A newb's first room


New Member
Hey guys I was wondering if I could get some pointers on my proposed setup.

First of all it will be in my bedroom (I live with a roommate who isn't cool with weed but we have separate rooms) and our place here in SoCal does not have A/C

Tent: I plan to get the Gorilla Grow Tent 4x4: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-4-x-4-Gorilla-Grow-Tent-12-Extension-IR-Blocker-NOT-Gorilla-LITE-/171394103605?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27e7e27935

Light: I intend to go with LED just because they run so much cooler and are more energy efficient. I know some people swear by MH/HPS and others by LED, but I really would like to run LED. If you want to try to persuade me, feel free, I'll listen. I've been considering the Spectrum King 300 Series: http://spectrumkingled.com/store/#!/Spectrum-King-300-Series-LED-Grow-Light/p/39827478/category=0

Ventilation: This is where I'm currently stuck. Since I plan to run LED it won't be as warm in my tent, but not having A/C will probably make up for that. Also, since the tent will be almost right next to my bed I would like a fan that's relatively quiet so if you have any suggestions there or any tips on how to reduce sound, I'd really appreciate that. I was thinking about this one here, is it decent? http://www.htgsupply.com/Product-Inline- 6in-Fan-by-CAN

Also if anyone has a recommendation for a carbon scrubber let me know. I heard Mountain Air was good and CAN is not so good but that's about all I know

One more thing on ventilation: I always see people debating whether the fan and filter should be on the inside or the outside of the tent and have come to the conclusion that it's just a matter of preference. Any solid reasoning to support one or the other?

Strains: Well this is the fun part! Drop your favorite strain at the end of the post, I'll read into it and perhaps it'll find its way into my tent!

Thanks guys
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Well-Known Member
....first replace the room mate for one who won't fuck everything up for you.

Then proceed as planned.


New Member
Hahaha sometimes I want to. Nah he's cool though, as long as its not all up in his face. We have separate rooms and I'm going to proceed whether or not he knows/cares


New Member
I've spent a lot of time thinking about it.. Probably even too much. But now that you mention it, I'm not really sure if I've been thinking more of the end product or the practicality of it. The roommate isn't going to be an issue so lets just forget I even mentioned that haha. There's enough space in my bedroom even though it would most definitely look awkward. I'm really interested in the process of growing and I want to learn all about it, especially through hands on experience. So I think taking this step would be one of the coolest and most rewarding experiences I've had thus far in my life. I'm also interested in growing my own fruits and vegetables and I'm currently working on getting a plot of land to do so. What do you mean by have you really thought the plan through? You've got me second guessing myself now..


Well-Known Member
Room temps and humidity are the most important thing. Light is all the same but id go with hps, thats just me. Climate is the game changer. Too hot will hirt the plants yield.