A Kush Lovers Thread


Well-Known Member
I have had some that did stretch quite a bit in veg before but everything that came from the seed that started these don't stretch bad at all.


Well-Known Member
started up a youtube channel, the bud jar. check it [youtube]fAqjm4v7XDY[/youtube] first episode of The Bud Jar! subscribe and enjoy!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Awesome pops! Your plants look happy as hell lol no bug damage or anything just loving life. I see why you don't want to go anywhere for very long now lol. Great job man thanks for the tour!!


Well-Known Member
yep bug damage is always minimal out here thank god.... no prob for the tour, I want to make this a thing I do now, videos make way more sense than pictures, I've always been struggling to truly /show/ you guys what my plants look like. it seems like videos are the only reasonable way to do that. plus I'm very interested in connecting with more people in the cannabis culture in california, hopefully my videos will sort of help in that aspect as well.


Well-Known Member
sour kush, unclimatized, last year on the 20th of september
sour kush, 1st generation climatized, this year on the 12th of september:
as you can see, it is over 2 weeks ahead. PROOF of climatization right before your eyes.


Well-Known Member
and if you guys really enjoyed that video subscribe to the channel, I intend to keep doing this for a while :)


Well-Known Member
I would think the same would apply to indoors too then? Better heat resistance, etc?
yeah most definitely I see no reason why not. although the indoor seasons are shorter that owuld probably make it necessary to have to repeat this several generations to get a similar effect, but I see no reason why the cannabis plant wouldn't try to adapt to indoors vs outdoors. I see it on the reverse when I grow indoor strains outdoors, they dont' do nearly as well the first year or two until I breed them outdoors a couple generations (sometimes only one.)


Well-Known Member
Pops! Props!

The video adds a whole new dimension to your pics!!
The garden is rockin! I can't wait to move and be legal, so's I can have my girlies all stout and plumpy!
I really want to go back outdoors, but I'm too noid!


Well-Known Member
Pops! Props! The video adds a whole new dimension to your pics!! The garden is rockin! I can't wait to move and be legal, so's I can have my girlies all stout and plumpy! I really want to go back outdoors, but I'm too noid!
thanks man that's one of the biggest reasons I wanted to do this, I felt like people never could really /see/ how big my gardens are. they aren't THAT big, but they are not small by any means either. though some of the growers out here, if you compare me to them, I am small, but the quality in this garden is top of the line!


Well-Known Member
Well, yeah.. Look what you're running! ;)
haha yeah it's probably half that, 1/4th what I do, 1/4th the environment, who knows. I see a lot of the same genetics in other peoples gardens around me and they just don't look half as good as the plants in my garden...


Well-Known Member
here's a song for ya guys its almost harvest time so I found a harvest song [youtube]Tyf1CBYzzik[/youtube]