A day to celebrate.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Why is there no hole in the bag? That seems to be a major design flaw.
ill submit your design changes at the next meeting.

we will probably have to form some sort of buffer or coating for the edges of the hole, to avoid papercut litigation and most likely we will require some kind of Snaggle Tooth Disclaimer to indemnify us against biters and meth-mouth.

ill run that by Legal too. ill get back to you with the new specs by friday at the latest.

be sure to CC Michelle Obama with your proposals, since she is the inspiration for the product and maintains final discretion on any design changes.


Well-Known Member
be sure to CC Michelle Obama with your proposals, since she is the inspiration for the product and maintains final discretion on any design changes.
I dunno, Michelle isn't too bad looking. To be fair, she's a bit out of my preferred age range, but I'd probably hit that.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
But Marx clearly is.

"you said class struggle, you're a commie"
YOU brought up Class Struggle, and when confronted with the obvious, inescapable and 100% accurate marxist associations relating to that phrase, you flailed about like a gaffed tuna. and now youre just flailing again.

seriously, what forms of Marxian Style "CLass Struggle" existed before Marx? even just a few years before or even a millenia or two earlier?

surely there must be some "Class Struggle" you can point to to bolster your claim that Marx may have named it, but it existed before.

Edit: also I did not bring marx ito this thread, YOU did, admittedly this thread was just a thinly veiled emo tantrum and a smug self-righteous assertion of your superiority, because margaret thatcher wasnt able to outlive you.

marx tends to come up when you start flapping your pie hole based on the amount of marxism that tumbles from between your spittle flecked lips as you rant against EVERYTHING except marxism, and pretend that any who notice that only Marx is spared your wrath are just being mean to you.

if you were a rabid adherent to monarchism and insisted we should all place ourselves at the mercy of our rightful overlords, the house of Windsor, then you would receive a whole different sort of criticism. if you were a militant islamist then your political rants would be greeted by an entirely different class of catcalls. if you were a spoonerite you would be criticized based on the failings of spooner (as rob roy often is) but you are an incompetent marxist, unable to present a cogent argument for marxism, and unable to defend marxism from it's MANY MANY critics. so intead you asssault every other ideology with lame image macros, memes, and propaganda posters from marxist organizations, and even pictures of marx, gueverra, stalin, mao, castro etc... but curiously absent is the ACTUAL COMMUNISTS Leonid Trotsky, and Vladimir Lenin.

you seem to prefer stalinist authoritarian socialists to actual communists. this is quite telling.


Well-Known Member
Fine, Kynes, what ever Marx has to do it with it, all I have to say is ...fine...

It changes not the fact that Margaret Thatcher was a fascist.

Here's one you'll probably frame and put on your wall.


Well-Known Member
Fine, Kynes, what ever Marx has to do it with it, all I have to say is ...fine...

It changes not the fact that Margaret Thatcher was a fascist.

Here's one you'll probably frame and put on your wall.
You'd think for a socialist, you'd be better at socialising.


Well-Known Member
You'd think for a socialist, you'd be better at socialising.
You'd think the world cares how Socialist Ireland is, but Ireland has yet to contribute anything to the world. You're a subject of the queen and a willing one at that. I would even describe you as loyal.


Well-Known Member
You'd think the world cares how Socialist Ireland is, but Ireland has yet to contribute anything to the world. You're a subject of the queen and a willing one at that. I would even describe you as loyal.
Try harder, amantolickcock.

You fail so hard, like your "libertarian socialism".


Well-Known Member
Try harder, amantolickcock.

You fail so hard, like your "libertarian socialism".
The Republic of Ireland has contributed to this world the same as the other Free Allies. It is on par with Taiwan, Israel, Poland, Cuba and every other country that has shot and killed their way to self rule. Self rule is the way of the Gun.

And that is to say nothing of the hording of western writings that would have been lost. That's the unique and almost unbelievable luck of the Irish. When Neapolitan tried to land troops there, there was a big storm, but he was counting on favorable treatment from the Irish. The lucky ones drowned. The smart ones swam away from the shore. :)

You don't won't to be the toast of the Irish on a dark and stormy coast.

So, ask not what this world can do for you, or fret what it does to others, ask how long you will be lucky to survive.

The Irish flourish is this world and are much caressed, as hard ass fighters and hard ass drinkers in the USA, and damn smart techies.

So, youra facist, youra facist, youra facist, youra facist

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Fine, Kynes, what ever Marx has to do it with it, all I have to say is ...fine...

It changes not the fact that Margaret Thatcher was a fascist.
Here's one you'll probably frame and put on your wall.

you so silly.

oh thats rich.

what socialist programs did she create?
what industry did she nationalize?
what ethnic group did she demonize?
what national myth did she fabricate?
what dictatorial powers did she institute?
what ancient nationalist past did she attempt to revive... oh wait, england's prosperity of the previous centuries... so that's one thing she has in common with fascists.

barry obama has more in common with fascists that thatcher does,, and he's just a third way democratic socialist, not even a real marxist. he's Marx Light, tastes populist, and less filling.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The Republic of Ireland has contributed to this world the same as the other Free Allies. It is on par with Taiwan, Israel, Poland, Cuba and every other country that has shot and killed their way to self rule. Self rule is the way of the Gun.

And that is to say nothing of the hording of western writings that would have been lost. That's the unique and almost unbelievable luck of the Irish. When Neapolitantried to land troops there, there was a big storm, but he was counting on favorable treatment from the Irish. The lucky ones drowned. The smart ones swam away from the shore. :)

You don't won't to be the toast of the Irish on a dark and stormy coast.

So, ask not what this world can do for you, or fret what it does to others, ask how long you will be lucky to survive.

The Irish flourish is this world and are much caressed, as hard ass fighters and hard ass drinkers in the USA, and damn smart techies.

So, youra facist, youra facist, youra facist, youra facist

'Cest Magnifique!


Well-Known Member
Pinochet is sad that Thatcher croaked.

See? here's a tear.

You sad too Kynes?

By the way, socialism is not a symptom of fascism moron.


Well-Known Member
US support for Tory ideals is the death of the American Revolution.

Coming from the bitch who busted the unions and completely privatized the energy industry in her own country, it is clear to anyone facing reality that invading a country on the pretense of nuclear nonproliferation is nothing more than stealing oil.