% percent range...


Active Member
what you think is mold probably is bruising from misting. mold is usually a definite green. Blue/gray sounds like bruising especiially if its occuring on a fully colonized cake.brusing wont hurt the cake but it may be a sighn of over misting.

As far as treating mold, im skeptic, i just throw the cakes away. I kinda think its not worth infecting your house with the spores just to save a 25 cent cake.


Well-Known Member
what you think is mold probably is bruising from misting. mold is usually a definite green. Blue/gray sounds like bruising especiially if its occuring on a fully colonized cake.brusing wont hurt the cake but it may be a sighn of over misting.

As far as treating mold, im skeptic, i just throw the cakes away. I kinda think its not worth infecting your house with the spores just to save a 25 cent cake.
Thanks for the informative reply mate!

I too heard it might be bruising... the cake doesn't have a stitch to it... so I suppose its good! How would a cake infested with mold smell anyways?


Active Member
it has more to do with humidity and lighting than temp, you know me...room temp all the way, but others may have different opinions.