A noob's guide to doin it right the 1st time


Well-Known Member
yeah, the water thing is getting to be a pain in the ass. problem is i'm all tapped on funds at the moment :/

well i changed my tanks out today and got all nuted up and whatnot. at first, they did not like the new & improved reservoir environment as i had re-introduced nutes after flushing for about a week. and if you remember i ran out of ph down, so they really didn't like it when i put them in 5.0ph water. they started to droop, but after a while the damage seemed to reverse itself. i can't imagine them being worse of then they were. at this rate, i will be lucky to even get one female.

anyways, while i was changing and cleaning tanks, i took a shot of my roots because root shots are cool. have a look see......



Well-Known Member
ok, well 48 hours later, they look worse. i mixed my nutes at 1/2 strength, and apparently that was too much. today, i changed the tanks yet AGAIN and mixed them 1/8 strength. if they don't straighten up, this grow is over and i'll kill them all. next time i'm going with soil. fuck this hydro shit, it's not all it's cracked up to be.


Well-Known Member
ok, these really are probably too far gone at this point. I had planned on cutting back to 12/12 in a couple of weeks, but at this point i'm not sure they'll even make it that long. i'm really amazed that they have managed to last this long, because i usually kill every plant i try to grow. the only exception to that was an aloe plant i had once, and as we all know, it's impossible to kill those, so it doesn't really count :/

as i said in my previous post, when this grow finally fails, i will wait until after i move and start a soil grow. it kinda sucks cause i have no more AK seeds left. still have some NL though. oh well. so far this has been a big waste of time and an even bigger waste of my money.

the first two are NL, the last three are AK. :fire:



maybe try and take some clones from all those plants... or atleast your AK... then you can just stick the clones in the soil and replace those hydro tubs....


I just got a couple questions. What's the temp like? How's your ph and ppm? Looks to me like they're a bit stressed from heat, and got a bit of a burn going on. Still looks like you can save them, they're not completely gone.


Well-Known Member
well PPM's were a little over 1000, now they're about 550 or so. Ph is 5.2 for NL and 5.4 for the AK. temps are about 87 degrees, even with the cooltube.


Well-Known Member
Don't give up man! Ph is to low, temps are to high. You need to fix those problems, and you will have a chance at saving them...Don't give up! This planet needs more bud!


take clones atleast!!!!

cuz then you're clones will atleast be the same age as the mommies, and you won't have to start with germin seeds all over again!


Well-Known Member
im loving the storyline so far. i just read from start to finish(so far) and cant wait for the next installment. maybe the ladies were jus on the rag or some plant version like it. good luck!


Well-Known Member
ok, so sitting around thinking about what went wrong, i came to the realization that i was not reading the information available to me by the condition of my tanks. in the last 24 hours, i have managed to hold one tank at a steady PPM, which means that i have just the right conditions for my plants. Ph was between 5.5 and 6.5 within that 24 hour time period as well. i guess with my water being so hard, i'm going to have to pay a lot of extra attention to things in order to create a more steady environment. daily adjustments are necessary in order to keep on top of things until everything is dialed in perfectly. :peace:


Well-Known Member
alright, i have managed to maintain a stable tank environment since the last time i posted. kept the PPM's around the same amount even though the plants were drinking, which means that they are feeling better. i have noticed a return in vigorous growth which will hopefully continue like gangbusters. i figure i have probably another week, 2 at the most before i start seeing pre-flowers. i'll post some pics tomorrow, as it's my bedtime! :peace: