A day to celebrate.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
By the way, socialism is not a symptom of fascism moron.
no, youre right dickreath, idiot, halfwit moron who doesnt even understand the ideology he supports...

fascism is an OFFSHOOT of socialism.

fascism is just an oozing pustule on the buttocks of the body politic, caused by a rampant infestation of parasitic socialism which is carried and delivered by the bite of the Marxism Fly.

but thats probably to complcated for you to figure out.


Well-Known Member
US support for Tory ideals is the death of the American Revolution.

Coming from the bitch who busted the unions and completely privatized the energy industry in her own country, it is clear to anyone facing reality that invading a country on the pretense of nuclear nonproliferation is nothing more than stealing oil.
Yeah, cos "libertarian socialism" is the truest epitome of the American Way.

You're basically a facepalm generator.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
and the dolt goes right back to picture talking and repetition of whatever talking points he received from his local marxist bookshop.


Well-Known Member
It is funny. You make up a definition then you apply a word. What word? Something unique and meaningful for your new difintion? No, you grab a hate filled charged word set, like class struggle, Marx-ism, arachno-stupidity or whatever. (that one is not taken. Use that?)

That is not the way it works. Those words are not only taken, they have actual meaning that has withstood the test of time.

But, I'm convince this is a stripped troll, easily swinging and sliding, changing stripes and is becoming more blurred.

But, pirate, is it devolved, evolved, or just remains devo? :)

And Napoleon was quite the Neapolitan.

(damn will I ever get this right?....probably not.)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
It is funny. You make up a definition then you apply a word. What word? Something unique and meaningful for your new difintion? No, you grab a hate filled charged word set, like class struggle, Marx-ism, arachno-stupidity or whatever. (that one is not taken. Use that?)

That is not the way it works. Those words are not only taken, they have actual meaning that has withstood the test of time.

But, I'm convince this is a stripped troll, easily swinging and sliding, changing stripes and is becoming more blurred.

But, pirate, is it devolved, evolved, or just remains devo? :)

And Napoleon was quite the Neapolitan.

(damn will I ever get this right?....probably not.)
napoleon was born on the island of corsica, which lies about halfway between rome and marseilles.

napoli (where neapolitans live and for whom the tricolor ice cream is named) is in italia, about halfway between rome and the toe of the boot.


Well-Known Member
And then there is that ice cream...so confusing. I'm switching to Elba....low fat, of course.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
A progressive celebrating the death of those who disagree with him... Scratch a progressive, expose a fascist.
yeah but with such a lack of understanding of the shit he supports he will never be more than a useful idiot, suitable only for hurling his body against the barricades and dying in the cause of the great socialist revolution.

for a while i thought he might have a hope of redemption, but he is only fit to serve as cannon fodder for the marxists who pull his strings.


Well-Known Member
yeah but with such a lack of understanding of the shit he supports he will never be more than a useful idiot, suitable only for hurling his body against the barricades and dying in the cause of the great socialist revolution.

for a while i thought he might have a hope of redemption, but he is only fit to serve as cannon fodder for the marxists who pull his strings.
A guy today asked me "You going into Dublin to protest with the National Socialist party against the property tax?"

My first answer was "Id rather go protest AGAINST the Socialists" but then I quickly came back with "Actually, I have a job, so I'm not 'protestor' material".

My first lol was at the National Socialist Party bit...parties like that have proven historically to totally have the people as first priority.

As seen in 1930's Germany...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
A guy today asked me "You going into Dublin to protest with the National Socialist party against the property tax?"

My first answer was "Id rather go protest AGAINST the Socialists" but then I quickly came back with "Actually, I have a job, so I'm not 'protestor' material".

My first lol was at the National Socialist Party bit...parties like that have proven historically to totally have the people as first priority.

As seen in 1930's Germany...
... but in europe nationalsim means the opposite of what iot means in the US, and socialism is conservatism, and fascism is anyone who disagrees with me!!

isnt that how that shit works?

abandonintellect hass been shouting that "in euroipe socialism means...." bullshit since he first discovered the joys of tugging on his own dick.

are you implying he may have been less than honest in his claims?


Ursus marijanus
A guy today asked me "You going into Dublin to protest with the National Socialist party against the property tax?"

My first answer was "Id rather go protest AGAINST the Socialists" but then I quickly came back with "Actually, I have a job, so I'm not 'protestor' material".

My first lol was at the National Socialist Party bit...parties like that have proven historically to totally have the people as first priority.

As seen in 1930's Germany...
But it's so true! They prioritized over six million of'em. cn