A grow journal, nuff said.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I got a tiny veg room too, going for massive plants in tiny pots lol, once ive made some room ill pot on yay.


Well-Known Member
Not much new on the JF's/SSH's but the next lot that i'm gonna veg and flower is the ORIGINAL EXODUS CHEESE and PSYCHOSIS and i can't f##king wait.
I'm sorry if what i've just typed doesn't make sense but i've been out on the town and done some strange tablets that have the markings of a japanese car firm on them (mitsubishi) i hope they are out of my system by next week LMFAO......
BTW it has taken me nearly an hour to write this....... I hope i ain't said owt i'll regret....
anyways i'm gonna try and get some kip (its 4:30am, i'm usually getting up for work at this time) with the help of a morphine tablet..... laters

mr west

Well-Known Member
you hadf some mitzys, I aint had any of those in many years, they used to be good pills. What they like now and can u get any more lol?

mr west

Well-Known Member
Another cheesey soldier for the ranks yay. The cheese fairy must of been busy this weekend......


Well-Known Member
The mitsi's were good but weak, i had 4 of 'em, i did 2 at a time about 2 hours apart, a good night all in all. i've only just got up at 4:20pm so i think the sedative worked (cheers mate lol)


Well-Known Member
I'll put some pics up in a bit, the stems on one of 'em have gone purple, any ideas?
I've also treated them with some stuff for spider mites and i'll treat 'em again tomorrow (no offence but you can't be too careful lol)


Well-Known Member
i promise to do pics tomoz, i just can't be arsed. I still feel rough from the weekend, it takes longer to get over it now i'm getting old lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Not much new on the JF's/SSH's but the next lot that i'm gonna veg and flower is the ORIGINAL EXODUS CHEESE and PSYCHOSIS and i can't f##king wait.
I'm sorry if what i've just typed doesn't make sense but i've been out on the town and done some strange tablets that have the markings of a japanese car firm on them (mitsubishi) i hope they are out of my system by next week LMFAO......
BTW it has taken me nearly an hour to write this....... I hope i ain't said owt i'll regret....
anyways i'm gonna try and get some kip (its 4:30am, i'm usually getting up for work at this time) with the help of a morphine tablet..... laters

hqhhahahaha man after me own heart i see. as many uppers in the space of time allotted then a sleeper to knock you out till your semi normal again...

aint had a decent E in donkeys years, last i heard they were changing hands at £8 for good ones. n sod that for a game of toy soldiers.

mr west

Well-Known Member
fuck I'd pay a score for a decent pill like they were back in 1990 fuck id pay 40 quid for an old school dove ffs

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah but even thats gash compared to real E cuz its not even mdma powder they r selling its that meow stuff. like getting speed wen u want coke. Not the same but will keep i up for hours

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haha my mdma comes in a brick looks like a lump of quartz. i think i prefer plant food the complete lack of comedown was so refreshing.


Well-Known Member
Those at the weekend were good, really clean and no puking on the way up or down but they just weren't very strong. A bit speedy i think coz my jaw was still aching a bit yesterday.

Anyways heres an update as promised.

The stuff in the little bottle is what i've been treating them with, anyone used it?
The Cheese are the 2 at the front and Pychosis are the 2 in the middle and the 3 JF's are at the back of the little veg tent. Then some pics of the shortest JF and the last one is the better SSH


mr west

Well-Known Member
looking good oscar mate lol. That stuff u got looks similer to some stufff i use lol but difrent as well, theres a pic in my cheese thread some where cant find it on my pc lol soz. How many times did u top ur jf? mighty boosh