A Couple Problems, Help!


Active Member
The First pic I have no idea why its not starting its other leaves, its day 4 and the original leaves just keep getting bigger.. never seen that before

The second picture of my other plant is also on day 4 (both them plants sprouted the same day) and as you can see its leaves are much bigger and theres more, but the new ones coming out having a purple too them (what could this be, the stem is also purple)

And finally, the last picture of is another different plant I have and its on day 11, how do you think its doing, is it a bit small? does it look okay?

I've done all the same thing for each of these plants, same medium 40% miracle gro moisture control, 40% miracle gro organic choice, and 20% perlite

Tap water that I let sit atleast 24 hours but usually 2-4 days (I've been giving about 5 cap fulls of water per night to each plant) I was thinking im over watering?

They all are under CFL lighting on a 24/0 schedule


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
As always, +rep for beautiful plants. Don't worry about the first one, it looks healthy. Females often don't grow as big as males so small plants are often good, especially indoors. Be careful planting different plants in the same pot. If they get too big and need to transplant, you may have to cut their roots to separate them. It's also nice to be able to adjust the position of each plant. Also don't worry about the purplish leaves on the second, it's just a genetic trait. The third one looks like it may be slightly Phosphorus deficient. Either they need a little P or the Ph is off. Try to check the soil Ph first. Imo the most important tools for growers are Ph testing equipment.