A grow journal, nuff said.


Well-Known Member
are we having a book on final dry weight?
Well if there isn't I'm getting a bet on anyhow.
I reckon she looks like a yeilder with those fat heavy tata's.
She's short, but that don't mean nothing with buds that size.
In fact this is how I like to see plants grown.

158g for me.( and I'm being conservative lol)

Good growing oscar.
Look forward to the others as well.


Well-Known Member
I'm no good at this game, but I'm gonna say 119gms.

Looks really nice though oscar and I'm sure you're a happy man! :mrgreen: You should be, especially as you have, what, 2 more is it? NICE!


Well-Known Member
Thats the cheese i've used for clones, do you think i should flower it or keep it as a mother? I think it'll be a monster if i flower it lol


mr west

Well-Known Member
make sure u give her plenty of suport in flower, it cant hold its self up after 4 weeks in twelve. hehehehe bring on the beast


Well-Known Member
Bad news, last night i was looking at JF1 and noticed a bit of the dreaded bud rot so i chopped the fucker before it spread. i only lost about a Q so its not the end of the world but i wanted to give it another 2 weeks, it had 74 days 12/12 so it was nearly there. I've still got the big 'un going and the 2 SSH's that i'll be watching like a hawk lol.
The last 2 pics are the better SSH. Sorry about the crappy phone pics but my other camera has been lent to someone ffs


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
shame man but you'll have some bud in the build up to the others?! did you chuck the mould bit or you going to make hash or oil?

seems mould is getting more common these days


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about the mould man....at least you caught it soon enough though. Still some lovely dank weed you got there. Great job!

And that cheese mom looks amazing. You have to flower it!! Please!!! But yeah, take a cut or two first.


Well-Known Member
Cheers guys. I think the mould is being caused by the weather.
I've already got 5 decent cuts of cheese off it that are growing nicely, i might top all the branches again then let 'em recover and grow back nice and strong then flower it so i'll have a mighty cheese bush lol