A Kush Lovers Thread


Active Member
wow poplars...amazing garden and that's one hell of an office view! Cool little hemp wick holder too! Keep it up man, I bet it smells amazing out there :leaf::hump:


Well-Known Member
Haha duchie you said what I was thinking. I had a clue though pops when you said you had your permit but needed to get your drivers license
LOL! Sorry poplar man. Not laughing in disrespect and don't want the internet to translate that the wrong way, but that was funny!


Well-Known Member
new photos yo 9/18/2012 Desert Valley Kush: cheesequake cheesequake plant 2 Lush1 Lush2 Tahoe OG KUSH PRE98 BUBBA KUSH X TAHOE OG SOUR KUSH bubba pheno 1 SOUR KUSH bubba pheno 2 ( I honestly can't pick between any of the bubba phenos, they all look/smell amazing to me.) SOUR KUSH huge DIESEL pheno SOUR KUSH, BUBBA PHENO 3(this one is the MOST remeniscent of the green bubba epic creeper pheno I had the first year I grew sk, I compared pics when it was in early veg and marked it special, it turned out to match in smell and bud growth as well!!! call me stoked) the creeper bubba pheno wasn't as crystally as the other phenos, the smell was truly unique, that's why this last one is truly special to me, but I'm sure the other 2 bubba phenos will show me whats up as well ;)


Well-Known Member
Your garden is like a nursery that should be toured

thank you, that means a lot. I wish the negativity in my life would start to ease up a bit so I could feel more inspired about doing this. I feel intense inspiration towards my garden but lately all the stresses in my life have been wearing at me..hopefully I can make some changes that get me out of this rut. atleast the garden is doing /amazing/ this year.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
How's it going pops great pics man! Thought I would swing by and post one too. Keep your head high mang and your thumb green!

Two different phenos of the NHK......




Well-Known Member
How's things cookin' T?
Hope the eye is still well and no more issues... Gotsta see man!!
any good going on in the garden bro?

My vegetable garden is kicking my "herb garden's" ass at the moment...
Had poor germ with rapid rooters on my BMF, but one took, so I am thinking about doing some more NHK.
I dunno, just get bored easily and when something doesn't work I move to the next thing.(I'll get back around to what ever I tried before, just that I hate failure and rejection[which I've had a lot of here lately])

Anywhoo, see ya round and hope all is well with all y'all kush lovers!


Well-Known Member
tied up the diesel pheno , the buds are like over a foot and a half long and almost 3 inches thick, the branches just can't support the utter heavy weights of the bud!!!!

glad I caught it when I did the wind woulda bashed the bud up against the fence. there are always cons to growing outdoors, but you can turn many of these con's into PROS if you know what to do and act on it.


Well-Known Member
can't wait man it's not gonna be long till I start pullin the first plant.

desert valley kush is foxtailing a ilttle bit, but in a unique way. the buds are fuckin THICK.... I might take a new video today, not sure.


Well-Known Member
so I'm a bit bummed it looks like my desert valley kush pollen isn't taking on the pre98 bubba kush or the tahoe. not sure until I harvest the seeded buds and open em up. HOPEFULLY I atleast get a few seeds of each bud or I'll be realllly bummed.

not like I can't get these genetics again, I just really don't like it when my own plans fall through.