A GENIUS (stupid?)idea to check bottom of pots for moisture?

I'd just invest in the $80 moisture meter. By the time you spend money on lifts, and the time and effort to drill "finger holes" you could prob afford a good meter. Not that i don't like sticking my finger in holes, but sometimes it can be a waste of time. Your finger is not that accurate anyways at the center of the pot. Some spots may (as others have said) become hydrophobic. I've just set up an auto feed system that takes 20 min to feed (per tray) It gets every inch of the pot saturated. Before i was just hand watering/feeding as fast as I could, and it wasn't the best method. Slow and steady in soil is key.... esp in peat based mediums.
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I can lift a 15, but it's not fun. Especially if it's got lava rock in it.
RIght!.. I have a meter that I probe in about 3 different spots per plant to make sure im not getting dry spots. This new slow feed is the bomb. It used to take me 4 hours to hand feed the room. But now I can do 10 at a time and just sit there and watch it work.... But, Im lazy.
Another way I figure out (besides the probe) if they need feed is to look at my Spartan. When I feed, I'll see RH in the 61-62 range. After 3-4 days, I'll see it at 50% rh.. this is when I know that they have transpired as much as possible, and it's time to feed/water. BUT!.. Im totally sealed up with CO2, so that may be different with active intakes/exhaust.