A GENIUS (stupid?)idea to check bottom of pots for moisture?

Ok... well then look it up on any other source... he's fuckng dead.
I did, I was kidding, lol.

Most lead singers I saw back then are dead. Crazy shit.

Kurt Cobain
Layne Staley
Chris Cornell
and now Scott Weiland

And who know's how many others that I don't know about.

Well shit, here's another to add to the list I guess. WTF.

Heroin was big in Seattle, and still is. I never did it because weed was addictive enough to me. And knew if I ever tried it I'd be Fucked.
Seattle is a fucking shit city now..... gross. I dated this one girl for a couple of years before I met and married Paige... Holy fuck. That world goes deeper and dark. Glad i shed her before I got into too much trouble. 8 balls every night of coke.... it was a cluster fuck. Glad i got out of that, and met a respectable gal with a a 401K and a good job (even tho she's quit is now), but is flying to France next week to do consulting for a renewable energy company based in Marrsee, FR...She'll be gone for 14 days, but its a good 6 fig job. for her.... otherwise, i'm gonna sleep till noon and continue the grow op.
Seattle is a fucking shit city now..... gross. I dated this one girl for a couple of years before I met and married Paige... Holy fuck. That world goes deeper and dark. Glad i shed her before I got into too much trouble. 8 balls every night of coke.... it was a cluster fuck. Glad i got out of that, and met a respectable gal with a a 401K and a good job (even tho she's quit is now), but is flying to France next week to do consulting for a renewable energy company based in Marrsee, FR...She'll be gone from 14 days, but its a good 6 fig job. for her.... otherwise, i'm gonna sleep till noon and continue the grow op.
No shit. I was born in Seattle. But Seattle is fucked now, and it pisses me off. It use to be an awesome city. Now it's a fucking hell hole, and everyone is crazy or just a plain asshole. And they've destoyed all the wooded areas to build stupid shit.

I wish it was like it once was, but there's no way I can live there now. The whole West Coast has went way downhill. Sucks ass.

I moved to Tahoe with a chick from that area, and met an even better one from SD. That's rare in a 10-1 girl to guy ratio town, :bigjoint:
No shit. I was born in Seattle. But Seattle is fucked now, and it pisses me off. It use to be an awesome city. Now it's a fucking hell hole, and everyone is crazy or just a plain asshole. And they've destoyed all the wooded areas to build stupid shit.

I wish it was like it once was, but there's no way I can live there now. The whole West Coast has went way downhill. Sucks ass.
Yeah... we stoped in for a day on the way back from Anchorage, AK...trash everywhere..even on the interstates. Saw a guy on the A rail taking a shit on the side of a building mid day..fully naked. The Space Needle was full of vagabonds and thieves. Pissing in any place they could find. I was shocked... My dad used to live there in the 80's, and it was a nice clean city...... not anymore.
I'd just invest in the $80 moisture meter. By the time you spend money on lifts, and the time and effort to drill "finger holes" you could prob afford a good meter. Not that i don't like sticking my finger in holes, but sometimes it can be a waste of time. Your finger is not that accurate anyways at the center of the pot. Some spots may (as others have said) become hydrophobic. I've just set up an auto feed system that takes 20 min to feed (per tray) It gets every inch of the pot saturated. Before i was just hand watering/feeding as fast as I could, and it wasn't the best method. Slow and steady in soil is key.... esp in peat based mediums.
I am glad my "VERY SERIOUSLY" intended topic got sidetracked and people got some laughs out of it :D It was fun reading it. Everybody sativa`d hard :D

Is there a consensus in pot community which moisture meters are worth it and are high quality? There seem to be many in that price range ;)
My finger was free.
Finger doesnt ease my mind, since I am a total beginner and overthink things :)
I think scale is another good alternative. You onlyhave to saturate once to get the wet weigth and dry weight is available from the start when you fill up buckets. Harder in scrog to weigh the pots, of course..
Seattle is a fucking shit city now..... gross. I dated this one girl for a couple of years before I met and married Paige... Holy fuck. That world goes deeper and dark. Glad i shed her before I got into too much trouble. 8 balls every night of coke.... it was a cluster fuck. Glad i got out of that, and met a respectable gal with a a 401K and a good job (even tho she's quit is now), but is flying to France next week to do consulting for a renewable energy company based in Marrsee, FR...She'll be gone for 14 days, but its a good 6 fig job. for her.... otherwise, i'm gonna sleep till noon and continue the grow op.

Nice score! I should have married for money but this one has put up with me for 23 years so I guess I'll keep her.

I thought of a mor specific use case - checking if bottom part is not too dry and become hydrophobic (I have peat moss in my mix, it can become hydrophobic pretty fast) It would help to find out if you need to soak the pot in bath of whatever with some water and surfacant.

For example, if you bottom of pot has become hydrophobic.
1) You water the plant till runoff
2) Stick finger in bottom - it is dry.
3)Pot is just watered but bottom is dry. Conslusion - it has become hydropohobic and needs a surfacant
I had this issue

Someone on overgrow suggested a fix that worked for me. They said to leave the water runoff in the tray and it will soak back up. Once soaked back up, re-water. That fixed my hydrophobic soil issues.
I got you beat by a year or so. Almost 25 years now.

Sorry but my still legal marriage of 44 years trumps your 25 year honeymoon. ;)

We never did get a divorce and split 2 days before our 2nd. Far as I know she's still alive tho has been trying to kill herself for years. Turned crack head during another C/L marriage where she had two kids. Lost custody and went street for 20 years I heard from a mutual friend still in Calgary who still sees her once in a blue moon.

The boy's mother left when they were 8 and 10 and now lives in a big 2 story, 5bdrm house out in the middle of nowhere on a reserve in New Brunswick. Had a another boy out there and gave him up for adoption when he was 3. He lives close by and visits often but only looking for money and treats her like shit. My #1 son was out there and saw all this. Says she's lost her marbles and is miserable. She made her own bed.

I just ruin women I tell ya. rotflmao.gif

This one is doing fine and we have never had a nasty fight. Her 30yo daughter lives with us and and has never been a problem, Her and her mom are like friends and we get along fine tho don't interact all that much. Getting to be a damn fine cook.

Wife has finally seen the sense in reducing the flock so has to figure out which 20 or so laying hens to sell. Should get $20 each so she can pay for the new grow tent I'm going to order before going to bed tonight and it's after 3 now. It's on sale for $187 and I can use the discount code for 12% off. Broke a branch in the crowded 2x4 tent today so it's way past time. I got all the other gear to set her up as soon as it gets here.

Getting warmer so the plants are growing faster and I want to slow them down. I can keep it cooler downstairs where it's only 59F now. Didn't get over 64 last summer and it was f'n hot a lot. Heat domes but the outdoor plants loved it.


They won't process my order 'til Monday so I can do that tomorrow. A wise man once told me, Why do today what you can put off 'til tomorrow. labrat.gif

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Sorry but my still legal marriage of 44 years trumps your 25 year honeymoon. ;)

We never did get a divorce and split 2 days before our 2nd. Far as I know she's still alive tho has been trying to kill herself for years. Turned crack head during another C/L marriage where she had two kids. Lost custody and went street for 20 years I heard from a mutual friend still in Calgary who still sees her once in a blue moon.

The boy's mother left when they were 8 and 10 and now lives in a big 2 story, 5bdrm house out in the middle of nowhere on a reserve in New Brunswick. Had a another boy out there and gave him up for adoption when he was 3. He lives close by and visits often but only looking for money and treats her like shit. My #1 son was out there and saw all this. Says she's lost her marbles and is miserable. She made her own bed.

I just ruin women I tell ya. View attachment 5148181

This one is doing fine and we have never had a nasty fight. Her 30yo daughter lives with us and and has never been a problem, Her and her mom are like friends and we get along fine tho don't interact all that much. Getting to be a damn fine cook.

Wife has finally seen the sense in reducing the flock so has to figure out which 20 or so laying hens to sell. Should get $20 each so she can pay for the new grow tent I'm going to order before going to bed tonight and it's after 3 now. It's on sale for $187 and I can use the discount code for 12% off. Broke a branch in the crowded 2x4 tent today so it's way past time. I got all the other gear to set her up as soon as it gets here.

Getting warmer so the plants are growing faster and I want to slow them down. I can keep it cooler downstairs where it's only 59F now. Didn't get over 64 last summer and it was f'n hot a lot. Heat domes but the outdoor plants loved it.

View attachment 5148182

They won't process my order 'til Monday so I can do that tomorrow. A wise man once told me, Why do today what you can put off 'til tomorrow. View attachment 5148183

Awesome man. You win, on a technicality, :lol::bigjoint:
I am glad my "VERY SERIOUSLY" intended topic got sidetracked and people got some laughs out of it :D It was fun reading it. Everybody sativa`d hard :D

Is there a consensus in pot community which moisture meters are worth it and are high quality? There seem to be many in that price range ;)
The cheap $8 work great actually. They cant magically know if it's a dry spot so take several readings to get an accurate number. I use 2 meters at a time to save time...2 spots per probe, 4 spots total per pot. The cheap ones may be the only accurate cheap tool in this biz. .
The cheap $8 work great actually. They cant magically know if it's a dry spot so take several readings to get an accurate number. I use 2 meters at a time to save time...2 spots per probe, 4 spots total per pot. The cheap ones may be the only accurate cheap tool in this biz. .
Interesting I have heard the opposite.
But I also have read about using several cheap ones like you do , which would give you a more accurate picture.
The question is - better 4 cheap ones for 40 usd or 1 hgher quality for 80 usd :)
The really cheap meters don't even read a bucket of water as "wet". Just sayin'.

Below is the only "cheaper" meter that I found to be close to accurate. It takes a minute or two to settle, but it was pretty reliable.
Pressing the button makes it read ph which seems pretty spot on OR my soil was just always in the zone (<doubtful).
There's another version with a very short probe.

I've since eliminated any watering issues by switching to coco and feeding daily.
The scale is 1 to 10...after watering they are 10, as they dry they move towards 1. The cheap meters work great. Not everything has to be expensive!

The issue is not the meters. It is the belief that sticking any meter in one spot in a pot will give you an accurate assessment. In this regard, lifting is easier. I like the lift method for under 7gallons. But the probes work in any pot. It's not a precise measure, it is 1 to 10 and is consistent. A system that you use consistently is the key, what system you use is not critical imo