A Medicinal Refrigerator


Well-Known Member
So to all who follow my grows, and DIY Madness.
My sister came home this morning and said someone wants to meet me. Her friend Allisen (hottie) has a friend Beth. She went out after work with these 2. Beth is getting involved in a Caregiving Company. They need a GROWER.
I got a call this morning to meet them. One of the two main $ guys was gone, but the other I meet. We talked about my grows, and I explained some of my style. He asked how many plants I could grow. Was kinda dumbfounded on that one. I said it all depends on space. 25 to 30 was what I told him I could do alone, but many more with a helper or two.
I brought a flash drive all pics of Harvested and a few of stuff going. I brought a couple grams of Cleo. He looked at it with a reading mag glass, and remarked on it's crystal. Can't say I've done any kind of job interview like this one.
We talked about my use of these CMH's. I had a spectrum chart too. He doesn't know much about Cannabis as far as this stuff. Simplified, I said more like true Sun light. I told him that quality is my goal, and potency right behind.
I told him I want to start breeding to develop a strain for spasticity. I told him I wanted to do this Caregiving but start very small cause the MS and Home not selling is fucking me.
He wants Hydro also for marketing. I told how I make my own soil mix to save $ and wire my own gear too. I told him how I don't believe in Organics and why. That might be sticky for a lady involved. I may have to do some of that too. He knows it's a marketing BS scam for veggies. I told him I use organic stuff to control bugs if possible. My soil mix is very organic as is. He realized that also.

So the meeting ends with him wanting my plan for a Grow Op.

I need to develop a plan that I can use for a minumum, then be able to add for space and such. So I'm thinking like 5' x 10' for 2 1000 HPS with CMH's added in. Then 2 of the 5' x 10' to fill a 12' x 10' Room. Then have two of these Rooms 5 weeks apart.:mrgreen:

So how would you guys plan a 5' x 10' footprint? I can deal with DWC for some maybe 25% or less. If I can get something like a minimum $ for what I can do, then have some #'s. Like say Level 1 is Veg area with clone and mothers, and dry area too with 1 Flowering Chamber minimum hydro. Level 2 add another chamber. Then I'd have minimum for a Level 3 or more.
I will be making some plans as I just got home and I need to digest this. WOW.


Well-Known Member
I assume 8' height, and you have to carve it up. I think you should do a heath soil grow (vertical stadium, but no hydro, ol, maybe dwc buckets on floor) for flower. Use a 250 CMH at top, and which ever HPS you feel you need in middle. 100 or 250 will prob do. This optimizes your space, and makes financial sense, so the grow op plan looks better. I assume you will need a veg mom chamber and will be making levels like jsgamber. So 5' for flower and 3' for veg\mum\clone, if you could keep the flower cooltube going straight up the middle, and put a 250 CMH in the top without light bleeding over that would rock, but that may be tough. It may be awkward to get to the back of the 3' height but it will optimize space

There's my idea, if I wasn't on my phone or had more time I would try to think of more. I will post up any more thoughts that hit me.


Well-Known Member
I assume 8' height, and you have to carve it up. I think you should do a heath soil grow (vertical stadium, but no hydro, ol, maybe dwc buckets on floor) for flower. Use a 250 CMH at top, and which ever HPS you feel you need in middle. 100 or 250 will prob do. This optimizes your space, and makes financial sense, so the grow op plan looks better. I assume you will need a veg mom chamber and will be making levels like jsgamber. So 5' for flower and 3' for veg\mum\clone, if you could keep the flower cooltube going straight up the middle, and put a 250 CMH in the top without light bleeding over that would rock, but that may be tough. It may be awkward to get to the back of the 3' height but it will optimize space

There's my idea, if I wasn't on my phone or had more time I would try to think of more. I will post up any more thoughts that hit me.
Keep 'em coming.


Well-Known Member
ok, I originally thought it was a large space, then misread it again and thought it was only one 5'x10' area. but i am now rested and i read that there is multiple spaces. so scratch my sectioning idea, you do got multiple rooms. another reason i hate using my phone, but i at least get to keep up with the thread on it.

so then yeah, ditto my flower room idea but replace hps with MH, keep the CMH as well. if you do vertical in center of room, you can have your clones in the outer corners of the veg while the next in line for flower are vegging. this way they dont get blasted with rays. i think a 600watt HPS or MH depending upon the chamber, and a 400watt CMH will be enough for a stadium. but the 1000watt wouldnt hurt :wink:

still thinking! will post up anything else i come up with.


Well-Known Member
Check out Hobbes' pages. He produces a good bit, has a nice set up and is always willing to give advise on anything. Just shoot him a PM and I am sure he could give you some great ideas.


Well-Known Member
this is off topic from your request i read above. i know i give ya a bunch of ideas you couldnt possibly do all of, but i was reading where folks were using old freezers for winter outdoor growing, in a green house of course. but they would either dig up the ground, and place the unit in the hole and fill with soil, or just set on top of the ground, fill with soil, and build a greenhouse around either way. the freezer walls prevent the roots from getting cold. it was a pretty cool read and i thought maybe you could squeeze a few more weeks out of your short montana summers with a free junk freezer or 2. and i am sure you could decorate it up and make it look real nice, for what it is at least. you could probably just set a long deep freezer down on the ground, or just buried about a foot, and build the greenhouse frame right to it.


New Member
ok, I originally thought it was a large space, then misread it again and thought it was only one 5'x10' area. but i am now rested and i read that there is multiple spaces. so scratch my sectioning idea, you do got multiple rooms. another reason i hate using my phone, but i at least get to keep up with the thread on it.

so then yeah, ditto my flower room idea but replace hps with MH, keep the CMH as well. if you do vertical in center of room, you can have your clones in the outer corners of the veg while the next in line for flower are vegging. this way they dont get blasted with rays. i think a 600watt HPS or MH depending upon the chamber, and a 400watt CMH will be enough for a stadium. but the 1000watt wouldnt hurt :wink:

still thinking! will post up anything else i come up with.

!000's with movers and cmh 400 on movers eliminate need for side lighting or any special "stadium" setup as ease of movement is needed on a large grow. IMHHO

Namaste' :poeace:


Well-Known Member
!000's with movers and cmh 400 on movers eliminate need for side lighting or any special "stadium" setup as ease of movement is needed on a large grow. IMHHO

Namaste' :poeace:
That 1000 HPS and CMH on Movers is looking good. I like 2 CMH's better. Think the left (inner) could hang vertically? Yea, Co2 and A/C type of sealed system.
The circles are soil and square are DWC. I have a HPS over them too. 400W or 600W. This would be a 5' x 10' footprint for the mover's light coverage. If it's 8' wide then I have 3' of working room, and space to use up to get to the back row. Thinking 12' long too for room for gear/ wiring. This is Plan 1 for something along my minimum. I'll work up one with a mirrored 5' x 10' using the same 3' walk way. Update on the FrigiDare coming soon too.
Garden 1.png.


Well-Known Member
I got the HPS reflector on and the center tube finished. I was going to use a dome for this Heat Lamp. It wasn't going to work without blocking HPS/CMH. I got it's socket mounted in the 4" 90. I'm hoping this will work. If not I will use it for a green Cfl. to check them during dark. What do you guys think?
Tubes in 001.jpgTubes in 003.jpgTubes in 004.jpgTubes in 006.jpg


Well-Known Member
yo man i just came across your fridge, its looking good.. im gonna follow along the rest of the way if you dont mind.. i love the stelthy grows


New Member
That 1000 HPS and CMH on Movers is looking good. I like 2 CMH's better. Think the left (inner) could hang vertically? Yea, Co2 and A/C type of sealed system.
The circles are soil and square are DWC. I have a HPS over them too. 400W or 600W. This would be a 5' x 10' footprint for the mover's light coverage. If it's 8' wide then I have 3' of working room, and space to use up to get to the back row. Thinking 12' long too for room for gear/ wiring. This is Plan 1 for something along my minimum. I'll work up one with a mirrored 5' x 10' using the same 3' walk way. Update on the FrigiDare coming soon too.
View attachment 1163859.
2 1000's on movers 2 or preferably 3 400 cmh on movers as well is what I meant...sorry I was baked (as usual :eyesmoke:)

A cmh , a 1000, a cmh, a 1000, a cmh all on movers

Looking Good, Run them wires inside the pipe until you get outside the frig.

Dan I am building a frig too; I need butt plates for my fans, I saw where you macgyver a drain cap you picked up next to the sewer pipe items.
I may have to enginer some too, I have installed the fans in wall- flush. well one fan so far. These 4'' radio shack 12v Fans are like almost 5 in sq. (4.75 inches). Yeah I need a way of attaching the 4'' pipe to the fan from the inside. Ya know.. Any other Idea's on how to rigg up a butt plate to the fans?


Well-Known Member
Looking Good, Run them wires inside the pipe until you get outside the frig.

Dan I am building a frig too; I need butt plates for my fans, I saw where you macgyver a drain cap you picked up next to the sewer pipe items.
I may have to enginer some too, I have installed the fans in wall- flush. well one fan so far. These 4'' radio shack 12v Fans are like almost 5 in sq. (4.75 inches). Yeah I need a way of attaching the 4'' pipe to the fan from the inside. Ya know.. Any other Idea's on how to rigg up a butt plate to the fans?

you can make one, i did. here is a thread i did https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/339640-do-yourself-ducting-flange.html. it takes about close to an hour to make. but as we have all found, our special hobby requires some custom parts. i have found i could customize everything i need. whether i do it or not depends on if it is faster, easier, or cheaper made by someone else. good luck buddy.

hey daniels, that stuff is looking good. here is an idea on the heat lamp/green light. get a Y light socket splitter. get a photocell light sensor socket, and a green light. put the heat lamp straight into the Y light splitter, then the green light into the photocell socket, and into the Y splitter. once the lights go out, the green light will come on. i dont think the green light will be enough, or directed towards the photocell enough to prevent it from coming on.